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FE10 - Biorhythm Data


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This is half-question and half-volunteer. Is there any information anywhere on biorhythm in FE10? We know that it varies from Best/Good/Normal/Bad/Worst in general, and gives bonuses and penalties to hit/avoid/skills, but there is no data on the frequency or amplitude of the biorhythm wave for specific characters.

For example, Nephenee has a very short and fast wave, such that she never hits Best or Worst biorhythm, and tends to change status every turn or two. Contrast that with someone like Zihark, who has an extremely large and slow wave: he can stay in Best or Worst for a very long time before he drops into Good or Bad. It seems as though they are not unique, as some characters share the same wave behavior, or with minor variations (Mia has the same amplitude as Shinon, but a slightly slower frequency).

If the data does exist, it would be cool to see. If it doesn't, I might try to figure it out on my next playthrough and record the data.

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The data exists in one of the Japanese guidebooks.

However IMO Biorhythm has an almost neglible effect and going into further detail would be mostly redundant (even more than, say, listings of class growth rates- but even those are useful to hackers at least).

That said, you're not the first person to ask you're the second, so if more people are genuinely interested it might motivate me to do something. I probably won't though, sorry ^^;;;

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Ahh, I see, I did a search first but didn't find anything.

I find biorhythm useful just for the impact it has on skill activation, since 15+ Herons can Bliss to put someone at peak. Giving someone like Zihark five back to back turns of +10 to hit/avoid and +10% to Adept activation chances is a pretty potent combination, so long as you know that his wave will allow you to do that.

Is it an issue of not wanting to go through the trouble of transcribing the data from the guidebooks, or just the hassle of posting it in the first place? If it's the former, I'll probably end up doing it on my own just out of curiosity, and could share the results. If it's the latter, never mind, it's not very important. ;)

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I don't have the guidebook in question (I've only seen a few photos of it), although I could ask somebody who does.

Sure, I'd like to see the results ^^

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I disagree that it's "negligable", especially in micaiah's mode on normal or hard dificulties where having bad biorhythm can get your already puny characters killed in a couple of rounds.

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I disagree that it's "negligable", especially in micaiah's mode on normal or hard dificulties where having bad biorhythm can get your already puny characters killed in a couple of rounds.

They do that anyway.

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Well, some preliminary results. I tested Micaiah, Leonardo, Edward, and Volug, since it happened to be easy for those people based on the saves that I had. Something that is common for everyone so far: starting from dead-even Normal bio (aka right on the center line), it takes exactly 25 turns to return to that spot again.

With 1 being Worst, 2 being Bad, 3 being Normal, 4 being Good, and 5 being Best:

3345555555543321111111123 - Micaiah
3345555555543321111111123 - Volug
3343332233443322334433323 - Leonardo
3555311134554211235553111 - Edward

You can see that Micaiah and Volug have identical biorhythm waves, which is expected. I have a feeling that all characters in the game will follow the same 25-turn cycle, and t's just a matter of finding distinct Bio waves and mapping them to values. Then you can just put it into chart form, and voila. It requires either a dead-center Normal or a couple of data points to tell exactly where on the bio wave a character actually is.

I'm not sure how useful that sort of information will actually be, though. But anyway, there you go. Just 70 more characters to go, right? ;)

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Looking good so far ^^

Hmm, now that you've found a match, I might be able to check if some of those unknown variables in the FE10 data are related to Biorhythm. Of course, I'd still need more data to match the in-game data with the displayed data from the game. Might be useful for classification purposes at least : o

Edited by VincentASM
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Reposting the info here from GF. Vincent did the data dive and found out where biorhythm was stored. It turns out that there are 8 different categories for the playable units. Here's the breakdown:

0 - Elincia, Oscar, Caineghis, Kurthnaga, Sigrun, Stefan, Nolan, Vika, Ranulf.

1 - Volug, Rhys, Astrid, Tanith, Brom, Zihark, Aran, Micaiah, Makalov, Leanne.

2 - Ulki, Tauroneo, Nasir, Naesala, Nephenee, Pelleas, Marcia, Muarim, Leonardo.

3 - Oliver, Kieran, Skrimir, Heather, Boyd, Lyre.

4 - Calill, Kyza, Shinon, Jill, Soren

5 - Edward, Gatrie, Sanaki, Geoffrey, Titania, Tormod, Nealuchi, Mist, Mordecai, Janaff, Reyson, Lethe, Mia.

6 - Ena, Ilyana, Lehran, Sothe, Giffca, Haar, Volke, Fiona, Bastian, Rafiel.

7 - Ike, Danved, Gareth, Tibarn, Nailah, Meg, Rolf, Lucia, Renning, Laura.

And here's the biorhythm sequences for those groups:

0 - 3455543321123345543321112

1 - 3345555555543321111111123

2 - 3343332233443322334433323

4 - 3553213453212454312354311

5 - 3555311134554211235553111

6 - 3333444443333333322222333

7 - 3555553211112455554311111

I am missing the sequence for group 3, because nobody in that group is at a save point that I currently have. So, I will need to play up to that point to find out.

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