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Strange FE Facts


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But they not even mention them, not even homesick or stuff like that.

In FE7 Lyn scolds Will for not even writing to his parents once she knows that Will left his home.

Rebecca's father is the mayor of a village or something like that (he is a generic villager but does get screen time)

Sonia reveals how she killed Nino's real family. She explains everything and mentions reveals some traits of Nino's parents so you can figure how they were.

Lugh, Chad and Ray in FE6 although they are orphans they talk about the orphanage and how they lived.

Guy talks about her mother and tribe with Louise in supports

Rath talks about his tribe and father with Lyn.

And thats all that come to my mind.

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Still how he got those leadership stars....

Cyas is supposed to be a genius strategist. That's probably how he got all of his leadership stars.

Anyway, I have another strange fact. I'm sure most of us know about Lyn and her great-uncle and nemesis Lundgren, but how many of us know about Lyn Lundgren, the little-known actress? I guess that really isn't a Fire Emblem fact per se, but it is an interesting coincidence.

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She should've got them when she was promoted at the end of part 1. Pelleas could give her some stars so she could command the Daein army. But IS probably wanted to screw Micaiah's team by not giving her any.

Edited by KSFF2150
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1)Still how he got those leadership stars....

2)But he wasn't bad. It was him that asked Galzus to save Mareeta(or the opposite). And how dondon said, he's a tactician, he could maintain more stars, y'know.

1. He is a well known genius tactician. I guess that's why people wouldn't question his leadership, and the fact he boosts his army's morale.

2. Maybe he loses his leadership because he was once part of the Empire? Because he betrayed the Empire by siding with Leaf? No matter how he done it for a good reason, betrayal is betrayal. You should be wary of a traitor. And that's make his leadership more questionable in Leaf's army.

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That's no fun, everything that I'm saying is being discarted.

Also FE5 Chapter 12x is strange, it looks like a whorehouse! See, there are shitloads of thieves, shitloads of hookersdancers, the boss is the big pimp, and there are some securitys, the guys that won't let you progress without an ID!

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That's no fun, everything that I'm saying is being discarted.

Also FE5 Chapter 12x is strange, it looks like a whorehouse! See, there are shitloads of thieves, shitloads of hookersdancers, the boss is the big pimp, and there are some securitys, the guys that won't let you progress without an ID!

But it is a whorehouse

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Actually, it's the base of a thieves' guild.

Same thing, really.


Overpowered bosses in mid-early chapters are just there to show off their AWSUM weapons and to kill you easily without thinking twice if you get near, that's if you are getting constantly sniped by afar, and survive.

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Overpowered bosses in mid-early chapters are just there to show off their AWSUM weapons and to kill you easily without thinking twice if you get near, that's if you are getting constantly sniped by afar, and survive.

...Galzus actually chases after you......... ;_;

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I didn't know Galzus could be recruited so I killed him. Is he good? I want to know if I did a bad thing.

Whut? WHUT?

He is good, GOOD I tell you. XD

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With everyone capping at 20, "best" in terms of raw stats eventually meshes together, especially if you abuse scrolls.

This. Which makes skills, movement/leadership stars and personal weapons shine.

And God, Galzus is damn nice when you think about those.

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In FE10, there are only two enemies you can recruit: Aran and Oliver.

3 if you include Lehran

And the strange thing is that Aran is the only one you really have to walk over to and talk to; Oliver goes to you when Rafiel is in range

, and Lehran joins after you beat the everloving Jesus out of him


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In FE10, there are only two enemies you can recruit: Aran and Oliver.

3 if you include Lehran

not really, since you can recruit Zihark and Jill from the Dawn Brigade to the Greil Mercenaries.

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