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Good Places for the next TWEWY 2


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I've been wondering for a very long time that there be a sequel. If so then it should be a diverse locale that's very interesting. Someplace in America would be awesome. What do you guys think? XD

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You all suck. I say it needs to take place in Alaska. During the month or so of darkness. And Zeph would be one of the killed off unimportant characters.

Edited by ur fais
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I don't want a WEWY2. I'd cry if SE half-assed it and turned it into a cash cow, which I just KNOW they're going to do.

If you absolutely had to have something, I'd take a remake with the JP tracks added [NA tracks added for JP ver], a few extra pins and other stuff, and the fourth week added to fill in the missing holes.

Seriously, what could possibly be done in a sequel?

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I don't want a WEWY2. I'd cry if SE half-assed it and turned it into a cash cow, which I just KNOW they're going to do.

If you absolutely had to have something, I'd take a remake with the JP tracks added [NA tracks added for JP ver], a few extra pins and other stuff, and the fourth week added to fill in the missing holes.

Seriously, what could possibly be done in a sequel?

Even if the sequel is horrible, it doesn't make the original game worse.


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Did Episode 1 not making the originals any worse make it any less painful to watch?

There's just no point in a sequel. They can't go anywhere with it, and if they tried, it would probably suck. Not everything is in need of a sequel. WEWY pretty much wrapped things up perfectly.

Also everybody in the UG who isn't named Mr. H is dead. That alone eliminates tons of possibilities.

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Upon all the cities, why the hell Baghdad? Unless that was just a joke.


I don't want a WEWY2. I'd cry if SE half-assed it and turned it into a cash cow, which I just KNOW they're going to do.

If you absolutely had to have something, I'd take a remake with the JP tracks added [NA tracks added for JP ver], a few extra pins and other stuff, and the fourth week added to fill in the missing holes.

Square Enix aren't going to release a TWEWY sequel anytime soon because the hate originality. :(

There's just no point in a sequel. They can't go anywhere with it, and if they tried, it would probably suck. Not everything is in need of a sequel. WEWY pretty much wrapped things up perfectly.

Hey, Metroid II wrapped up the story pretty well but that didn't stop Super Metroid from being completely badass.

Any writer worth his salt can write himself out of a dead end.

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This would probably only work if the other people running the games in the other cities had no idea what was going on in Japan. But I'd rather have some other Asian place. Anywhere else doesn't really seem right.

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Hey, Metroid II wrapped up the story pretty well but that didn't stop Super Metroid from being completely badass.

That's because Metroid takes the same route as Mario, Sonic, and whatnot. Uh oez ridley's causin trouble AGAIN just when you thought he was dead for good. When you're dealing with a franchise like that, it's easy, games weren't known for great storytelling back then. When you're making a serious attempt, do you REALLY think anybody's going to buy

Shades came back and made Neku play the game again, lol!


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That's because Metroid takes the same route as Mario, Sonic, and whatnot. Uh oez ridley's causin trouble AGAIN just when you thought he was dead for good. When you're dealing with a franchise like that, it's easy, games weren't known for great storytelling back then. When you're making a serious attempt, do you REALLY think anybody's going to buy

Shades came back and made Neku play the game again, lol!


As I said, Any writer worth his salt can write his way out of a corner. Seriously, just change the location and you don't have to worry about any of the old characters.


games weren't known for great storytelling back then

Lucasarts and Sierra say hi.

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Okay, you have WEWY2 taking place in America instead of Japan. What are you going to do, repeat the same thing over again, only Neku's name is Alex, Beat's name is John, Shiki's name is Mary, and Shades is replaced by some fat guy called Da Boss, see? Yeah, see? You crazy kids don't get the hell out of my game, and Vinnie the math nerd over here is gonna wipe you out, SEE? Yeah, vinnie, show em some math, see? Yeah, SEE?

Edited by MightyZagaro
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You're being completely absurd.

How about a game revealing of how the underground came to be or the same timeline from Beat and Rhyme's perspective.

Just because you lack imagination and creativity doesn't mean the writers are lacking also.

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Okay, you have WEWY2 taking place in America instead of Japan. What are you going to do, repeat the same thing over again, only Neku's name is Alex, Beat's name is John, Shiki's name is Mary, and Shades is replaced by some fat guy called Da Boss, see? Yeah, see? You crazy kids don't get the hell out of my game, and Vinnie the math nerd over here is gonna wipe you out, SEE? Yeah, vinnie, show em some math, see? Yeah, SEE?

Actually, that's a pretty good foreshadow of what the sequel is going to be like if that actually happens.

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same timeline from Beat and Rhyme's perspective.

That's one HELL of a short game.

Just because you lack imagination and creativity doesn't mean the writers are lacking also.

Big difference between lack of creativity and lack of being sequel-able. With the way WEWY ended, you couldn't POSSIBLY make another sequel unless it had an entirely different cast of characters. And with different characters and a different place, well, then it's not much of a sequel.

I mean, really.

Neku and pals are out of the UG. It sucks, they're not going to go back willingly. Everybody in the UG is dead. Nobody in the UG is going to send them back. Mr. H isn't dead, and he has the power to do so, but WHY would Mr. H send them back? Exactly why would that man go ape shit on the spot? He has no motive, reason, or desire to turn evil. So they aren't going back, and they won't be sent back, and here's the problem, the UG is the only place where you can have anything resembling a story, see Another Day for proof. Here's ANOTHER problem: Neku's character development, well over half of what made the plot interesting, is obviously out of the picture. In closing, some things just don't work for sequels, and it's better if you don't try just to make shit up on the spot.

Edited by MightyZagaro
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