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Doom's Epic Science Experiment


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Before we begin, Ladies I apologize for this, I have nothing but the most respect for all of you.

Please do not judge me negatively I did it all out of curiosity, excuse all the sex jokes, I just can't resist

No one got hurt in the making of this experiment

Problem Statement - Do teenage women desire sex as much as teenage males do?

How will he do it! - This is my general plan of attack, I will go on several teen chats acting as the same individual on each and I will try to talk women into having Cybersex. This is the safest way to do it, no one gets hurts ^_^

Hypothesis - If I try to have cybersex with women, then they will accept and do me..... in the cyber world.... XD

Materials -

- My devilish charm

- A laptop with internet compatibility

- Horny Women

- Lovely individuals who will be my test subjects


1. Go on 5 different teen chats

2. Starts casually speaking in the main chat until you can talk to a girl through pm

3. Once your in you should proceed with causal convo, ask about music movies, school

4. Pop the question "Any boyfriend?"

5. If she responds yes, get out of there!!! If no then were in the clear (were not here to ruin relationships)

6. Once that happens ask the question "How far have you gotten"

7. From there w/e she responds you will approach with have you had cybersex?

8. If she answers yes then ask if she wants to, if no ask if she wants to try it, say you recommended it and other crap like that, convince her

9. Enjoy or not.... always record data ^_^

10 repeat steps for each chat room with X amount of women

Results - Well my data indicates that 9/12 women did in fact have cyber sex

The 3 that didn't stated that they have had it and prefer regular sex -_-

4 of the women who had cybersex with me stated that they have had sex, and judging by their performance I would say they have -_-

btw i always had a little then made an excuss and left

the other 5 stated they are virgins

2 have never had cybersex

3 have liked it very much


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE FOUND YOU OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Doom corp


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Go back and do it again. Every experiment needs a control, so you need to try and talk a guy into cybersex as a girl. Also, screenshots or it didn't happen.

:/ all those words would be..... against the rules I think XD

I am the control and every guy out there

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Regardless of the potential margin of error which may possibly be present in this experiment due to uncontrollable or unforeseen variables, I think it opens up a very worthwhile avenue of study. I believe this experiment should be expanded so that a great deal more results can be attained and analyzed for consistency.

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Ive read about experiments like this one before, it usually always turns out the same.

Chatlogs or it didnt happen.

No because i wouldn't be able to post them here anyways, I can give you my word if that means anything XD

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I did the same thing before. Actually caught 1 girl but the rest were dudes and the whole time i was like "this is sad" then like 2 mins into it i was like "Yo im a dude" and one guy said "*cuts dick off*"

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You did it wrong man, you have to go with it then just spring that shit on them.

"I take off my panties.."

"o yea i like that"

"My penis is finally free to move around, the sweat from the day is horrible. I stick it in your face."


-User offline-

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Cybersex? What the hell is Cybersex?

cy·ber·sex Listen to the pronunciation of cybersex







1 : online sex-oriented conversations and exchanges 2 : sex-oriented material available on a computer

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Then don't post.

On this matter, I don't think the results are right, because more than half those girls are probably in there for the sole purpose of finding cybersex anyway. I mean they're probably right for the environment you carried them out in, but in a real world, it would be very biased towards the results you got, in my opinion.

Edit: I got the phrasing wrong towards the end. Can't be arsed to fix it.

Edited by Raven
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Then don't post.

On this matter, I don't think the results are right, because more than half those girls are probably in there for the sole purpose of finding cybersex anyway. I mean they're probably right for the environment you carried them out in, but in a real world, it would be very biased towards the results you got, in my opinion.

Edit: I got the phrasing wrong towards the end. Can't be arsed to fix it.

Yeah the results aren't 100% clear cut

But it wasn't a cybersex chat so meh you might be right, but it's the only real way I can conduct this XD

I don't know what to say except...you put some thought into this huh?

lol a little I was super bored!

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