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I'm pissed off.

Destiny Hero

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Hello, Forest. I am pissed off. I don't know how long I was gone, but Friday I was bored. All of today I wasn't able to use the computer. Here's how it went:

All morning, until 2 PM, my dad was on the computer doing who knows what. Then, he starts doing a backup for the next hour or so and I can't use it. Then my brothers get home with Rock Band 2 for the 360, the most obnoxious piece of shit in this fucking house. For the past almost three hours I have been listening to a TV blasting out earaching, terrible music, and my brother smashing a plastic drum set over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

I can't even think right now, never mind the fact that I have to get a whole fucking science project done by MONDAY, and I don't even have the right supplies. Literally, and I'm not stretching the truth, the only time I can even stop to think in this house is the dead of night when nobody is awake; that's how much a pain in the ass my brothers are. And now it's even worse. If there were no consequences, I would get up right now and beat the living shit out them.

And to make things even worse, I went to get Mario Kart Wii today. After searching the store for ten fucking minutes, they didn't have the game in stock. So, I went to another Gamestop two or three towns over, and again, it wasn't in stock, and I'm very pissed off.

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Yes, I agree. I searched through the whole house and found the MKDS I lost, but my brother took it and he won't let anyone use it =/

Break his face open.

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For the past almost three hours I have been listening to a TV blasting out earaching, terrible music

If you're talking about Let There Be Rock, I'm going to murder you.

Three times, in fact.

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tl;dr version

Waaaah waaaah waaaaaah.

At least I have a reason. Life in my house sucks. Imagine having to live with two bitchy, old restrictive parents and two older brothers who are retarded and obsessed with loud things, and having no place in the house quiet enough to think in.

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At least I have a reason. Life in my house sucks. Imagine having to live with two bitchy, old restrictive parents and two older brothers who are retarded and obsessed with loud things, and having no place in the house quiet enough to think in.

You think?

So, every stereotypical house in the world?

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Yes, all of your problems are special, you are the unique case in which everything that normal kids complain about is true.

Obviously. :huh:

So, every house consists of:

Two bitchy, old, restrictive drinking parents

Two retarded brothers who are complete dumbasses

One brother who can't even think stright because of all the noise

And the two retarded brothers make so much noise, even the neighbors can't stand it. And that's not even the worst of the problems.

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So, every house consists of:

Two bitchy, old, restrictive drinking parents

Two retarded brothers who are complete dumbasses

One brother who can't even think stright because of all the noise

And the two retarded brothers make so much noise, even the neighbors can't stand it. And that's not even the worst of the problems.

Sounds like a loving family!


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At least I have a reason. Life in my house sucks. Imagine having to live with two bitchy, old restrictive parents and two older brothers who are retarded and obsessed with loud things, and having no place in the house quiet enough to think in.

Better than having parents that don't care about you.

Edited by Holyn
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