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For all those wondering why you have to kill people to get into Gaidens...

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uhhh...what exactly is your point?

Making fun of how Shiida seems to be a hit amoung every man in the army and how you actually have to kill about 80% of your entire army in order to get into Gaidens.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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That and there's always the sheer possibility that CAPTAIN GORDIN may conceive a child.

We can't have THAT happening! Also, Gordin and Shiida's growth rates?!


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That and there's always the sheer possibility that CAPTAIN GORDIN may conceive a child.

We can't have THAT happening! Also, Gordin and Shiida's growth rates?!




And ignoring growth rates...


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Look at the love growths section.

TRY to tell me Tiltyu isn't the filthiest whore this side of Grandbell.

I tried and failed.

Point taken.

Also, here's another scary one. Shiida and PRIVATE RYAN, the younger brother of CAPTAIN GORDIN.

Edited by Shiva
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I think Nyna is worse. Right after Camus death she's flirting with Marth. Her unfaithfulness and stds turned Hardin bad, leading to the death of him and Zagaro. Nyna is pure evil.


She did? I haven't seen the convo. The only one I've seen is the FE3 Book 1 Convo.

Note: Uses fan-translation names.


Nina... I’m sorry.

I couldn’t fulfil my promise to you...


No, Marth...

You have also suffered.

I’m sorry.


I already knew that this would happen.

Since the time I handed the Emblem to you, I knew that...

The Fire Emblem must be used to restore the royal family.

But there is a price to pay, which is to lose your most loved one.

That is the curse of the Emblem...

The fate of Artemis.

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On the chapter where Camus is killed? Or at the end of the game?

Book 1 End of game convo. Fantranslation again.


Mmm... Sheeda.

You must go back to report to your father, right?

But if you don’t return to Aritia immediately afterwards, then...




Uh... Well... These lands, which have been ruined by war, must be restored as soon as possible.


Haha, Marth, always leaving the most important things until last.

If you’re a hero, then don’t try to beat around the bush!

Go ahead and tell Sheeda about your feelings.



What should I...?

Ah, my head...


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