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Capital Punishment

Judge Judy

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Ohhh okay I see what you're getting at now and this actually makes me want to see the study if digging it up is not too much trouble, because the vagueness of this is still making it sound pretty shaky in the context of this debate, as in, I think what you and I are talking about may be two slightly different things and with the study (assuming it contains specifics) I can confirm or deny that.

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I'll see if I can open that stuff up more. Looking at it there's a chance I may have gotten the wrong thing, lol.

Meantime: http://www.njpp.org/rpt_moneyfornothing.html

Mid page:

"But a former county prosecutor interviewed for this report offered the opinion that prosecutors routinely spend three times as much on a capital case as the Public Defender's Office. If this is so, eliminating the death penalty could save counties and the state between $4.6 million and $7.8 million a year in prosecution costs."

I think I see what you're getting at. This evidence may be more about trials themselves rather than total cost of life w/o parole vs death, and that source is pointing to New Jersey rather than the country as a whole, which may throw it off some. TBH I'm unsure what the figures on those totals point towards.

Edited by Mac
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This is a hazy thing to get into, admitted, but put it this way: if I'm put on death row, I am going to be scribbling legal chicken scratch until the day I am executed. I don't really give a crap how much it costs anybody.

The court trials cost millions of dollars more for cases without death as a possibility than those with it. Whether that, plus however expensive the chemicals used to execute may be, and giving me a solitary cell all the while I'm on death row, adds up to substantially more than it costs to house me forever, I can't say, but I can say the costs should be very comparable.

I don't think an answer to the whole thing lies in cost, though, even if the DP were definitely, notably cheaper than life.

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I like both at the same time, but I guess we can make a filler.

On principal alone I still support the death penalty, and when I speak of it I compare it constantly to life in prison, just wanted to say that so the context is clear.

People can and do escape from prison, some people are just too dangerous to take the chance on. For some prison is not much of a punishment, and for some it is just a free ride, so even in those cases the only way to truly punish someone is to end their life.

Letting someone serve a life sentence enables them to have friends, "lovers" (I don't consider mind bending desperation love), and many other things that normal people have. Plus as previously states it allows them multiple chances to get out and break more laws.

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