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Zelgius and Sephrain


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Notes: I didn't look at the submissions of others but I wrote all my articles with the assumption the reader is familiar with the game the characters are in. This is also why I didn't mark this thread for spoilers so...yeah =D

I'll have another article posted later today.

EDIT: My next two articles are my Greil/Gawain Article and my Lehran/Sephiran Article.

Zelgius and Sephiran


One is a high ranking knight of the Begnion Empire. The other, the Duke of Persis in the Begnion Empire. Despite the power, prestige and honors Zelgius gained as a citizen and solider in the service of Begnion, the only man whose will he will bend to without question, without hesitation is Sephiran's.


No time table is given but it's believed the two met after Zelgius become a renowned Knight of Daein. The two met privately inside a room where Zelgius confided in Sephiran about his past youth before he came to Daein and in the process reveals that he is one of the Branded—one born of a Beorc parent and Laguz parent.

Zelgius always wears armor because his mark, or Brand is located on his lower back. Upon learning this Sephiran apologizes for the shame Zelgius has had to live with. It's never actually stated doing their first meeting but it's possible Sephiran tells Zelgius he is really Lehran who, together with Altina (Begnion's first Empress) were the first to break the taboo that Beorc and Laguz were forbade from mating. In the end Zelgius agrees to leave Daein with Sephiran.

Sometime after their first meeting, the two enter a town that appears to have been the site of a massacre. Zelgius is shocked when he recognizes the unconscious man who appeared to have been the one who committed this atrocity: Gawain, his old Commander. Sephiran inspects the woman lying dead next to Gawain and notices she is holding Lehran's Medallion. Before he can retrieve it, their children—a young Ike and Mist—emerge from a nearby house.

Ike is horrified at the sight of the carnage. Mist, too young to understand what happened grabs the medallion and takes it inside. Sephiran is relieved when he notices it has no ill effect on her. After burying their mother and moving Gawain inside, Sephiran erases the memory of what happened from Ike and Mist's memories.

The two are not seen together until after Crimea falls during the Mad King's War. Zelgius—under the guise of the Black Knight—has a chance meeting with Sephiran. Sephiran helps Ranulf escape certain death at the hands of the then-infamous Daein Rider. "You will not harm this one, correct?" the Duke asks the Black Knight. Zelgius says nothing in return as Ranulf makes a hasty exit.

After the Mad King's War, the two are not mentioned until the war between Begnion and the Laguz Alliance. When corrupt senators seize power in Begnion, Sephiran is imprisoned. Upon learning this, Zelgius leaves in the middle of a battle to free his master. It is at this point that Sephiran decides that it's time the world know the wrath of the Goddess Ashera.

Depending on what the player does from their second play through on, they will get a second cut scene after the first upon defeating Zelgius. Also from their second play through on, Sephiran will join the final battle along side the player upon fulfilling certain conditions.

Edited by Aurabolt
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When corrupt senators seize power in Begnion, Sephiran is imprisoned. Upon learning this, Zelgius leaves in the middle of a battle to free his master. It is at this point that Sephiran decides that it's time the world know the wrath of the Goddess Ashera.

I never play FE10, so I don’t really know about the story. But I was under impression that Sephiran already decided his mind to awaken Ashera after the Serenes Massacre happened. That’s why he masterminded these two wars in the first place. Or am I wrong?

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I think the article looks pretty good. I haven't read it thoroughly to start nit-picking details though : P

However, I think the history section could use a little bit more detail overall. Although it might be because of this:

but I wrote all my articles with the assumption the reader is familiar with the game the characters are in. This is also why I didn't mark this thread for spoilers so...yeah =D

In any case, I'll just pick one example at random:

The two are not seen together until after Crimea falls during the Mad King's War. Zelgius—under the guise of the Black Knight—has a chance meeting with Sephiran. Sephiran helps Ranulf escape certain death at the hands of the then-infamous Daein Rider.

To start with, you could briefly mention what Zelgius was doing in the war. Eg. He was ordered to stop Ike from fleeing Crimea, was it? However, he was stopped by Ranulf and a battle ensued. Then maybe briefly describe what Sephiran says to Zelgius, since it seemed pretty important to me.

Then again, those kind of details might be better saved for an individual character article : o

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The Mad King's War was Ashnard's idea. He knew all about Lehran's Medallion and the both means of releasing the power sealed inside it. I go into this in more detail in another article I'm writing. I'm 100% sure Sephiran hated Ashnard and this of course excludes how/where he met Ike during the war.

Sephiran decided to awaken Ashera after the Serenes Massacre. The problem there was Mishaea (I'm sure I misspelled that)--Michaiah and Sanaki's Grandmother and 36th Empress of Begnion--was the only person he knew of that could sing the Galdr of Awakening. Problem there was of course, she was assassinated and Sanaki lacked the Lyrics needed for the Galdr. Add to that no one knew about Michaiah (who was the true heir to Begnion) and her connection to Begnion until after Ashera's Judgement and...yeah.


Too much detail will spoil things for people and I obviously held back there. Because this article is about two people and not two people including one of those person's alter egoes, I didn't go into detail about Zelgius being the black knight.

Trust me--to keep things accurate I got my hands on a copy of both Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance's Game Scripts. The fact that this article is about two people is what kept me from elaborating too much on either or's specifics. I should have also mentioned Ike and Zelgius' *BRIEF* meeting in PoR but I didn't.

I have a few more duo articles to do so if you notice missing information, hopefully this answers that.

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Too much detail will spoil things for people and I obviously held back there. Because this article is about two people and not two people including one of those person's alter egoes, I didn't go into detail about Zelgius being the black knight.

Trust me--to keep things accurate I got my hands on a copy of both Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance's Game Scripts. The fact that this article is about two people is what kept me from elaborating too much on either or's specifics. I should have also mentioned Ike and Zelgius' *BRIEF* meeting in PoR but I didn't.

I have a few more duo articles to do so if you notice missing information, hopefully this answers that.

Haha, don't worry. I kind of figured, but I just wanted to make sure.

Upon learning this Sephiran apologizes for the same Zelgius has had to live with

What does this mean?

I'm wondering if there's any more details you could add about their relationship. I can't think of any right now, since I'm not too familiar with RD, but one thing that stood out to me was

Lehran's death- he mutters something about joining Zelgius? I know Zelgius mentions Lehran or Sephiran's name when he dies.

I don't know if that equates to much though.

Basically, for a duo article, I was expecting some more mentions about the duo's relationship. Of course, this is the first such article, so I didn't have anything to base my expectations on. Also, there might not be anything more to describe.

In any case, the only "bad" thing that I've noticed is that the paragraphs are relatively short. Do you think it would be possible to fuse some of them together? For instance, in the History section, the 3rd and 4th could be joined. For the others, you'll probably need something slightly more clever though.

Edited by VincentASM
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In any case, the only "bad" thing that I've noticed is that the paragraphs are relatively short. Do you think it would be possible to fuse some of them together? For instance, in the History section, the 3rd and 4th could be joined. For the others, you'll probably need something slightly more clever though.

But short phrases/paragraphs are good for reading ease. >:

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I can do the 'ol Wall-O-Text quite easily and resisted doing that. I've done duo articles before but since I am also doing an article on Sephirain/Lehran, I'll delve more into him with that one.

I didn't think this need to be said but you're welcome to change/add/remove anything as necessary without my approval. I'm not like alot of emo "I MUST BY EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT!" wierdos I've worked with in the past =D

Oh, and that's a typo I'm about to fix. I'll be sure to flame the guy I asked to proof read the above article. It's supposed to say "Shame".

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Though my input really means nothing, (I'm not the one making calls on them) I like your article.

Something that might be mentionable, Zelgius does also have a noble rank, like Sephiran's. It says he's Count Kadohl. Now, it might be menitioable; then again it might not, it's not really that important of a detail. It's your article, so feel free to ignore me.

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but one thing that stood out to me was Lehran's death- he mutters something about joining Zelgius? I know Zelgius mentions Lehran or Sephiran's name when he dies.

Zelgius says something like "...phiran, I will be waiting for you.". Sephiran's dying words are "At last, I am dying", but I don't recall everything he says in the dialogue after E-4.

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Another thing that I should have mentioned.

Depending on what the player does from their second play through on, they will get a second cut scene after the first upon defeating Zelgius. Also from their second play through on, Sephiran will join the final battle along side the player upon fulfilling certain conditions.

This paragraph seems a bit out of place to me. For one, a bit it's out-of-universe, which is a bit odd considering the rest of the article. Also, I'm not too sure how it ties up with the duo theme, since it just seems to be describing Zelgius's end and then Sephiran's end. Although I guess both their "ends" do occur quite close to one another.

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However, if you don't include the paragraph, the article seems to end a little abruptly. Then again, it seems to leave quite a sinister cliff-hanger. Maybe I will remove it then : o



I decided to remove the mention about Lehran and Altina being together, to reduce the sentence length and to reduce unnecessary info/spoilers. I was thinking I should explain who Lehran is, for that sentence, but I couldn't think of anything. If you think I should mention it and have an idea, feel free to tell me ^^

Edited by VincentASM
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