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Stefan is one of the most skilled swordsmen on the continent of Tellius, fighting with the blade Vague Katti. His skills are formidable when he enters battle, however he rarely associates himself with either beorc or laguz. His secluded personality is probably due to his heritage; he is, after all, the product of a lion and a human, marked as a branded.


In Path of Radiance

First seen when observing the Gallian beast tribe's Lethe and Mordecai, Stefan shows interest in those of the beast tribe. He then decides to tag along with Ike's troop out of curiosity. Stefan catches Ike's attention quickly, causing Ike to ask who the mysterious green-haired man is. Stefan replies by saying that he joined after the battle in the sands. He then remarks that Ike's skill with the blade is unique, yet he hesitates when in battle. Stefan offers to perfect Ike's way of the sword, and Ike graciously accepts Stefan's invitation.

Although his skills with the sword belie his true heritage, Stefan is a branded. He shows his grudge towards the laguz by commenting on how they call him "parentless" while conversing with Mordecai. Stefan, instead, prefers to dwell with the beorc, because the beorc, at least, don't deny the fact that they share the same blood.

In Radiant Dawn

Over time, Stefan isolates himself more and more, eventually only speaking to those that are similar to him. Stefan is persuaded by Lethe and Mordecai to aid in the fight against Ashera, but not before they politely remark that they're happy to see Stefan wasn't turned into stone. Besides Lethe and Mordecai, Stefan also appears before Micaiah, who resembles Stefan in the way that they're both branded.

Before the final battle, Yune confronts Stefan and ponders over his mysterious origins. Stefan tells Yune, who is currently using Micaiah's body as a host, about his origins as a branded and how he was treated like he didn't exist when around laguz. He then tells her about the teachings of common folk: union between a beorc and laguz is a crime to the goddess. Yune smirks that she's never heard of such a thing. Stefan ends up laughing manically, to Yune's surprise. Stefan then tells her what he finds funny. He exclaims that all of the abuse, persecution, and isolation happened all over a lie. He ends by asking what there isn't to laugh at.

When the fight with Ashera is over, Stefan gathers those similar to him and settles down in their own tiny village. That same little village would eventually become a great country.


Again, I would love help on the Radiant Dawn section. XD Oh shizz, I found it: the game script that is. >_> It just doesn't have the part I need right now.


Edited by Eltoshen
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however he merely associates himself with either beorc or laguz

I keep reading that and I know what you mean, I think, but it doesn't quite sound right. You're trying to say he doesn't associate himself with beorc or laguz often, right? I think a more generic "rarely" might suit, since I'd associate merely with "small" or "limited" (although, it sounds like the same thing from what I'm trying to say...).

First seen when observing the Gallion beast tribe's Lethe and Mordecai

Should that be "Gallian"? I don't know if they use "Gallion" in RD or something though, or if that's the proper term.

Stefan catches Ike's attention quickly, therefore causing Ike to ask who the mysterious green-haired man is

Not sure if therefore is needed. I think this sentence doesn't warrant emphasising ^^;;;

because the beorc, at least, don't deny the fact that they share blood.

"Share blood" sounds a bit odd, or general. Maybe "share the same blood"?

I'll also look for the remaining script, if you haven't found it already by that time : )

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Here you go : )

Hello! How can I help?
What? Who--
You and I were born under the same fate.
"Same fate"? Do you also carry the mark?
Indeed. I don't know who you are fighting, or why. But attacking my kin in the desert is the same as attacking me. I will not let them leave this place alive.
My friend... May I ask your name?
When you ask someone's name, isn't it proper to give your name first?
S-sorry. I'm Micaiah.
And I am Stefan. Well met. Let's go.

I remember you!
What a pleasure to see you again, noble dame of Gallia.
It's Lethe. I see that you were spared from petrification. I'm glad.
Petrification? I'd like to hear more about that, but there seems to be some sort of battle on.
We only seem to run into each other when I'm fighting for my life.
Sorry I don't have the time to catch up.
Ah, well, that's easily fixed. I shall help you win the battle, so we can talk properly. How does that sound?
Sounds just like old times. It's good to fight with you again, Stefan.

Stefan! What are you doing here?
That's what I was about to ask you!
I came to see what all the noise in my desert was about.
Ah, so you didn't get turned to stone! That is very good!
Stone? What are you talking about? I suppose you'll have to fill me in later.
Let's fight off the enemy together.
Good! Mordecai is happy to fight with Stefan again!
And I as well, Mordecai.

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Oops, I think I kind of messed up the script. It's Mordecai and Lethe who are glad that Stefan isn't petrified ^^;;;

Also, I think it would be alright to remove the comma before "Vague Katti".

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