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Strange FE Facts


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Actually, I could easily recall some things about family members from FE people that are off screen.

- Lyn's parents from her tribe - both killed by Bandits.

- Neimi's grandfather - an expert with the bow.

- Fir's mother (Karla - back when the game was made she was off screen)

Now that you mentioned it, I think that they've planned to include him somehow. Prepromoted, perhaps.

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Ike and Mist's parents are mentioned in their two games but they are kind of important.

Boyd, Oscar and Rolf's parents are mentioned in a base conversation in RD where we find out that Rolf is Oscar and Boyd's step-brother. Rolf's mother is in that conversation.

Meg's father is playable but we don't know about her mother.

Soren and Micaiah were most likely abandoned by their parents

because they're branded.

They do mention the people that raised them.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Boyd, Oscar and Rolf's parents are mentioned in a base conversation in RD where we find out that Rolf is Oscar and Boyd's step-brother. Rolf's mother is in that conversation.

It's also mentioned that their mother also ran off with another man, leaving their dying father to, well, die...

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FE takes place in the middle ages; did they even know about birthdays back then?

Well, if they have the Jugdral Chronology....

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FE takes place in the middle ages; did they even know about birthdays back then?

Of course they knew about birthdays. It's kind of difficult not to know about the day when people are born. Whether or not they celebrated them is another story (I think birthday celebrations started early in the middle ages, but I could be wrong).

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Whether or not they celebrated them is another story (I think birthday celebrations started early in the middle ages, but I could be wrong).

Quoting wikipedia(might be wrong, who knows?)


It is thought the large-scale celebration of birthdays in Europe began with the non-Christian cult of Mithras, which originated in Persia, and was spread by soldiers throughout the Roman Empire. Such celebrations were uncommon previously so practices from other contexts such as the Saturnalia were adapted for birthdays.[citation needed]

Because many Roman soldiers took to Mithraism, it was distributed widely and its influence was spread throughout the empire until it was supplanted by Christianity.

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FE4's enemy authority stars don't make sense. Macbeth lord of Anthony has one star but Volvo his hired mercanary has three.

Maybe it's because McBeth has no authority whatsoever :P

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You fight Jill's father in PoR.

Rhys talks about his parents in one of his supports with Titania.

Marcia and Makalov briefly mention their parents in a base convo in PoR.

Tormod and Sothe are orphans (I think). Tormod was raised by Muarim and Sothe grew up on the streets of Nevassa.

Micaiah should've gotten at least one authority star (maybe 2) for being the general of the Daein army in part 3.

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Tormod and Sothe are orphans (I think). Tormod was raised by Muarim and Sothe grew up on the streets of Nevassa.

This they were. And then Sothe met Micaiah, and then Micaiah left to keep Sothe safe. Little did she know that would backfire and that Sothe would try to find her...

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There are only 7 enemies in FE10 that use dark magic. The boss of 3-3, two druids in 3-8, 3 druids in 4-1, and Izuka in 4-5.

Sanaki is the only magic user that can't use staves (I've only played FEs 7-10 so I could be wrong about this).

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Sanaki is the only magic user that can't use staves (I've only played FEs 7-10 so I could be wrong about this).

Most male Mage Fighters in FE4 can't use staves. And considering that's the promoted class...

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How Cyas' has 10 Leadership/Authority Star Points?


Also, Poison Axes lose their effect while in you hands because the poison activate in contact with vile skin.

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Most male Mage Fighters in FE4 can't use staves. And considering that's the promoted class...

That's pretty bad. Do they have better growths or stats that compensate for their lack of staves?

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That's pretty bad. Do they have better growths or stats that compensate for their lack of staves?

Their only in the second generation so it depends on their parents.

I'm well aware of that, but HOW?

Because he's

Alvis's son.

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Because he's

Alvis's son.

And what the hell he did to:

1)Not being able to be a king (or something among those lines)?

2)Lose authority while being in your party?

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And what the hell he did to:

1)Not being able to be a king (or something among those lines)?

2)Lose authority while being in your party?

1. He's

secretly Alvis's son.

It's not out in the open for every one to know.

2. Because he was fighting for the enemy who was working with Loputousu and

he's a decendant of Loputousu.

Leaf was fighting Loputousu so he had less power.

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1. He's

secretly Alvis's son.

It's not out in the open for every one to know.

2. Because he was fighting for the enemy who was working with Loputousu and

he's a decendant of Loputousu.

Leaf was fighting Loputousu so he had less power.

1)Still how he got those leadership stars....

2)But he wasn't bad. It was him that asked Galzus to save Mareeta(or the opposite). And how dondon said, he's a tactician, he could maintain more stars, y'know.

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