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Stuff they should add to the next FE.

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Wii FE. Online multiplayer.

Aside from the obvious better graphics, i'd like better voice acting. The one in PoR and RD was so-so.

New/different mechanics. The high terrain one should stay.

Some time ago i was playing and thought of some interesting stuff, but i can't remember them at the moment ;_; I'll post them if i do remember them later.

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I completely agree. the animations are not bad, but the animations are always the same unless you are doing a critical attack, well at least in FE7 and FE8. They should be more varied.

There should be like... 5 for each class. >:] Bring back FE4/5 charges!

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Wii FE. Online multiplayer.

Something like this, but with a co-operative mode.

So it'd be like the partner phases in the actual game but with real people controlling the other units.

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Instead of creature campaign, IS make a Poll for Every FE Vilans and Heroes... get the 2 most Voted for Each one (and a fifth the third most Voted between Heroes and Vilans) an make a 11 Chapters Trial(With a crossover Cliche story) where you defeat Each FE cast for Each Game... and you have to Win the Chapter in certain conditions to Unlock them in Trial Maps an On Line. You can Lv your main Army on the CrossOver chapter and Replay how much time you Want however you can only Buy Supplies on the first time, the others playtrough you need to manage them or else you lose all you weapons.

:z Yeah I dreamed a lot today...

Quoting me from the other topic XD

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Anthropomorphic characters. Not like the Ragz in the last two games, but fully human-esque beasts. Needs moar wolfies >:o

Yiff in hell. :3 :D

Hmmmm... Not too sure. I'll really have to think more on this... I'm sure there are things I'd like, I just can't think of them right now.

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