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Which characters from Brawl won't be in the next game

luigi bros

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Lucas was supposed to replace Ness in SSBM, but MOTHER 3 didn't happen so they couldn't. It was mentioned on the SSBM site way back. Saved transcript:


("Actually, at first, I planned to change him [Ness] into the protagonist of MOTHER3 [Lucas], but for various reasons during the delay, I settled back on the original idea.")

I don't completely understand what this means. If I'm reading this correctly, Sakurai was planning to put Lucas in Melee before Mother 3 would come out? Are you saying they already had plans set in motion for Mother 3 as far back as when Melee was in development? If I remember correctly, Mother 3 came out in 2006, did it not? So I'm guessing Mother 3 took a really long time to make compared to other games (and don't go mad at me because I didn't know this if it's true).

Oh wait, I just almost completely forgot that they were originally planning to make Mother 3 for N64. But still, sorry if it took me this long to know some of these infos.

Edited by 21_21
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Okay. Glad to finally find a thread like this.


The Original 12 will LIKELY remain in the game, regardless of Jigglypuff's or Ness's popularity currently. Do any of us remember, "Up until now...?"

Also, the majority of characters that were scrapped from Melee to Brawl were clones, save Mewtwo, who was replaced by the very similar Lucario. Not to mention Toon Link is pretty much the exact same thing as Young Link.

The clones that Sakurai actually KEPT in Brawl will likely appear in the next Smash, with a more separating moveset- they changed some moves here and there with Falco and Ganondorf, so it's likely they will be more of a "Luigified" version of their base characters.

Everyone else, save Marth, is fair game for removal. I'd prefer to keep Wolf because he was the GOOD choice for a Star Fox rep, though admittedly, they haven't released a decent game in a while.

R.O.B. is probably leaving. He's considered a replacement for many of the other fan-favorites, such as Ridley, Krystal, and Geno. The last one I don't even get...

Toon Link might get the boot, or be cloned after Link again.

Olimar will probably get the boot if he doesn't get another game out.

Meta Knight/King Dedede have lower odds with more character spaces in the next one. Expect only one to return. Unless Sakurai likes being a biased faggot.

Ike will either be replaced by a new FE lord, or will return with a similar moveset.

Mr. Game & Watch isn't leaving. Sakurai himself stated that the creator of his universe, Mr. Gunpei Yokoi, is a personal hero to him.

Sonic and Snake are likely to stay, along with the addition of ONLY ONE third party character. Presumably Megaman/Bomberman/Simon Belmont.

Ice Climbers and Pit are staying. A new retro character is also likely. Most likely Little Mac, due to the new Punchout on the Wii.

Lucas will probably not get the boot; he's a popular character in both Japan and America. With more character slots, another Earthbound rep is also likely. Only plausible choice is the Masked Man.

Everyone else not mentioned is definitely going to be in the next one.

This is probably the most likely choices Sakurai will make from Brawl to SSB4.

I only hope he isn't as biased as to give THREE of his own characters slots when there are more deserving and important characters. Plus, Kirby has only been releasing average DS games as of late.

Oh, and the following is a small list of characters whose chances have been made either more likely or incredibly guaranteed:

Isaac- Appears as Assist Trophy, a fan favorite, would bring a new series into Brawl, and a new Golden Sun for DS is coming out in '10.

Waluigi- Granted, his chances of appearing have gone from slim to "Hmm, I'll give it a thought, though a minor one." If he appears as an Assist Trophy over, say, Geno, then that means something.

Stafy- Well, he has a new game and he's an Assist Trophy. Also would introduce a new series to Brawl.

Shadow- He's an Assist Trophy, but there are more important choices...

Edited by OliverXRenning
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Assuming they make somthing like Super Smash Bros Skirmish or something. As for the characters beats me <_< If I were take a guess I would say Olimar. Does Olimar keep picmen in his pants like Izuka keeps Feral Ones? EDIT: They might take out Lucas.

Edited by The Black Knight
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EDIT: They might take out Lucas.

Only if they want to piss a lot of people off. And I don't think they do.

For everyone who supports Krystal 4 Brawl- you are an idiot. Everyone IN that fanbase is an idiot. Wolf is the better choice for a rep and I would choose goddamn SLIPPY over Krystal.

Ridley- He's too big. Sakurai pretty much spat on his supporters with the boss fight he got. If it wasn't enough, he also stomped on their balls with TWO boss fights to emphasize his hugeness.

Geno- lol 1 overrated game anyone?

Kumatora- From Mother 3; I don't even know why people support her over the Masked Man.

Any other standalone Pokemon not named Mewtwo, Pikachu, or Jigglypuff- Favoritism is a cruel and fickle bitch.

And my personal hopes:

Shy Guy as a Yoshi series rep. Yeah, the odds of it happening are >.0001%, but imagine the awesomeness of such a moveset.

Kamek as a Yoshi series rep. A good choice for a new villain if they ever need one. Magic based moveset too, which we haven't seen a lot of.

Waluigi- Imagine if they can make Wario's fantastic moveset, what could they do with Waluigi's lanky form?

Mask Link- As in, Majora's Mask Young Link with a Pokemon Trainer-like style. Deku Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link; and for the Final Smash, Fierce Deity Link. An unlikely candidate however.

And for realistic additions:

Paper Mario- Three great games with a large-ass fanbase? Refreshing moveset with tons of potential? Need I say more?

Bowser Jr- He takes roles in Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, and has an awesome deal for a moveset. Also, it will not likely include Shadow Mario because that moveset is just going to be Mario with a recolored Beam Sword.

K. Rool- Only reasonable choice for a new DK rep other than Dixie. Unless they implement the N64 five kongs as one character- in which case, I will personally suck Sakurai off.

Toon Zelda- Probably going to be a clone, though.

Toon Ganon- Has a high probability of appearing in the new Spirit Tracks. I cannot, for the life of me, picture Ganon with a conductor's hat.

I have... no idea what the next Metroid rep is going to be.

No good Yoshi rep except for Yoshi himself and Kamek. Anyone who says Birdo deserves to be shot.

Kirby? lol no new Kirby reps plox. Three is a little much, thank you. Although with more slots for use, its likely they'll return.

Fox? If Sakurai is smart and doesn't give in to the raeging fanboys, Krystal will never see the light of day. Wolf/Fox/Falco will return, but it is unlikely there will be a new rep. Maybe Peppy or Leon Palowski but whatever.

Pokemon? lol that series has over 9,000 people to choose from. My guess is a 5th gen Pokemon Trainer and possibly a Legendary addition. That replaces Lolcario.

Fire Emblem? STOP SAYING MICAIAH KTHXBAI. Eliwood = no, Lyn = maybe (she did get Assist Trophy status), Hector = no, but a big fat yes would be nice. Ike may not return. Marth has a definite chance of returning, Roy will never come back. EVER. Only sensible choice would be a new FE lord.

blarg Anything beyond this and I'll be procrastinating.

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Unless Sakurai likes being a biased faggot.

The whole "every one of my characters is kickass in all of the SSB games they appear in" hasn't clued you in on that?

Melee Kirby sez hai

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No. Pichu was always terrible and at least below Kirby always.

Unless you could show me the link when Smashboards was on cocaine.

And Kirby really IS that bad. Not worse than Pichu, but still.

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