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So I got my DVD Recorder to work ...


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For your friend's Diddy:

Tell your friend to use bananas. Learn glide-tossing and watch some Ninjalink.

For your friend's Toon Link:

Tell him to quit that "upB in the air for kills" stuff.

Also tell him to quit that "dair every time somebody's below him" stuff. People really expect it now and it generally doesn't work offline, as you may attest.

For your Ike:

Resist the urge to use dair unless you know you won't be punished for it on landing lag.

You got shieldgrabbed for off fair spacing sometimes. Maximize the range the move has and try to always land it from the safest distance.

Quickdraw is generally bad except for some situations where it beats aether for recovery. Find other stuff to approach with and use it like almost never.

For your Falcon:

What the crap are you doing using uptaunt.

Go easy on the knee and get more precise with it. Try using upair to approach instead.

In general:

Eventually somebody's going to figure out your rolling pattern and punish you for it. Try to go some games without it for practice.

Avoid kill moves at low percents, you'll make them diminished when you need them.

When you get hit flying, spam your fastest-finishing air move, it'll slow your flight and make you live longer.

Get off the habit of charging power moves and hoping the other guy will jump into it. Be subtle about that stuff.

You seem like you sometimes overestimate a move's range. Get used to all your serious characters' spacing games.

Be creative with recovery.

Edited by Mac
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Only got about halfway through the first video so far, but I can say this right off the bat:

Your Ike uses dair over the ground too much. Landlag = fail

If that Diddy is choosing to play without bananas, he needs to get better at switching between playing offensively and defensively. Also, when he did pull out a banana, he didn't use it very well.

After more watching: That Toon Link needs a lot more bair, and a lot more bombs.

That Falcon vs Ganon fight was disappointing. Falcon is faster than Ganon, you should've focused on exploiting his lack of speed instead of trying to land as many smashes and knees as you possibly could.

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I'm gonna talk about you Ike only.

Spacing! Your spacing isn't very good so try to learn that.

Your using fsmash too much. Use it inelegantly.

Your approaches most consist of ftilt, dash attacks and the occasional fair. I didn't see a nair -_-

Ike's nair is his best approach. Quick Draw is very crappy wanna stay away from that. Sometimes it help follow, but not always.

Use nair to descend if you have to attack. It's the safest way. Use Aether to recovery because when you play a smart person if you recover with quick draw they will jump in the way and you fall, or they will grab on to the ledge.

Also try to mix and match, be creative devolope your own style. Don't be repetitive and your good to go ^_^

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