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Julius Caesar


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Watching Julius Caesar, making pizza jokes as the teacher sped up several parts of the movie including Antonie holding dead Caesar's hand, I made the small joke of saying the fingers were cheese sticks.

Next, people holding his dead body up to a stand, meanwhile everyone else is booing that they want anchovies or something, and Cassius is all, "Noone likes that, idiots! We're getting Hawaiian" and everyone got all louder and started rioting, so Brutus proposed cheese burger. Butthurt ensues. Then Brutus redoes his speech and says they're getting two large peperoni pizzas, crowd cheers, Caesar's body is carried into scene and a good friend of mine right off the bat goes, "Oh, they ordered from Little Caesars!"

Class laughed.

Later on, Cassius and Brutus are crossing the mountains to get to a Pizza Hut, but they find out that Octavius ate the last slice before they could get there.

I don't know what possessed me to talk about pizza, but I was hungry at the time.

Same day, a little before the showing of the movie, same friend says that Porcia had swallowed fire which she interpreted as swallowing burning coal. My reaction: Ouch.

During the movie: "Damn, she must have eaten the really hot cheese on that other pizza then!"

Also, she cut herself with a pizza cutter. As I said, the theme of making fun of it was pizza.

Now I'm reading Antigone, so I wonder what kind of food related object I can connect with it this time. :D

Edited by Azel
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