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Are the gaiden chapter characters good?

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Athena: I hear she makes a decent Peg Knight... right below Catria on a tier list.

Horace: Good midgame tank. He's basically an earlier/better version of Lorenz.

Etzel: Eh, nothing special, I always make him my 3rd Warp Staff user, he heals decently with Mend and his magic's not bad. His speed sucks though.

Ymir: Decent endgame unit, class swap him to Hero and he can be of some use in H5.

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I think you have plenty

Providing you don't do anything with Ogma and Caesar's class, you have one. And most of the people lining up for Merc are better with it than Ymir.

If you have a spot free though...

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Samson, Astram, Ogma, Caesar are the Mercs right? Then the game gives you an extra slot to use Merc with. I'm pretty sure Ymir is better than most of the candidates because he requires no work for essentially similar/better output. His bases are pretty sweet too.

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