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This thread breaks all ten rules in the Forum Rules link at the top of the page!


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1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

Fucking Christians. I'll change my name to God if I wanna change my name to God.

2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.


3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".

See below

4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

/\/\4y83 |_| <0|_|||) |_|/\/|)3|2574/\/|) 7|-||5 ||= |_| \/\/3|23/\/'7 |2374|2|)3|)

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

I hate black people and women

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

I still don't have that fucking MGS4 rom I requested over a month ago

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

I hate you all and don't wanna be your friends

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

*Has only ever reported one person to try out the warning system*

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

Snape kills Dumbledore

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1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

Fuck you, fuckin' cunts!

2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.

Man, what you say about me? I'll trace your IP address and find out where you live so I can kick your ass!

3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".


4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

sup man so is we gon' go 2 dat club u wuz talkin' 'bout

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

I hate black people.

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

Does anyone have that Fire Emblem Yuri Orgy Rom yet?

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

To quote Tupac: FUCK FRIENDZ!

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

Rent-a-mod time!

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

Rosebud was the sled.

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4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

/\/\4y83 |_| <0|_|||) |_|/\/|)3|2574/\/|) 7|-||5 ||= |_| \/\/3|23/\/'7 |2374|2|)3|)

I can read the first word, nothing else.


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4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

/\/\4y83 |_| <0|_|||) |_|/\/|)3|2574/\/|) 7|-||5 ||= |_| \/\/3|23/\/'7 |2374|2|)3|)

Jesus, I actually understood that... ._.

1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.


2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.


3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".

lol, haha i agree

4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

w8 wutz dis rool abut i has no ideeuh

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

Those fucking French

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

Hey guys can you link me to a ROM of FE12, I've been dying to play it.

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

I DON'T fight for my friends. I eat their children.

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

Well fuck, I'm not going to report myself now am I?

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).


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1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

I love you all

2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.


3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".

I whole-heartedly agree with this statement and will surely focus on pure content within my posts

4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

I will be sure to do so.

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

All humans were created equally, be they white, black, male, female, or even a lawyer.

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

/r/ing legal wares

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

I <3 you all

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

I think I'm going to Report this topic...

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

Harry Potter is a wizard


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1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

Fucking Christians. I'll change my name to God if I wanna change my name to God.

2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.


3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".

See below

4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

/\/\4y83 |_| <0|_|||) |_|/\/|)3|2574/\/|) 7|-||5 ||= |_| \/\/3|23/\/'7 |2374|2|)3|)

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

I hate black people and women

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

I still don't have that fucking MGS4 rom I requested over a month ago

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

I hate you all and don't wanna be your friends

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

*Has only ever reported one person to try out the warning system*

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

Snape kills Dumbledore


1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

You all D-Hero sucks ass.

2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.


3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree"


4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

I n33d h31p 14t3r t0 b4n D-H3r0.

5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.


6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

I Hate the British D-Heroes

7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

I need ROMS for every game on GBA since 2000

8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

I love you all and dont want to be D Hero's friend.

9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

*Has only reported D-Hero for being D-Hero*

10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

But, Snape is a good guy.

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