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Child slaughters in Belgium

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7:47pm UK, Friday January 23, 2009

Three children and a woman have been stabbed to death at a creche in Belgium, according to both Dutch and Belgian news websites.

The attack happened at a childcare centre near Dendermonde, north-west of the capital Brussels.

Belgian officials have only confirmed the deaths of two children - both aged under three - and a woman, who worked at the centre.

However, it is understood a third child has died of their wounds.

At least 12 others were injured in the attack.

All were in a stable condition following surgery, according to Dr Ignace Demeyer, head of emergency services at Our Lady Hospital in nearby Aalst.

"This was a particularly violent attack. All the kids had multiple stab wounds on their legs, arms and all over their bodies," he told reporters.

Police had to show distraught parents digital photos of those taken to hospital, asking them to identify their children.

The knife-wielding man had his face painted white with black around his eyes, "like a joker" reports said.

He rode his bicycle up to the centre at about 10am, entered and began slashing a knife around, according to prosecutor Christian Du Four.

Staff reportedly tried to stop him, but he lashed out at them.

Sky News Europe correspondent Greg Milam, reporting from Dendermonde, said: "As always with a case like this, there are many questions about how it could have been allowed to happen and why more was not done to prevent it.

"The hearses were carrying victims under three years old. Nobody can believe what has happened on their doorstep.

"I think people around this region are hoping for answers about how he was able to get inside that day-care centre and cause such terrible carnage."

A 28-year-old man was caught and arrested in a supermarket about an hour after the attack.

Unconfirmed reports suggested he was a psychiatric patient and may have been under the influence of drugs or medication.

Other reports added he had been carrying a "sack full of knives".

"An act of great brutality has happened here against our weakest citizens," Mayor Buyse Piet said.

"The whole city is united in support for the parents who are in deep grief."

Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant has named the 28-year-old as Francis V, from Grembergen, which is part of Dendermonde.

Officials have yet to identify the suspect.

Justice Minister Stefaan De Clercq later said the man was uncooperative during questioning.

Source: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-New...415209143?f=rss

That affects me quite a bit since my sister studies in this field of study. Any thoughts?

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That is terrible news to hear. The guy needs to be sent to a mental hospital to ensure public protection.

If I read it correctly, the man arrested was supposed to be a hospital inmate. I'm guessing he escaped, which could mean they need to beef up security at their madhouses.

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It's a little frightening to me to see just how twisted a mind can get. I mean you guys understand that nothing says this guy was some evil bastard who likes to kill kids, right? He was completely off his fucking rocker.

Also, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7848401.stm

No escape, no drugs, might be retracting my statement when more information is given.

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I don't really think that people outside of the US carry (or are even allowed to carry) concealed handguns.

I wasn't referring to that, but that would have been quite useful.

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*punches face*


You're done, son.

What I would've done, except you'd have to block the knife first. (I actually had a biology teacher who told the class that blocking a knife is simple if the guy doesn't seem to know how to use a knife.)

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Its not that damn hard to stop a knife without getting hurt.

It all depends on how they hold it. If they hold it with the blade pointing right at you, then yeah, it's easy to block. If they hold it in such a way where the blade is tucked under your arm until the moment you try to work with them, then your only option is to dodge since it's hard to block and it can create a more effective slash than a stab.

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It all depends on how they hold it. If they hold it with the blade pointing right at you, then yeah, it's easy to block. If they hold it in such a way where the blade is tucked under your arm until the moment you try to work with them, then your only option is to dodge since it's hard to block and it can create a more effective slash than a stab.

Remember, this was a mental case we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he's the kind that raises the knife over his head and brings it down to stab with.

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Remember, this was a mental case we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he's the kind that raises the knife over his head and brings it down to stab with.

In that case, you've got a point, since the only people that seem to make knives hard to dodge are ninjas, karate experts, and military personnel...

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You guys really don't read a single thing I post, do you? He was not an escaped mental patient, it was confirmed, that was just some weird rumor. He may have been fucked in the head but at this point you can not say either way.

Also, state of mind does not have anything to do with the way someone uses a knife.

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