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I just need to post this so I can print this at school

No usb :P

Citation sheet

World Encyclopedia ( R )

Athearn, Robert G. American Heritage New Illustrated History of The United States, The Roosevelt Era. New York: Fawcett, 1971. Vols. XIV and XV. Special picture portfolio on F.D.R., pages 1187-1207. F.D.R. vs. the Supreme Court by Merlo J. Pusey, pages 1253-1258. Vol. 15 World War II. Background for war, pages 1265-1274.

Pew, Thomas, W., Jr. “Route 66: Ghost Road of the Okies.” American Heritage, 28, No. 5 (1977), 36-44.

Terkel, Louis (Studs). Hard Times. New York: Pantheon Books, Random House, 1970. Very interesting personalities tell their own experience.

Wigginton, Eliot. “I Wish I Could Give My Son A Wild Raccoon.” Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1976. Oral history interviews of people who lived through and after the Depression. Interesting reading.

Winslow, Susan. Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? America from the Wall Street Crash to Pearl Harbor. Paddington Press, Ltd., 1976. An illustrated and an interesting book for the students with newspaper headlines, photographs, and quotations from books and magazines.


Navas, Gianni

English II

Period 3


Our 44th president Barrack Obama was inaugurated into office on January 20th 2009. The progression of this nation is astounding, electing an African American into the highest possible position in our government, when a mere 40 years ago a minority couldn’t even sit in a half decent bus seat. The exponential evolution of the United States was made possible by its prodigious changes made by its astonishing presidents, but what defines a great president? Foreign policy? A strong and effective military? Or perhaps a balanced yet stable economy?. As our 44th president said “In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned.” and Franklin D Roosevelt has earned the title of the greatest president of the United States of America.

FDR’s presidency was one of economic depression and of utter panic. The banking crisis was a prime example of this. FDR shut down all the banks, then had them inspected. Banks that were ineffective were shut down and never re-opened, and the banks who could still make profits were re-opened and funded.” The president’s action restored confidence and ended the banking crisis” (world encyclopedia, 457). FDR also established the New Deal act “which was aimed at short-term recovery programs for all groups” (Alter ch 31”). “It achieved great success with its programs of food control, and

Dont critique just leave it

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[23:22] <CaptainZephmarre> Hey Doom.

[23:22] <CaptainZephmarre> There's this wonderful thing called email.

[23:22] <HikaHolocubeXP> I already told him to

[23:22] <HikaHolocubeXP> In his thread

[23:22] <CaptainZephmarre> You can send stuff to yourself and access it later, possibly from another computer.

[23:22] <CaptainZephmarre> You should try it sometime.

[23:22] <HikaHolocubeXP> Instead of annoying the fucking mods like a faggot

[23:23] <HikaHolocubeXP> You should e-mail yourself

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Sorry needs a bumb gonna print tomorrow

and btw I know about e-mail it's just that IT'S BLOCKED IN SCHOOL!!!!!! And this isn't so I use this becuase on smashboards I would get an infraction

What the fuck? What kind of fucking retarded school blocks email? It's almost necessary for students to transfer stuff between computers.

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The subject of this essay I have chosen is music and how great of an impact it has

on movies, television, and video game soundtracks. I feel that as an musician, a

Composer/arranger, and a Music Theory major it is my duty to notice, understand, and

tell people why music has such an important role to play when it comes to those genre of

media. Music is something that people need to take more notice and appreciation in

interactive (video, electronic and computer games) and non-interactive media, especially

towards video and computer games since many people still have the mindset that video game

music is still bleeps and bloops, despite the fact that thanks to many advancement, video game

soundtrack can provide the same sound production, value, and in some cases, the same

orchestration as movie soundtrack.

Music enhances the mood of a scene in which sometimes actors and characters can not

just do by themselves. In every emotional event, in every climatic scene, in every major conflict

within interactive and non-interactive media, music is heavily needed to help carry out that

enchantment of emotion. Without the music telling and expressing emotion, what good will it

do for that scene or event?

Fuck, Word formant doesn't work on forums.

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