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Animal Crossing: CF players

Metal Rabbit

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I don't know if you realized this or not, but if you mail a piece of fruit attached to a letter to one of your neighbors in your town, there is a small chance that you could receive a foreign fruit as a gift in return.

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I don't know if you realized this or not, but if you mail a piece of fruit attached to a letter to one of your neighbors in your town, there is a small chance that you could receive a foreign fruit as a gift in return.

I just found that out yesterday, and I mailed like 6 letters to people.

I have to wait and see.

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I just found that out yesterday, and I mailed like 6 letters to people.

I have to wait and see.

Keep in mind, this doesn't happen very often( or I have extremely bad luck.) I didn't get a single piece of foreign fruit until the 10th person finally had the brains to realize I was fucking broke and needed a steady income.

Because fishing is boring as hell

Good luck.

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I used to play that game until I realized it's a shitty attempt at remaking a decent game. The final poke that made me get rid of the game is that if you don't play for a long time, you get a bedhead and nobody will talk to you, and you can't buy good things unless you get a completely homosexual haircut you have no control over.

So yeah, you're about a month late.

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