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Carrion's leads in avoid and critical avoid over Brighton, for starters, are irrefutable. They begin a tad slight when you can start fielding both characters, but only increase and increase and mushroom cloud from there. After chapter 9, Carrion is the most effective thus best Elite sword wielder you have on the team for a long while because of his lower level when he joins (already higher EXP gain and faster levelling without it equipped naturally results in even more of both) plus him being able to swing swords on a horse. So Brighton already naturally loses avoid/critical avoid factoring in supports for both, and can't even really win defense when it comes to trudging through ballista range on the enemy phase and other scenarios.

And what's about Brighton using axes? It's not like they are the best weapon type in the game.

Except from the basic to the might-tripling to the Prf to the master varieties, they are - and unfortunately for Brighton, he doesn't get to exploit them indoors.

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But barely relevant.

At first, maybe. And then it's still a slight lead, like I went over. Thank you for ignoring my post after that and the bottom line (as usual, I'd gather).

I see not bothering with combat on ch. 19 is a pussy argument that has yet to be supported, if it's being asserted 'just because rape' in order to blow one character's horn over another, that's only more retarded. The baron and his immediately surrounding entourage is one thing, but fighting mounts will be indulged there at the very least because there are houses worth visiting and some unpromoted foes with 10 move. CEXP to boost offense/defense for later chapters plus good enemy equips are plentiful besides, so sticking around for about 30 turns seems to me as viable a strategy as any.

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I think they both are legendary, but brighton has edge in the game because of his better def and level lead.

Someone once said- in thraccia, it is not about killing enemies, it is surviving them.

However, I do like carrion more, and the elite sword gives him more defense.

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Carion will hit and will avoid more(you can't just ignore it), and WAY more luck.Brighton gets in the lead in STR by 2 points due to promotional bonuses, and more 4 DEF, 2 points being promo bonuses.BLD doesn't matter much due to both being mounted.

Carion having 2 points more in Skl while being several levels lower should be noted.

And what's about Brighton using axes? It's not like they are the best weapon type in the game.

I guess you don't get anything from me having to explain it over and over again, so just read my previous posts.

They begin a tad slight when you can start fielding both characters, but only increase and increase and mushroom cloud from there. After chapter 9, Carrion is the most effective thus best Elite sword wielder you have on the team for a long while because of his lower level when he joins (already higher EXP gain and faster levelling without it equipped naturally results in even more of both) plus him being able to swing swords on a horse. So Brighton already naturally loses avoid/critical avoid factoring in supports for both, and can't even really win defense when it comes to trudging through ballista range on the enemy phase and other scenarios.

It is indeed true that Carion's avoid is greater - I never denied that.

However, when factoring in FE5's raped luck, the 1 RN system and the maximum of only 60 avoid, it's really not as important anymore.

I was simply attempting to decrease the importance on Carion's avoid, which I believe was right to do. You never know when FE5 will rape you. The RNG is very different from other games.

In FE5, stats like HP and def are more reliable. You never know when and how you'll get raped. Brighton, thanks to his constant and enormous level lead on Carion, will have higher defence and hp.

Also -- when Carion catches up to your other units with the Elite Sword, he has no further claim on it, meaning anyone else can take it.

I see not bothering with combat on ch. 19 is a pussy argument that has yet to be supported

I don't believe that combat is a good way to beat Chapter 19. The enemies there actually beat the team I brought from my Epilogue via chapter code. You are constantly overwhelmed by horses with Canto - you are making an easy chapter hard.

Not only that, it is very inefficient to do so.

if it's being asserted 'just because rape' in order to blow one character's horn over another, that's only more retarded.

Blow one character's horn over another? Brighton is better in that chapter, and I was actually helping Oushin. Perhaps I failed to understand this sentence.

but fighting mounts will be indulged there at the very least because there are houses worth visiting and some unpromoted foes with 10 move.

Most of the items there are actually pretty worthless. The only ones worth I can see are the Speed Ring and maybe M Up staff and maybe even the Silver Sword - a simple Warp tactic could get those easily.

CEXP to boost offense/defense for later chapters plus good enemy equips are plentiful besides, so sticking around for about 30 turns seems to me as viable a strategy as any.

This is about Brighton vs Carrion in general. Nothing was determined before. Meaning efficiency.

Yeah, very efficient to fight for about 30 turns!

Plus, stats only cap at like 20 in this game, and coupled with scrolls, I don't see your units needing many CEXP.

Edited by Shanan
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I'm gonna have to agree with Bryton being better. Bryton has Wrath, which is one of the best skills in the game and with the messed up RNG of FE5, HP and Defense matter a bit more than Avoid. Also, the Elite Sword isn't Carrion exclusive so Carrion has to RELY on a weapon which could be given to another unit like Marita later. Plus, even with Elite Sword, it'll take time for Carrion to catch up while Bryton is very useful from the moment he joins your party.

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  • 2 weeks later...
However, when factoring in FE5's raped luck, the 1 RN system and the maximum of only 60 avoid, it's really not as important anymore.

I was simply attempting to decrease the importance on Carion's avoid, which I believe was right to do.

You never know when FE5 will rape you. The RNG is very different from other games.

In FE5, stats like HP and def are more reliable. You never know when and how you'll get raped. Brighton, thanks to his constant and enormous level lead on Carion, will have higher defence and hp.

You don't seem to understand. You revel in being biased and wrong. Try to look at the entire picture instead of being mule-headed and just looking at earlygame stats. This isn't an armor vs. a magician. Elite on an underlevelled unit who can use the sword while mounted means this 'enormous' and 'constant' level lead you speak of doesn't exist after ch. 9. It shrinks rapidly, LOL 'enormous', constant', and their knack for taking hits becomes better than comparable against the enemies for Carrion, while yet allowing a level lead in Brighton's favor. Press me further on this like a mule and I will pull up enemy parameters that prove it.

Even if Brighton were to have a defense lead, it's miniscule. Newsflash: his defense is not that special in the first place - it's nowhere near consistently armorlike or cling-clang, and even in the event he's promoted as early as after ch. 12x (that's definitely not guaranteed), magic and horseslaying weapon scenarios emerge where that statistic can no longer be depended upon at all, and sporting higher avoid does become that much more important indeed. In one corner we have Carrion nearly capping it by promotion and gaining levels a lot faster with/out the Elite sword, while Brighton is struggling at half that by 20/0 (which Carrion matches at a mere 6/0 on average) and inching forward in levels slowly.

And it can well exceed the natural 60 limit thanks to support partners, Charisma, leadership stars, terrain, etc. Machua is Brighton's partner, but isn't always deployed thanks to fatigue or the player wanting to spend hers on a more difficult string of chapters, etc. Leaf is very disadvantaged as a fighting unit compared to her yet he's still the lord, Carrion's partner, who is always deployed no matter what.

I don't believe that combat is a good way to beat Chapter 19. The enemies there actually beat the team I brought from my Epilogue via chapter code. You are constantly overwhelmed by horses with Canto - you are making an easy chapter hard.

Wuss reasoning.......I already pointed out how there are beneficial enemy spoils, and every additional stat-up counts for later chapters, only helping to lower the turns taken. It may not be a pushover, but it's survivable. You just seem to be a mediocre player who likes to argue for the sake of arguing instead of admitting where Brighton is disadvantaged.

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