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Golden Sun

Metal Rabbit

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I loved Golden Sun, it was a great Gameboy Advance game, it's just a shame that there is no third game to the series. I would have loved one. There was talk and rumors of a Gamecube game being made, but it never happened.

Most people like the storyline, because it was originally made as a one-shot game, and for a one-shot the story was pretty good and nicely put together. A third game has got me really excited though!

Edited by Cynthia
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I loved Golden Sun, it was a great Gameboy Advance game, it's just a shame that there is no third game to the series. I would have loved one. There was talk and rumors of a Gamecube game being made, but it never happened.

Most people like the storyline, because it was originally made as a one-shot game, and for a one-shot the story was pretty good and nicely put together. A third game has got me really excited though!

In an older interview with the series creators, they mentioned that the first two games were the prequel to the real thing.

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Are you kidding me? The plot was the best part of the game. The boring, repetitive battles are what really killed this game though.

I feel you have it backwards. The battles may be a bit repetitive, but it didn't stop the battles from being intense. The game is just too well presented not to be.

The plot on the other hand was vaguely uninteresting, and even worse it made you sit and watch every bit of it all the while moving so slow you'd think it refused to move forward. Worst examples are with Briggs, Dodonpa, and any lighthouse battle. Heavens have mercy if you lose, making you have to sit through alllllll that fucking dialogue again.

Golden Sun is a game that's incredibly pretty that you want to get into, but its loud, annoying, uncreative and refuses to shut the hell up, going on and on and on about crap no sane person would give a shit about.

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I don't understand why people think the plot is the best part. There's way to much dialogue. At times I just wanted people to just shut the hell up so I could play the game. There are lots of cliches, not that I noticed them after a certain point likely because whatever part of my brain notices cliches went numb And the main character is asked every "Yes/No" question that pops into other character's heads. (ie: Did that giant floating eye-rock-thing just save our lives? Will you get help to save this kid from the river?)

What I like about the series are the puzzles (including dungeons not named Air's Rock) and the battles.

Edited by Miror B.
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In an older interview with the series creators, they mentioned that the first two games were the prequel to the real thing.

Yeah, you're supposed to be playing as ancestors of the original characters from the first one (Issac, Garret, Ivan).

Sounds a bit cliche to me though. Still, I wouldn't mind getting and playing it.

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I feel you have it backwards. The battles may be a bit repetitive, but it didn't stop the battles from being intense. The game is just too well presented not to be.
This. Think of the battles as an evolution of Dragon Warrior style battles.
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Yeah, you're supposed to be playing as ancestors of the original characters from the first one (Issac, Garret, Ivan).

Sounds a bit cliche to me though. Still, I wouldn't mind getting and playing it.

Descendants actually. Ancestors would be those who came before them. We know that the characters of Golden Sun DS are their children or further down the line, I'd prefer something like great, great grandchildren.

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I'll ignore the necropost because,

A. Necroposting rules are generally gay.

B. Said necropost was a worthwhile, substantial post which saves the effort of creating another topic.

C. All of the above.

It's C.

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Then we'd be asking why all of the dungeons in the world have changed so drastically and new ruins have propped up in such a short time.

Or we could be looking at all the amazing things that Alchemy has brought to a rejuvenated Weyard. Thats why I want it further in the future.

You always have places that haven't been able to be fully explored, Prox and the possibility of being able to reach whatever is left of Anemos, and we don't necessarily need ruins. Maybe some kingdoms have popped up thanks to Alchemy and not all of them are good or in favor of what you're doing. Lemuria may have opened up to the outside world. Sea travel has become safer. I can just think of so many things that Alchemy could do.

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Huh... I thought ancestors would bring it more into the future than simply great grandchildren.

That was just an example. I'd be happy with further descendants as well. That just allows them more room to show what Alchemy has done to the world.

Although, depending on the average child bearing age of Golden Sun, great grandchildren would easily be between 50-100 years later.

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I love this game for part-nostalgic purposes, and the Judgenment Djinn summon. GS:The Lost Age was 10x better, and Golden Sun was awesome. Isaac was uber-popular.

I liked the pervernergy joke that someone made in his sig. It's here on this forum.

Edited by HolsetyExcaliburRexcalibur
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