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There was nothing left for him to do in this room. He turned his back on the Master Sword, and walked down the steps. Immediately, he encountered a problem.

The Door of Time was closed.

Princess Zelda had sent him back in time to a point when the Door of Time was still closed.

Link looked for a mechanism that would help him open the Door. There was no such mechanism. It was not designed to be opened unless the Spiritual Stones were present.

Link patted himself down. No Stones. He'd left them in the future.

He tried to stay calm, but panic slowly began to rise within him. What if he wouldn't be able to open the door? What if there was no way out? What if he would be stuck in the room forever?

He tried bombs. He tried Din's Fire. He tried prying the Door open with his Kokiri Sword. He every weapon in his possession, even the ones he could barely wield. Nothing could destroy the door.

A deep feeling of dread washed over Link. He screamed Navi's name as loud as he could, but she would not return. How could she leave him?! There was no way out!

Then, Link realized what he needed to do.

Use the Ocarina of Time and play a melody that would magically warp him out!

Link reached into his bag and searched for the Ocarina.

But it was gone.

Zelda had asked him to hand it to her so she could warp him back, and he'd let her.

No, this is impossible, this can't be happening, there has to be a - Saria's Ocarina! Yes, Saria had given him an Ocarina very early in his adventure!

...But he'd cast it aside as soon as he'd obtained the Ocarina of Time.

Fool! Idiot! Moron! Link cursed himself as he kicked at the Door.

As he frantically scrambled for ideas in his mind, one finally came to him.

Draw the Master Sword again.

Link whirled around, and saw it. The sword was still in its pedestal. Filled with relief, he ran to the sword, gripped the hilt, yanked it upwards -


He pulled again. Nothing. Ignoring the voice in the back of his mind telling him that it would be futile, he pulled again. Nothing. He pulled again and again and again, and the sword would not come out of its pedestal.

You may not draw the sword, Hero of Time. It has fulfilled its purpose. Now, it rests, until it is needed again.

"BUT I NEED IT NOW!" Link screamed.

The Master Sword is not to be used for anything less than protecting all of Hyrule from a great evil.


That's your problem. Blame that ditzy Princess, not us.

Link stumbled backwards, his heart beating madly in his chest, his breaths heavy and fast. He looked up at the window Navi had flown out of. He aimed his slingshot at it, and fired. The deku nut bounced right off. With much struggling, he aimed his bow at it, and fired. The arrow bounced right off. He tried a bombchu. The explosion did not even dent the window.

"What the hell? How did Navi fly out? The window is closed! Not only that, it's indestructible! What the hell is going on?!"

Link screamed, panicked, and used all of his weapons. The room remained completely intact.

Hours later, with tears streaming down his face and blood seeping from the fingers he'd been clawing at the Door with, Link collapsed in a corner.

I'm going to die in here. I'm going to die in here. I'm going to die in here.

Link repeated this sad mantra to himself over and over, slowly curling himself into a ball, crying and bleeding harder and harder.

It was then that he remembered.

It was then that he finally remembered.

When he had first visited this room, he noticed a corpse in the corner.

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There was nothing left for him to do in this room. He turned his back on the Master Sword, and walked down the steps. Immediately, he encountered a problem.

The Door of Time was closed.

Princess Zelda had sent him back in time to a point when the Door of Time was still closed.

Link looked for a mechanism that would help him open the Door. There was no such mechanism. It was not designed to be opened unless the Spiritual Stones were present.

Link patted himself down. No Stones. He'd left them in the future.

He tried to stay calm, but panic slowly began to rise within him. What if he wouldn't be able to open the door? What if there was no way out? What if he would be stuck in the room forever?

He tried bombs. He tried Din's Fire. He tried prying the Door open with his Kokiri Sword. He every weapon in his possession, even the ones he could barely wield. Nothing could destroy the door.

A deep feeling of dread washed over Link. He screamed Navi's name as loud as he could, but she would not return. How could she leave him?! There was no way out!

Then, Link realized what he needed to do.

Use the Ocarina of Time and play a melody that would magically warp him out!

Link reached into his bag and searched for the Ocarina.

But it was gone.

Zelda had asked him to hand it to her so she could warp him back, and he'd let her.

No, this is impossible, this can't be happening, there has to be a - Saria's Ocarina! Yes, Saria had given him an Ocarina very early in his adventure!

...But he'd cast it aside as soon as he'd obtained the Ocarina of Time.

Fool! Idiot! Moron! Link cursed himself as he kicked at the Door.

As he frantically scrambled for ideas in his mind, one finally came to him.

Draw the Master Sword again.

Link whirled around, and saw it. The sword was still in its pedestal. Filled with relief, he ran to the sword, gripped the hilt, yanked it upwards -


He pulled again. Nothing. Ignoring the voice in the back of his mind telling him that it would be futile, he pulled again. Nothing. He pulled again and again and again, and the sword would not come out of its pedestal.

You may not draw the sword, Hero of Time. It has fulfilled its purpose. Now, it rests, until it is needed again.

"BUT I NEED IT NOW!" Link screamed.

The Master Sword is not to be used for anything less than protecting all of Hyrule from a great evil.


That's your problem. Blame that ditzy Princess, not us.

Link stumbled backwards, his heart beating madly in his chest, his breaths heavy and fast. He looked up at the window Navi had flown out of. He aimed his slingshot at it, and fired. The deku nut bounced right off. With much struggling, he aimed his bow at it, and fired. The arrow bounced right off. He tried a bombchu. The explosion did not even dent the window.

"What the hell? How did Navi fly out? The window is closed! Not only that, it's indestructible! What the hell is going on?!"

Link screamed, panicked, and used all of his weapons. The room remained completely intact.

Hours later, with tears streaming down his face and blood seeping from the fingers he'd been clawing at the Door with, Link collapsed in a corner.

I'm going to die in here. I'm going to die in here. I'm going to die in here.

Link repeated this sad mantra to himself over and over, slowly curling himself into a ball, crying and bleeding harder and harder.

It was then that he remembered.

It was then that he finally remembered.

When he had first visited this room, he noticed a corpse in the corner.

...I don't get it.

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