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Strange FE Facts


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These probably aren't that strange but...

-If I'm not mistaken, in FE2 everybody literally had no resistance growth, so the only way to gain magical defense was to get promoted. Res growth was pretty bad in Akaneia as well.

-However, in one of the BS FE games, Camus has an impressive 60% growth in that area.

-Also, FE2 alone seems to have over half of FE's recruitable orange-haired characters.

In FE1 everyone had a base of 0 resistance and 0% growth.

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Selinos (Serenes in the Japanese version) is apparently a province and historical region of Crete. You might want to check Wikipedia for more info.

No clue about the other "purely fictional" names though.

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Alm starts with swords, too, so...

Ah, okay. That makes sense.

Radiant Dawn wasn't first game to feature a magic-using lord. Why must everyone overlook the awesomeness that is Celica?

Because it wasn't released in America like every pre-FE7 game in Japan?

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Because it wasn't released in America like every pre-FE7 game in Japan?

If I'm not wrong, Gaiden is also often underrated among Japanese fans.

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Because it wasn't released in America like every pre-FE7 game in Japan?

That doesn't excuse her from existence, only some players' awareness :/

Actually, that's LOL NES. Most NES games handle only a very, very limited number of simultaneous colors (like 8?), so...


That's the complete amount of colors available for the NES to utilize. Though, for an odd reason, Nintendo wasted the last 11 colors--the index didn't have to be gradients, and all you needed was a single black. That, and the first and second shades of white are nearly alike on any sort of display (keep in mind though that there doesn't seem to be the actual NES palette anywhere, so all the ones in emulators vary from whatever the coder thought was the correct color. Add in that each television can display colors differently from one another...).

As for color limitations, for standard graphics, it was four colors per 16x16 tile. There could be a total of four palette slots, so there could be four different four-palette indexes being used. So up to 16 colors, with a static, non-changing palette. For sprites, it varies on how the game was coded, but the best if can do is the same, but for 8x8 tiles. There's the ability for a single sprite to use all four palette indexes, which would give a sprite 16 colors to use for detail--the same as in SNES and GBA (and DS) games. The only difference is that would be concentrating all palette indexes on a single sprite, which would make all other sprites have to use the same palette, as long as they were loaded on the screen. Not many games would drop out everything to make a highly detailed image (games like Megaman did this a lot though), so most games just utilized as many separate palettes as were possible (in Fire Emblem, this could be one or two: two indexes for red and blue units, one for the cursor, and then a free index to utilize).

Summary FTW~

Edited by Celice
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Most of the characters don't have surnames, birthdays along the Campaign, and I don't think they have parents(except some ppl like Sety, Levin, and some of the 1st Gen in FE4)

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Most of the characters don't have surnames, birthdays along the Campaign, and I don't think they have parents(except some ppl like Sety, Levin, and some of the 1st Gen in FE4)

They have parents the just never mentions them.

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Then you're right. It would be kind of pointless to have the parents there if they weren't important to the story.

But they not even mention them, not even homesick or stuff like that.

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That would be a good time. Nino talk about her parents (Sonia and Brendan Reed) in her support conversations I think.

Yeah, but they were enemies and were on-screen. A lot, IMO.

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But they still mentioned one of the character's parents.

Yes, but still.

Also I think it's kinda weird that no one celebrates their birthdays.

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In the middle of the war?

Intermissions, ffs.

It's not like the path from one chapter to the other is filled with battles.

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Actually, I could easily recall some things about family members from FE people that are off screen.

- Lyn's parents from her tribe - both killed by Bandits.

- Neimi's grandfather - an expert with the bow.

- Fir's mother (Karla - back when the game was made she was off screen)

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