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Strange FE Facts


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this isnt really important but something i remembered...in FE8 Vanessas pegasus is named Titania.. O_o

Some names of Pegasi and Wyverns are given throughout the series. Other names I remember:

Florina = Huey

Cormag = Genarog

But still, the pegasus being named after the Jeigan unit of PoR? That's a pretty crazy coincidence...

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I can't remember who I heard it from, but might that be related to the Super Famicom mouse, as in the actual hardware?

I wonder if that has any water to it :o Might be kinda nifty though, if there was some experimental thing or something like that going on.

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FE6 was supposed to have females for every class. That brings down the sexist argument against IS right there. Also, there is this quote from Mia's A support with Largo. I am also surprised that in the whole series, there isn't an amazoness (or however you spell that) tribe or something.

On to something intresting, in FE8, people don't seem to be surprised of random zombies appearing out of nowhere to be beaten, and kept respawning. Just saying.

But we still don't have female pirates and fighters. The amazon class could be the pegasus knights, since its strictly female.

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Why is it that her armor is rounded around the belly, then? Last I checked, ladies did not get a protruding ab that big. (No offense, ladies.)

Well, rounded armor has more defensive qualities than flat armor.

Not that they would be aiming for her stomach, mind you...

Anyway ever notice Nephenee is one of the few characters smart enough to wear a helmet?

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Well, rounded armor has more defensive qualities than flat armor.

Not that they would be aiming for her stomach, mind you...

Anyway ever notice Nephenee is one of the few characters smart enough to wear a helmet?

Hm. I thought armor was supposed to accomidate the physique of the person who wears the armor?

That's true, although I do have to ask how some people get helmets in their battle animations and yet don't have them in their OA or their map sprites...

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Another one, in FE3, Marth's in game sprite didn't wear pants, but in the official artwork for the game, he did wear pants.

The original FE1 artwork didn't have Marth wearing pants. In fact, everything looked a lot more 'greek' back then, and armour knights/generals are more like a Hoplite than a Germanic/European knight.

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I thought of another strande fact.

The main character tends to spend time in another country that ends up helping them in the war.


FE3 book 1:Talys





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The main character tends to spend time in another country that ends up helping them in the war.

I guess you could also say 'clean stuff up' in place of 'spend time', since I don't know about the original storyline, but FEs 4, 6, and 9 all have those nations undergoing some kind of problem (the coup from Zaxon in 4, the dissent of Roartz in 6, and some of the corruption relating to laguz slaves in 9).

Edited by Midir
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