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Serenes Forest Sitcom THEME SONG!!!!

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Let's have a contest! Write a theme song for the SF Sitcom. It has to go to the tune of a well-known song (stealing some other theme song would work well.)

Bonus to the person who successfully pulls off a Serenes version of the Spongebob themesong.

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I'll take that bet!

*cracks knuckles*

Ready kids?



What show do you watch when you've time to piss off?

Serenes Forest Sitcom!

It reels ya in like a flame does to moths!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!

It's stupid and funny and doesn't make sense!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!

But it's full of good writing done by people so dense!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!


Serenes Forest Sitcom!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!

Serenes Forest Sitcom!




If you didn't catch that, its to the spongebob theme song.

I <3 spongebob.

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