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Rock Band sucks -_-

Destiny Hero

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My opinion is better than your opinion though.

Nah. The makers of GH1+2 are making the Rock Bands.

Clones made by the same company aren't clones any more?

And MY opinion is better than YOUR opinion.

No, they're equal, God said so.

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God also told us not to kill each other.

Yes, but that's an action, and an opinion isn't an action, therefore your statement is irrelevant to the current topic, thus making it spam, which shall lead you to an imminent ban.

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Yes, but that's an action, and an opinion isn't an action, therefore your statement is irrelevant to the current topic, thus making it spam, which shall lead you to an imminent ban.

This board also allows spam.

And besides, that made absolutely no sense.

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God also told us not to kill each other.

God also told an 80 year old men to feel up animals and carry 2 of each animal (1 of each sex) and force them to breed.


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God also told an 80 year old men to feel up animals and carry 2 of each animal (1 of each sex) and force them to breed.


Oh yeah, he also had to build a boat and gather enough food and fresh water for him and 1000 animals to survive for 40 days or some shit.

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Where the fuck did you read that he had to feel them up? And carry them?

Alright. Look to see if they have a penis.

How else would he get them into the boat? Slapping their ass and when they chase him run to the boat and hope he doesn't trip?

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Alright. Look to see if they have a penis.

How else would he get them into the boat? Slapping their ass and when they chase him run to the boat and hope he doesn't trip?

"The story of Noah's Ark, according to chapters 6 to 9 in the Book of Genesis,[7] begins with God observing mankind's sinful ways and deciding to flood the earth and destroy all life. However, God found one good man, Noah, "a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time", and decided that he would save him. God instructs Noah to make an ark for his family and for representatives of the world's animals and birds.

Noah and his family and the animals entered the Ark, and "on the same day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights". The flood covered even the highest mountains to a depth of more than 6 metres (20 ft), and all creatures died; only Noah and those with him on the Ark were left alive.

A depiction of the Genesis flood in Gustave Doré's illustrated edition of the Holy Bible.

At the end of 150 days the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. For 150 days again the waters receded, and the hilltops emerged. Noah sent out a raven which "went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth". Next, Noah sent a dove out, but it returned having found nowhere to land. After a further seven days, Noah again sent out the dove, and it returned with an olive leaf in its beak, and he knew that the waters had subsided. Noah waited seven days more and sent out the dove once more, and this time it did not return. Then he and his family and all the animals left the Ark, and Noah made a sacrifice to God, and God resolved that he would never again curse the ground because of man, nor destroy all life on it in this manner. Man in turn was instructed never to eat any animal which had not been drained of its blood.[8]

In order to remember this promise, God put a rainbow in the clouds, saying, "Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Edited by Noremac
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DH..you got issues...RB and GH are party games..IF YOU ARENT PARTYING WHY FREAKIN PLAY IT! and since you dont have any friends and have to resort to playing with your 9 year old brother i wouldnt expect you to understand

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Man in turn was instructed never to eat any animal which had not been drained of its blood.

Oh shit. The world is doomed. Billions/Trillions/Somethingillions of times.

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DH..you got issues...RB and GH are party games..IF YOU ARENT PARTYING WHY FREAKIN PLAY IT! and since you dont have any friends and have to resort to playing with your 9 year old brother i wouldnt expect you to understand

My brother is 16....

And I have friends.

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drained of its blood means cooked.......

People have eaten raw meat before. And there are some ways to eat raw meat without dying. Obviously meaning without cooking.

Fission mailed.

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