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Volke is a mischievous, impatient man whose interest is hard to attract unless the object of money is present. Volke is faithful to his employer, shown by his declaration that he will never take more than one job at a time. He carries out his job, and is content when his employer pays on time; although, he does get embarrassed when thanked. Unlike many others, Volke prefers to stay away from large crowds. He will agree to do any job as long as he's given a suitable amount of money.


In Path of Radiance

Volke is first seen searching for "Sir Greil" among Ike's mercenaries during their raid of Canteus Castle so he can deliver a "report". When Titania informs him that Greil had died, Volke offers his services to Ike for a steep price of fifty-thousand gold. Ike, of course, doesn't have the money. Soren confronts Volke before he leaves, however, and offers Volke a job. Volke decides to stay, employed to Ike, and asks Ike to call him when he needs him.

After a battle at the Daein border, Ike finds a storage room full of gold. He asks Volke to give him the report, as Ike was able to obtain the money requested. Volke states bluntly that the report was but a ruse; in actuality, the details of his secret were far too important to be written down. Volke's true job, as Greil's shadow, was to end Greil's life if he ever went berserk. Volke tells Ike that his research on the medallion, Lehran's Medallion, gave him the information that the men who hunted Greil were after the medallion itself.

Volke is shown to know a lot about the medallion. He was also the one to inform Ike that Greil killed Elena, Ike's mother, due to accidentally touching the medallion. Ike listens intently, and Volke offers his services to Ike to ease his worries. After Ike accepts, Volke reveals that his true profession is that of an assassin: no mere thief.

Volke has few people he commonly associates with. He seems to have a deep connection with Bastian, however. Sometime after the battle with Bertram, Bastian requests Volke's aid in fulfilling a certain job. Volke offers to help once he finishes his current job, as Bastian has a record for paying on time.

Volke leaves Ike's company, soon after Ashnard's defeat. He notes that Ike should contact him if he is ever in need of Volke's services. His contact method? Go to any local tavern and tell the barkeep you've need of a Fireman.

In Radiant Dawn

Throughout the years, Volke continues with his usual activities. His introductions are cut short when Geoffrey orders him to catch the escapee, Izuka, after Volke asks for two-thousand gold, of course. He is persuaded to stay, through use of money, and aids Elincia's army. He does offer a discount though, as he did not like his previous employer; the discount being three-thousand gold.

Volke wasn't laying low, however, as he was hired by Bastian to find a way to cure Renning's deteriorating mind. With Volke's help, Bastian was able to find out that Izuka had engineered Renning's mind, which made him into a puppet that served Ashnard.

When his contract is complete, Volke goes back to hiding in the shadows, doing the same mysterious things he's always done.


Just references:

Volke's embarrassment when thanked: "Fireman" Info. Conversation in Radiant Dawn.

Volke's avoiding of crowds: "Volke" info conversation with Ike in Path of Radiance.

Thankfully Volke didn't do much in Radiant Dawn. :P

Edited by Eltoshen
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Volke is a mischievous, impatient man whose interest is hard to attract unless the object of money is present. Volke is faithful to his employer, shown by his declaration that he will never take more than one job at a time. He carries out his job, and is content when his employer pays on time, although he does get embarrassed when thanked. Unlike many others, Volke prefers to stay away from large crowds. He will agree to do any job as long as he's given a suitable amount of money.


In Path of Radiance

Volke is first seen searching for "Sir Griel" among Ike's mercenaries during their raid of Canteus Castle. When Titania informs him that Greil had died, Volke offers his services to Ike for a steep prince of fifty-thousand gold. Ike, of course, doesn't have the money. Soren confronts Volke before he leaves, however, and offers Volke a job. Volke decides to stay, employed to Ike, and asks Ike to call him when he needs him.


I caught a few typos and corrected them.

Other than that, it looks good to me.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Here are my suggestions. I vaguely know some PoR, but I haven't played RD yet.


Volke is a mischievous, impatient man...

(I think you should say what his actual job is or what services he provides.)


In Path of Radiance

Volke is first seen searching for "Sir Griel Greil" among Ike's mercenaries...

(Maybe mention the report here as well- wasn't that what he wanted the 50k gold for?)


Volke leaves Ike's company, soon after Ashnards Ashnard's defeat...

In Radiant Dawn

Throughout the years, Volke's activities remain about the same. His introductions are cut short when Geoffrey orders him to catch the escapee, Izuka, after Volke asks for two-thousand gold, of course. He is persuaded to stay, through use of money, and aids Elincia's army. He does offer a discount though, as he does did not like his previous employer; the discount being three-thousand gold.


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After a battle at the Daein border, Ike finds a storage room full of gold. He asks Volke to give him the report, as Ike was able to obtain the money requested.
What report is this? I've no clue. You should probably mention it sometime in the first PoR paragraph.

The other posters caught the rest of the mistakes to my knowledge. It was pretty good.

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What report is this? I've no clue. You should probably mention it sometime in the first PoR paragraph.

The other posters caught the rest of the mistakes to my knowledge. It was pretty good.

Yeah, I'll just add a little not about it.

Thanks for the critiques, everybody. I'll edit it soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What report is this? I've no clue. You should probably mention it sometime in the first PoR paragraph.

Hopefully it's made clearer thanks to NTG's suggestion?

I've went through and corrected what's been pointed out. It's finished unless somebody finds a mistake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, I thought this article might have been updated, but I kept forgeting to check >___<

revealing to Ike his knowledge on the medallion.

Should that be "of the medallion"?

Volke's true job, as Greil's shadow, was to end Greil's life if he ever went berserk, revealing to Ike his knowledge on the medallion.

The last part (starting "revealing") doesn't seem to make sense to me. Maybe you should just end the sentence after "berserk"? Also, you've explained later that Volke knows quite a bit about the medallion, so maybe the last part isn't needed at all.

If you do that, you could also refer to Lehran's Medallion directly, since I think "...on the medallion, Lehran's Medallion" sounds a bit odd. It might just be me though ^^;;;

Throughout the years, Volke's activities remain about the same.

I'm sure this makes grammatical sense, but whenever I read it fast I always think the tense on "remain" sounds wrong (as in, it should be "remained". Maybe it could do with a little rewording?

as he was hired by Bastian to find a way to cure Renning's, then-thought-dead, deteriorating mind.

The Renning description seems a bit forced to me. I don't know if there's a better way to arrange it though.

Otherwise, it looks good.

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Ah, I thought this article might have been updated, but I kept forgeting to check >___<

Should that be "of the medallion"?

The last part (starting "revealing") doesn't seem to make sense to me. Maybe you should just end the sentence after "berserk"? Also, you've explained later that Volke knows quite a bit about the medallion, so maybe the last part isn't needed at all.

If you do that, you could also refer to Lehran's Medallion directly, since I think "...on the medallion, Lehran's Medallion" sounds a bit odd. It might just be me though ^^;;;

I'm sure this makes grammatical sense, but whenever I read it fast I always think the tense on "remain" sounds wrong (as in, it should be "remained". Maybe it could do with a little rewording?

The Renning description seems a bit forced to me. I don't know if there's a better way to arrange it though.

Otherwise, it looks good.

I just put "on Lehran's medallion. "of the medallion" would mean something different. It'd mean that Volke knew of its existence, but doesn't necessarily imply that he has knowledge of what it could do to a person.

And I changed the other sentences you mentioned. :3

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I think this is the last thing. It's also probably extremely minor though.

Volke wasn't laying low, however, as he was hired by Bastian to find a way to cure Renning's deteriorating mind. Volke found out that Izuka had engineered Renning's mind, making him into a puppet that served Ashnard.

When his contract is complete, Volke goes back to hiding in the shadows, doing the same mysterious things he's always done.

You started off explaining that Volke was hired to find a cure, but you didn't explicitly explain whether he succeeded or not. Although I'm not sure if kept from doing that since it didn't involve Volke himself much.

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The cure was the galldr of rebirth, although I'm not sure if Volke suggested that himself.

I hired Volke
to investigate a way to cure him.  FL|ULYSSES||R背景のみ会話|B406-イズカ-魔道研究所|055DVolke quickly discovered that
Duke Renning's transformation was
engineered by a man called Izuka.This man had made himself an aide
to the new king of Daein and was
not difficult to locate.Feeling that Renning was running
out of time, we kidnapped Izuka to
learn more of the condition. FL|L_ULYSSES|L_GEOFFRAY|L_ERINCIA|L_LUCHINO||R背景会話|000D111D233Dec344DBデイン-テント-夜-奥|00Returning to Fayre Castle,w2 we
interrogated Izuka at length and
discovered more about his experiments.Perhaps unsurprisingly, beorc are
affected differently by the drug
than laguz.Izuka then offered to create an
antidote in exchange for his freedom.
23eo11Did you agree to it?!
00We refused without a second thought.
Such a monster cannot be allowed
to roam free.Besides, we know a more certain way
to cure Lord Renning.
34The galdr of rebirth!  FL|L_RIEUSION|L_ERINCIA||R背景会話|011DBデイン-テント-夜-入口|133DPrince Reyson,w4ec I beg of you.w4
Please save my uncle!
01I can't guarantee anything, Elincia.w4
But I will try.
13eoOh,w2 thank you,w2 Prince Reyson!w4
Thank you!
01Please give me a moment to myself.w4ec
I must prepare.
FT1200|	FL|L_RIEUSION|L_TIBARN||R背景会話|033DBデイン-野営-夜a|111DAre you sure about this?I thought the galdr of rebirth was
too powerful and complex for a single
heron to perform.
03Usually, that's true.Right now, however, Ashera's awakening
has infused the world with order;
I've never felt stronger.What's more, Lord Renning's condition
seems less severe than a true Feral One.w3
I think I can do this.
11Well, you're the expert.w4 Just
don't go taking unnecessary risks.
03sI won't,w2 Tibarn.w4 You needn't worry
so much.w4 I've grown a lot.	FL|LENING|ERINCIA|RIEUSION||BOR上下会話|011Decmc...mdw2eOGrrmc...mdw3grrrmc...mdw4
Aaarrrrgh! w2Grraghmc...md
w4*H100DUncle!w2 Hold on!
*H200Decmc...mdw3seoIt worked.w4 He's sleeping
peacefully. When he wakes, he should
be his old self.*H
111DOh!w4s Thank you, Reyson.w2 Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gah, almost forgot about this.

I changed the last few sentences a bit.

Volke wasn't laying low, however, as he was hired by Bastian to find a way to cure Renning's deteriorating mind. With Volke's help, Bastian was able to find out that Izuka had engineered Renning's mind, which made him into a puppet that served Ashnard.

Hopefully it sounds right now?

Edited by Eltoshen
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When Titania informs him that Greil had died, Volke offers his services to Ike for a steep prince of fifty-thousand gold.
Throughout the years, Volke's continues with his usual activities.

Two errors I found.

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