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Serenes Forest Torture Chamber


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*Tosses Alexis into a dark room, naked, and shuts the door. Within seconds, Narsheen, Oliver, Gheb, Albert Wesker, Michael Jackson, Alfred Ashford, Harken, Charles Brittania, and Yazan Gable step into view, all nude and jacked up on Enzyte and Viagra.*

*What happens over the next 15 hours should be fairly obvious.*

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*Tosses Alexis into a dark room, naked, and shuts the door. Within seconds, Narsheen, Oliver, Gheb, Albert Wesker, Michael Jackson, Alfred Ashford, Harken, Charles Brittania, and Yazan Gable step into view, all nude and jacked up on Enzyte and Viagra.*

*What happens over the next 15 hours should be fairly obvious.*

You should see my ex-husband, father of my children. Compared to him, these guys are nothing.
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You should see my ex-husband, father of my children. Compared to him, these guys are nothing.

You shoulda seen the old Resident Evil High School topics on GameFAQs back when RE4 was still a Gamecube exclusive... Wesker's quite the deviant...

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You shoulda seen the old Resident Evil High School topics on GameFAQs back when RE4 was still a Gamecube exclusive... Wesker's quite the deviant...
No, I'm telling you, he was uglier than any video game character you can imagine. You'll have to do better than that.

*Beats Patrick around a bit with a large trout*

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No, I'm telling you, he was uglier than any video game character you can imagine. You'll have to do better than that.

*Beats Patrick around a bit with a large trout*

It was a little more than just being ugly. Wesker's actually quite suave-looking. It's more of the deviant... acts... they perform.

*Sells Alexis into one of Pappy Scirocco's brothels*

That counts as torture. Somehow.

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It was a little more than just being ugly. Wesker's actually quite suave-looking. It's more of the deviant... acts... they perform.

*Sells Alexis into one of Pappy Scirocco's brothels*

That counts as torture. Somehow.

Deviant acts? I consider that a bonus!

*Buys self back from Pappy Scirocco's brothels with the money from Patrick's wallet that I stole earlier*

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Patrick, you like having people raped don't you?

And micheal jackson only likes little boys :D

Sure, and he used to like women.



*Shoots the tentacle monster a couple times*



Yeees, this is the result of injecting a Plagas with the G-Virus... It's actually a very interesting combination, considering it's only intrest is... Well, it doesn't involve anyone's death.

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*Throws a very infamous dick troll on a huge pike and impale him on it*

Fun fact: Somebody being impale upright pike usually die within 3-5 days. A very painful and slow death if I must say.


Impalement as a method of torture and execution involves a person being pierced with a long stake. The penetration could be through the sides, through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth. This method leads to a painful death, sometimes taking days. The stake would often be planted in the ground, leaving the impaled person suspended to die.

In some forms of impalement, the stake would be inserted so as to avoid immediate death, and would function as a plug to prevent blood loss, thus extending the person's agony for as many as three days.[1] After suitable preparation of the victim, including public torture and rape, the victim was stripped and an incision was made in the groin between the genitals and rectum. A stout pole with a blunt end was inserted. The blunt end would push vital organs to the side where a sharp end would pierce them, hastening death. A conveniently suitable branch was often used.

Seeing how much of an egostical internet tough guy dick and "troll" he was, he deserves it.

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