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H5 Tier list topic


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If you were to do individual chapter tiers, he would probably be your best unit from the moment he exists.

How do you figure that? He can only ever be as good as your best unit but with occasional downtime and needing a heal when that happens.

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How do you figure that? He can only ever be as good as your best unit but with occasional downtime and needing a heal when that happens.

Versatility. In H5, you'll proceed slowly if you're playing in the traditional manner (in other words, not warp skipping like I do) so Xane needing a turn to transform and heal is a minor/negligible penalty.

Need another tank? Xane helps.

Need another healer? Xane helps.

Need another Aura/Excalibur user? Xane helps.

Need another Ballistican? Xane helps.

Need another Sniper to use Longbow? Xane helps.

Having the utility of several units is quite helpful.

Edited by Levin
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Versatility. In H5, you'll proceed slowly if you're playing in the traditional manner (in other words, not warp skipping like I do) so Xane needing a turn to transform and heal is a minor/negligible penalty.

Need another tank? Xane helps.

Need another healer? Xane helps.

Need another Aura/Excalibur user? Xane helps.

Need another Ballistican? Xane helps.

Need another Sniper to use Longbow? Xane helps.

Having the utility of several units is quite helpful.

I agree with all that, and that's why I agree that he should be pretty high up, but he can only be one at a time and can't change until his turns have passed (how many exactly? I want to say 5-6 as an estimate) so I don't see how he's as h4x as listed. Then again, I haven't played H5 yet, so maybe when I do I'll understand.

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Right now my reasoning is that Chainey's disadvantages are what put him below Sedgar, rather than in the exact same tier spot as Sedgar (so no Chainey = Sedgar tier spot).

I'm not against him dropping lower though, but also even Sedgar himself has disadvantages so that may keep the gap close. Maybe Bruce Willis tier.

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Transformed him on turn 1 and he changed back at the start of turn 6.

Could you run some tests and see if it's dependent on his level, too? Like, compare how long a level 1 Chainey stays transformed compared to a level 30 Chainey.

I actually don't expect there to be a difference, but I'd still be intrested in confirming this.

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Could you run some tests and see if it's dependent on his level, too? Like, compare how long a level 1 Chainey stays transformed compared to a level 30 Chainey.

I actually don't expect there to be a difference, but I'd still be intrested in confirming this.

Actually yeah. I'm wondering this too. I still don't have the game (getting it today though, so soon you won't have to deal with me being a moron), but in FE3, Chiki actually could stay morphed longer as she leveled (at least I noticed a difference). Chainey might be the same? Maybe it's like it happens after a random amount of time...Like sometimes he stays transformed 5 turns, other times 7...

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Test #1: Xane transforms into a reclassable unit of Class Set B (Etzel) on turn 109(staff abuse from lvl 7 to 30... tedious shit) and changed back to normal on turn 114.

Test #2: Same as test 1. Turn 114 to transform. Changed back on turn 119.

Test #3: Class set A unit (Merric) on turn 119. Changed back on turn 124.

Test #4: Same as test 3, transformed at 124 and changed back on 129.

Test #5: Non-reclassable unit (Marth). Starts at 129, ends at 134.

Test #6: Same as test #5 starts at 134, ends at 139.

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Okay, open to corrections here.







Lena [You can just dump Riff's stuff on her]


































Still suck:



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Being able to Warp someone in Ch3 is worth an entire tier? If not, then Rhys and Lena are pretty much equal. Maybe the one with more Mag on top, since that's the only stat that matters for them right now.

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Mag doesn't even matter that much due to gimped mag formula. they're tied, anyway

Lena has a crummy avo lead, emergency warp, and the fact she's using that staff EXP better. Probably not enough to warrant a tier up, but still enough to warrant a slot above him considering they're basically the same otherwise. Also worth mentioning the hunters double Riff but not Lena.

also lol Rhys

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