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Greil and Gawain


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My apologies if this is a double post. If it is, delete this thread.


-The Admin of Serenes Forest has full editing rights to all my articles.

-All my articles are written with the pretense the reader has cleared one or both games the aforementioned character is in.

-Please let me know if there is anything major that I missed!



To Ike, Mist and the Greil Mercenaries he was a father, tactician and warrior of incredible strength. To certain circles inside Daein and Begnion, he was General Gawain, one of the Four Riders of Daein.


Originally, Greil was a citizen of Daein. He worked his way up the ranks of the Daein Army where he became General Gawain, one of the Four Riders of Daein. The Four Riders were the most powerful soldiers in Daein and the Royal Family's most trusted vassals. It's not known when but it's most likely while in Daein he met and married Elena, Ike and Mist's mother.

Sometime after the Serenes Massacre, Elena was asked by King Ashnard to help a Heron Princess he had captive. The two came to trust each other to the point where the Heron Princess entrusted Lehran's medallion to Elena. Shortly after, the Heron died. Realizing the danger they were in, Elena and Gawain fled Daein. The two moved to Gallia and it is around this time Gawain changed his name to Greil. Ike and Mist were born to them and Greil began to look for work in the Crimea.

Alas, this young family would not stay content for long. Perhaps taken by curiosity, Greil picked up the Medallion they took from Daein. The moment he held it, his mind was shattered. Taking up his sword in his other hand, he cut down everyone in town. A group of trained soldiers from Daein came to subdue him and take back the Medallion by force. He killed them all with ease. Elena finally took it from his hands at the cost of her life.

When the ex-General regained his senses he was horrified at the atrocity he committed. To prevent a second tragedy, he slashed the tendons of his sword arm and hired Volke to kill him if he should ever go mad under the medallion's influence again. He moved to Crimea with his family where he created the Mercenary Guild Greil's Mercenaries. Because he could not wield a sword he chose Urvan, a powerful axe as his new weapon.

Shortly after Crimea fell during the Mad King's War, fate saw it fit that then Princess Elincia would hire the Greil Mercenaries to escort her to Gallia's King Cainghis. With Daein hot on their heels, Greil leads the guild and their client into Gallia, where Daein's Army would dare not follow. To increase the guild's chances of safely delivering their client Greil orders Ike to escort the Princess further into Gallia while he, Gatrie and Shinon diverts the Daein soldiers away from them. It's during this time Greil chances on Mia, frees her from captivity and hires her.

After getting Elincia to safety, Ike and the rest of the guild catch up to their leader inside an abandoned castle. They enter to find Greil holding his own against General Petrine, one of Daein's Four Riders. Realizing she cannot overcome the legendary ex-General's brute strength, she orders he soldiers to take him and the the guild. Before that can happen, Ranulf and a group of soldiers from Gallia enter the castle and chase away most of the Daein soldiers.

Petrine refuses to stand down at first but when the Black Knight arrives, she withdraws from the area. Greil and the Black Knight exchange glances with each other. No doubt Greil himself knew the identity of the man concealed in Ebon Armor. Later that night Greil and Ike talk about the future of the guild as they walk into the forest. Greil commends Ike for a job well done thus far before going further into the forest alone.

It turns out the Black Knight was waiting for him in the forest. Greil takes out Urvan and the two clash blades—Urvan against Aldontite. Despite the obvious disadvantage Greil's weapon has against his opponent's, he holds his own for the time being. Displeased with the way their duel is going, the Black Knight takes a sword from his pack--the Holy Sword Ragnell--and offers it to Greil. "Here, use this." he says.

"I've got everything I need right here." Greil replies as he brandishes Urvan.

"Do you want to die?" The Black Knight asks in amazement. "General Gawain of the Daein Army."

"That WAS my name." Greil replies with a hint of amusement. But I threw it away. I know who you are. Do you really think you can take me, boy?" Ike knew that one day he would replace his father as leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Fate decided that the day would come much sooner than anyone expected. In an instant, the duel is ended. With one swift blow, the Black Knight impales Greil with Aldontite.

"Is that all there is?" he asks in disappointment as he removes his sword. Mortally wounded, Greil begs Ike to forget about avenging him and take care of his sister and the Guild. As Ike carries him back to the place where the guild is staying, Greil dies. They bury him nearby and use his favorite axe as a grave marker.

Although Ike technically didn't honor is father's last wishes in Radiant Dawn, it may have been his father's memory that spares King Caineghis Ashera's from Judgement. When he and Giffca meet up with the other survivors he presents Ike with Urvan, saying he had a feeling he would have need of the last part of his farther still in this world.

When Ike defeated Zelgius he learned the reason he wanted to fight Greil (while disguised as the Black Knight) was like Ike, he was trained by Greil when they were soldiers in Daein. He was unaware that between when they were soldiers in Daein and when they fought that night, Greil crippled himself. When Zelgius learns Ike had been trained by his old master, he becomes hopeful of once again seeing the rare form of swordplay most only know after they've been slain by it. Ike asks Zelgius if he could see his father in his swordsmanship. Zelgius commends him, saying he did and that Greil couldn't have chosen a better person to carry on his legacy.

Edited by Aurabolt
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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Looks good.

I did notice one thing.

fate saw it fit that then Princess Elincia hire the Greil Mercenaries to escort her to Gallia's King Cainghis.

Caineghis is typo'ed.

It also might be worth mentioned that during Greil's time as one of the Four Riders, he trained Zelgius since that's why he wanted to fight Greil. But that's just my opinion. It's the admin's call.

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"That WAS my name," Greil replies with a hint of amusement, "but I threw it away. I know who you are. Do you really think you can take me, boy?" Ike knew that one day he would replace his father as leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Fate decided that the day would come much sooner than anyone expected. In an instant, the duel is ended. With one swift blow, the Black Knight impales Greil with Alondite.

You're missing the quotes after amusement, and the period after name should be a comma, otherwise the next sentence would be a fragment. I marked the changes in bold.

And I fixed Alondite's misspelling for you.

Edited by Eltoshen
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Shortly after, she died.

Maybe you could state which one died. It's obvious after this sentence though, and for those with a decent memory of the game. However, it does seem a bit odd to me.

Alas, this young family would not stay content for long. Perhaps taken by curiosity, Greil picked up the Medallion they took from Daein. The moment he held it, his mind was shattered. Taking up his sword in his other hand, he cut down everyone in town. When a group of trained soldiers came to subdue him he killed them all with ease. Elena finally took it from his hands at the cost of her life.

Curiousity is a valid possibility. However, I think he might have meant to or accidentally touched it when the trained soldiers came to defeat him. Otherwise it seems too much of a coincidence to have the trained soldiers come right when Greil touched the medallion.

Shortly after Crimea fell during the Mad King's War, fate saw it fit that () Princess Elincia (would?) hire the Greil Mercenaries to escort her to Gallia's King Cainghis.

I wasn't too sure what you meant in the original sentence. I assume you mean something like this, but I might be wrong.

Greil commends Ike for a job well done thus far(,) before go(ing) ahead further into the forest alone.
It turns out the Black Knight was waiting for him (in the forest).
it may have been his father's memory that spares King Caineghis (from) Ashera's Judgement

Although I think it was just because he was strong, but that's a good observation.

the rare form (of) swordplay most only know after they've been slain by it.
Zelgius commends him, saying (he) has and that Greil couldn't have chosen a better person to carry on his legacy.
When Ike defeated Zelgius he learned the reason he wanted to fight Greil (while disguised as the Black Knight) was like Ike

You probably don't need what's in the bracket. That, or maybe you should mention that Zelgius is the Black Knight towards the beginning of this sentence.

Anyway, I think the article was good. I did notice that some of the movie quotes seem a bit off. I have the transcripts here, although you should bear in mind they aren't 100% accurate either (however, I did obtain them from the game data, so they should be quite accurate).

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All the quotes are full quotes but I'm sure I did two of them out of sequence. I can't believe I used the same script you did and messed that up XD

I have also given the Beta Writer I used a serious beating in World of Warcraft so...yeah.

The last one I disagree with. Well technically thr sentance would work weather or not the comma is there. I used it so there would be a pause after what I put in parentheses. Here's what that sentance would look like without the parentheses or Comma:

"When Ike defeated Zelgius he learned the reason he wanted to fight Greil was like Ike he was trained by Greil when they were soldiers in Daein."

Now tell me that isn't a run-on sentance =D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, that's kind of my mistake. I must have erased the comma when quoting it. Just ignore that ^^;;;


I took my time, but I finally added a page for it.

I was a bit more liberal this time and ended up rewriting most of the fateful battle, since I thought using too many quotes seemed a bit odd for an article. Hopefully it works this way ^^;;;

Also, I renamed the article for a few reasons.

Edited by VincentASM
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Though it probably matters little, there are a few small technicalities I noticed wrong in that. Mostly just regarding the dialogue for the battle between Greil and the Black Knight, but one other thing:

"Greil takes out Urvan and the two clash blades—Urvan against Aldontite. Despite the obvious disadvantage Greil's weapon has against his opponent's, he holds his own for the time being. Displeased with the way their duel is going, the Black Knight takes a sword from his pack--the Holy Sword Ragnell--and offers it to Greil."

Actually, in the cutscene, the Black Knight originally is using Ragnell against Greil before throwing it and offering it to him and drawing Alondite.

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