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Marth vs. Ike


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I think they'll probably keep him in all future SSB games because he's one of those NES era dudes, so he's classic, and, he was the first FE lord EVEEEER. Yeah, they'll be keeping him.

As for Ike, well, I'd like to see his RD-self as a playable character.

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If Vanguard Ike made it to Brawl, I don't know what they would do to improve him. He's already powerful and already has decent speed considering how much power he has... I think Marth will make it through, though. As for the other FE character, who knows.

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Marth because he's the first FE lord and because of that, he'll always be one of the FE representitives.

Roy was replaced by Ike and Ike will be replaced by the next FE lord, pther then Marth.

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Silly people, there isn't gonna be a smash bros after this.

I thought there was gonna be another, just that Sakurai wasn't going to be a part of it... or did I just misread.... anyway, if there is another smash I say that neither marth nor ike will make it, the franchise is just too hardcore so Nintendo will just leave the Mario characters and put cookin mama, the elebits, some miis, and any other new casual franchise that is created by the time the new smash gets out. You know because Nintendo is just for the casuals :P

On a more serious note, I think that (again if there is a next smash) it is more likely that Marth stays, and Ike is replaced with the newer Fire emblem protagonist.....

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Marth for sure.

Ike has his own moveset that I can't see any lord besides Hector copying, so that helps him. But a new lord who fights like him could come out of the blue in future FE's. Just like what happened to Mewtwo.

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Marth is guaranteed a spot in SSB4. Ike and Roy are both likely to return, but putting in the next sword-wielding FE Lord will be the much, much more important to Sakurai

If SSB4 is being made. Sakurai said he wasn't going to work on another. That could mean that there won't be another.

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If SSB4 is being made. Sakurai said he wasn't going to work on another. That could mean that there won't be another.

No, it means somebody who actually wants us to have fun will continue the Smash series.

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Marth will continue on to any new SSB, while Ike is likely to be replaced by the newest lord. Just like what happened to Roy.

But was Roy really replaced? I thought there wasn't enough time to put him in the game, I don't see the reason why Ike should go... but who know... we aren't even sure there's going to be another smash :(

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But was Roy really replaced? I thought there wasn't enough time to put him in the game, I don't see the reason why Ike should go... but who know... we aren't even sure there's going to be another smash :(

I don't think Nintendo will stop making the Smash Bros. ga,es they're too popular and make enough money to keep it going.

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But a new lord who fights like him could come out of the blue in future FE's. Just like what happened to Mewtwo.

There is always the possibility of them keeping both and just adding someone new.

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I'd rather see Ike return. But Marth is definitely going to be in the next one most likely. I just hope if Ike do return, they use his RD Vanguard form. It would have been sweet if they used his Lord costume in Brawl.....

I don't think Nintendo will stop making the Smash Bros. games they're too popular and make enough money to keep it going.

Especially when there is room for improvement in Brawl....

Edited by Blaze340
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...I think that they keep replacing older characters with newer ones with the sake of just promoting or seeing homage to new games or old games.

I mean look:

Roy was used to promote for Fire Emblem 6.

Replace by Ike to promote for PoR and RD.

Young Link was used as a tribute to Orcarnia of Time.

Replaced by Toon Link as a tribute to Wind Waker.

Mewtwo, a character from the 1st generation Pokemon games.

Replaced by Lucario, a character from the 4th gen, also gave homage to Pokemon D/P

See where I'm going? Marth will return. Sadly, Ike shall be replaced. (NO!)

(Pichu = A lighter, faster, and more emo version of Pikachu. I mean, wtf, who wants a pokemon that hurts himself 2% everytime he attacks?)

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Pichu's Usmash, Dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, bair, uair, bthrow, dthrow, uthrow, and standard A didn't hurt him, and his Thunder didn't hurt him if it didn't hit him. It's easy to get by with just those moves and an occasional fsmash for kills and Quick Attack for recovery.

Not saying Pichu's a good character or anything, or even saying that he's not the worst character, just saying he's almost usable.

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