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Advanced Wars/Battalion Wars


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AW has a similar game play style but it is modern combat and survival of units is not important

Battalion Wars is a real time version for console games (Just think a real time FE game!.....whoa)

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I'd like to see a remade Super Famicom Wars for WiiWare. New graphics, but the main attraction being multiplayer over Wi-Fi. BS Super Famicom Wars, in other words ^^

These games are always fun, at the very least. Though I couldn't stand the broken COs of Advance Wars 2 and Dual Strike. The first Advance Wars had it right--it gave COs something unique about themselve, rather than a few unit boosts like in Super Famicom Wars (and GameBoy Wars?).

I never got to try Battalion Wars 2, and the first felt a little lack-luster to me :E

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To be honest the series defintely improved once they removed simultanious firing. It gave players a reason to take the initivie and attack first.

For nobody who gets, it in Super Famicom Wars if an anti-air goes against a bomber both the bomber and anti-air will have low HP regardless of which attacks first while in advance wars whichever one attacks first will be relatively unscaved.

Dark Conflict really needed a proper War room (the skirmish maps are in a way more interesting due to pre-deployed), Advance Campagin and maybe the Turn/Money/Time maps. As a result I spent less time with it than I did with Dual Strike.

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