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Your most hated stage in any Sonic game.


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Yes, what is your most hated sonic stage? I hate Metropolis Zone in Sonic 2. The enemys are annoying,

and it's like a freakin' maze..(Sonic+Mazes=Time up)

Yeah, you can also state why.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. Metropolis is just a wrench thrown into the perfectly working machine that is Sonic 2. Putting 3 Acts in there was also total BS. Though Labyrinth Zone from Sonic 1 comes close.

If I may, I'll put 3D games in a second category. It's rather hard to remember those levels in detail...but the first thing that comes to mind is Pumpkin Hill. Actually, any Knuckles/Rouge level in the SA games.

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Every stage in Sonic the Hedgehog 08'.

You wouldn't happen to mean '06, would you?

I actually thought that game was okay. Not amazing, but it was enjoyable. Crisis City (I think that's what it was called) was a lot of fun. =D

I have to add one more... I really really really really REALLY hate Sandopolis.

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You wouldn't happen to mean '06, would you?

I actually thought that game was okay. Not amazing, but it was enjoyable. Crisis City (I think that's what it was called) was a lot of fun. =D

I have to add one more... I really really really really REALLY hate Sandopolis.

Damn, I hated the game so much, I forgot the name. The problem is that the original one was 10x better than its 3D counterpart with the same name.

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Every Sonic game's level

True. Basically many levels can be completed by holding right. Later harder levels you alternate between heading left and heading right until there's nothing in your way. Hardest levels you need to watch out for endless bottoms. That's about Sonic for me.

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I don't really like Oil Ocean off Sonic 2. But I cope with it.

I don't have problems with Sandopolis or Death Egg from Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I enjoy doing the Lava Reef stages, as well as the Flying Battery zone. I don't particularly enjoy Carnival Night zone, though... Water and crazy bumper things literally everywhere, ftl.

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Oh yeah man, Carnival Night is like, the worst stage in Sonic, ESPECIALLY Act 2. It's just so confusing, tiresome and generally LONG. I got a time out several times in Act 2.

Wow, you got timed out? I can't think of a level where I ever got timed out before, only Sonic 2's deleted Dust Hill Zone. That video is act 2, but act 1 was pretty bad too...

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Carnival Night... Ugh, I still have nightmares. Up, down, up, down, TIME OUT. Argh.

Upon playing through Shadow the Hedgehog again, I've rediscovered how much I truly loathe Cosmic Fall and Lost Impact.

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Carnival Night... Ugh, I still have nightmares. Up, down, up, down, TIME OUT. Argh.

Lies, I didn't do anything.

And yeah, haha, that's the part where I get timed out too. Those stupid platforms...

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3 words:




I hate that stage with a burning passion. Damn i was in 6th grade when me and my friends spend FIFTY LIVES on that one stage! I remember it all Eggman on intercom: "Well done sonic....BUT YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE FROM THIS ROOM ALIVE! HA HAAAAAH!"

And he was right. That god damn space room in that stage. i hate it! *goes to play crazy gadget to see if he still sucks*

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I hated all of that giant gear factory place in Sonic 2, but that was more because I have never in my life beaten Robotnik's floating orb machine than because I detest the layout of the level with a passion.

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