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Sofiya (FE6/7)


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I kind of added the FE7 part at the last minute. I'm not really sure how to connect the two parts otherwise, so I just used the easy way and separated them.


Sofiya is a priestess that resides in the hidden, utopian village of Nabata. Although she appears human, she possesses draconic blood, which allows her to sense other dragons and grants her a prolonged lifetime. She also has the ability to see into the future, although her visions are usually murky. Sofiya pauses often when speaking and is shy in front of others, which is unsurprising since she lived in such an isolated place.


In Blazing Sword

Sofiya makes a brief cameo appearance, as Eliwood and Hector head for their final battle at Valor, the Dread Isle. When someone visits a particular set of ruins, she suddenly appears and asks if Archsage Athos is present. As Athos is not around at that point, Sofiya apologises for her mistake and offers the visitor a Talisman. She then tells them not to give up, for the future of the continent, and swiftly disappears. Compared to in Sword of Seals, her appearance is virtually the same, although she is slightly shorter and her colours appear more washed out. The latter, coupled with the expression that many characters have when meeting her, suggest that she might have been communicating using a projection.

In Sword of Seals

Twenty years later, during their invasion of Elibe, the Kingdom of Bern discover the hidden village of Arcadia, deep within the Nabata desert, and mount a surprise attack upon it. Their forces are outnumbered, but they manage to capture a citizen of Arcadia, Sofiya. Sofiya is taken to an old castle to the west of the Missur peninsula, where she is confined to await further interrogation. Around the same time, Cecilia's troops capture the castle and use it as a stronghold in their battle against Bern and the Etrurian turncoats. Eventually Cecilia faces off against Zephiel, the king of Bern, and is defeated. Bern then proceeds to recapture the castle and Cecilia is confined in the same prison cell as Sofiya.

After time passes, Cecilia wakes up and discovers that her wounds had been treated to, although crudely, by Sofiya. Sofiya tells her not to worry about their difficult situation, because a "light" will soon come to save them. When asked who she is, Sofiya states that she is a priestess from Arcadia and that she will explain more later. As Sofiya foretold, help eventually comes in the form of Roy and the Allied Army. Sofiya then keeps her promise and tells Roy and Cecilia about herself. She explains that she comes from Arcadia, the legendary village where human and dragons co-exist. It seems Bern found out about the village and attacked it, and Sofiya was caught as a consequence. Sofiya then pleads to Roy to save Arcadia, and Roy accepts to show his gratitude for helping Cecilia. Soifya then leads the Allied Army towards Arcadia and accompanies them in their forthcoming battle as well.

If the Allied Army reaches Arcadia in time, Sofiya senses that the village's divine weapon is still safe and directs the army to the temple where it rests. Inside the temple, she explains that Archsage Athos, of the Eight Legends, was the one who stumbled upon the temple and that his divine weapon was hidden here. When Roy wonders if it's alright to use his weapon, Sofiya states that Athos had given them permission to use his weapon to protect Arcadia. After defeating Bern's forces within the temple and reaching the divine weapon's altar, Sofiya tells Roy that only citizens of Arcadia can unlock the altar and she obtains the divine weapon, Forblaze, for him. With the battles at Missur over, Sofiya's presence disappears, although she contines to fight within the Allied Army.

Although Sofiya hasn't had much contact with the outside world, she believes that the people in the Allied Army are mostly all good people. When speaking with Igraine, she comments about wanting to be friends with the outside people and hopes that one day humans and dragons can live together in harmony, just like in Arcadia. Within the Allied Army, she is approached by Ray, who wonders what spell books she uses, but she initially pushes him aside when he tries to get close. Afterwards, she offers him a rare dark tome, and later explains that she gave it to him because she believes that deep down he has a kind heart. Niime also takes an interest in Sofiya, and asks her many questions about herself and her village. In the end, Niime remarks that Sofiya is actually a strong person and very much like herself in the past.

Besides her friends in Arcadia, the most important person to Sofiya is possibly Roy. In their supports, Sofiya worries about him because she senses a bad omen. She tells Roy that it might be a good idea to stay away from the front lines to be on the safe side, but Roy states that he cannot because of his trust for his allies. Later, she apologises for causing needless bother to Roy. However, Roy thanks Sofiya instead, saying that he could have gotten seriously hurt if he hadn't taken her advice, and encourages her to continue warning him. Eventually, Sofiya confesses that her foresight is weak and that she doesn't want Roy to get hurt because of it. He tells her not to worry, saying that he'll try not to rely on her powers too much and that he wants to see her happy more than her powers.

Once the war comes to an end, Sofiya returns to Nabata and is unheard from again. However, if paired with Roy, she instead accompanies him back to Pherae, and the two are later married. Afterwards, as the lord's wife, her wise decisions played an important role in the reconstruction of Lycia.

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He tells her not to worry, saying that he'll try not to rely on her powers too much and that he wants to see her happy more than her powers.

Hrm...it seems like you're saying the "power" has happiness. Maybe...

"He tells her not to worry, promising that he'll try not to rely on her powers too much and (mentions/remarks/comments/etc...) that her happiness is more important to him than her powers will ever be."

Oh yeah, I was just wondering if Sofiya's conversation with Hawkeye had anything to add in FE7: when Hawkeye enters that village.

Edited by Eltoshen
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Guest LightBrand99

"The latter, coupled with the expression that many characters have when meeting her, suggest that she might have been communicating using a projection."

!!! I have never noticed that. Even though it makes perfect sense. She wouldn't leave the village unless the situation becomes really dangerous (like in FE6). I wonder if it's a dragon/half-dragon ability since Jahn uses it as well.

Seriously, this article is great. I learned a lot of new stuff when reading it.

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Hrm...it seems like you're saying the "power" has happiness. Maybe...

"He tells her not to worry, promising that he'll try not to rely on her powers too much and (mentions/remarks/comments/etc...) that her happiness is more important to him than her powers will ever be."

I think I know what you mean, but I can't seem to see it. I'll try rewording it later anyway.

Oh yeah, I was just wondering if Sofiya's conversation with Hawkeye had anything to add in FE7: when Hawkeye enters that village.

Besides the fact that Sofiya knew Hawkeye, which probably isn't surprising since she knew Igrene, not really I think. I could probably fit in a mention, but I think it would be slightly out of place.

!!! I have never noticed that. Even though it makes perfect sense. She wouldn't leave the village unless the situation becomes really dangerous (like in FE6). I wonder if it's a dragon/half-dragon ability since Jahn uses it as well.

I actually wasn't too sure whether to add that, because it was entirely speculative. Glad to see that someone agrees ^^

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