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Critical Coefficient


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It doesn't activate on pursuit on enemy phase, only on initial hit. It also explains why Wrath+Ambush is totally useless.

Also, I just loaded up a chapter 18 save and had Othin attack Xavier. Unless Xavier has some hidden attribute that nullifies critical (or unless Wrath only makes critical 99% and there was the 1% chance that it didn't critical), Othin did not land a critical on his pursuit attack on player phase, even though it hit.

So, uh, don't start with this false info-spreading yourself.

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I just posted it. Sara has a PCC of 0 and Wrath. She doubled a Dark Mage AND got hit by Yotsmung on Player phase. She didn't do a critical on her target.

And as I posted, I haven't seen it activate during enemy phase on very rare occasions when hits connect, either. Proof the designers didn't want to go OTT with Wrath's brokenness on the whole, maybe, but not that it goes missing when you DA something on player phase.

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You people haven't proven anything there. Where exactly is the evidence FE5 Wrath does not activate upon Pursuit? Rarely have I seen it not trigger on the enemy phase either with a successful hit.

Well, in my case, it's just experience. I don't have any videos unfortunately. However, I have seen situations where the enemy attacks during enemy phase, and Othin's second hit did NOT critical or miss. This proves that his second attack doesn't have guaranteed crit and the only explanation is that Pursuit cancels Wrath.

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And as I posted, I haven't seen it activate during enemy phase on very rare occasions when hits connect, either. Proof the designers didn't want to go OTT with Wrath's brokenness on the whole, maybe, but not that it goes missing when you DA something on player phase.

Will that do?

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Thanks for ignoring my post. I don't have the time to make and upload the video (this computer is crap and making the video will take half an hour at least), but I believe it's almost certain definitive proof.

I could upload the savestate for Levin, assuming that savestates also save strings of RNs.

Edited by dondon151
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Then your POV lacks logic. You can clearly see the skill Wrath in there and her stats.

Hmmmm........I don't see any stat window, and the Elite skill she has by default happens to be absent.

Still not proof.

Brighton hits some random ch. 4 soldier during enemy phase twice and never criticals, OMG.

Edited by Former Guest
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Missing has something to do with it?

LOL no...

Hmmmm........I don't see any stat window, and the Elite skill she has by default happens to be absent.

Still not proof.

Brighton hits some random ch. 4 soldier during enemy phase twice and never criticals, OMG.

The hell does Elite have to do with critical hit rates?


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Let me settle this once and for all. These are the Crit rates for a character with Wrath and activates Pursuit. Please note that these formulas are only used if the attack even hits. All attacks can miss. You have to Hit before you Crit. If the character activates Charge, then I'm afraid I don't know what will happen. I haven't experimented with Xavier yet.

Player Phase

First Attack: Crit Rate = (Skill - Luck/2)+Support,Leadership,etc

Second Attack: Crit Rate = {(Skill - Luck/2)+Support,Leadership,etc} x PCC

Enemy Phase

First Attack: Crit Rate = 100

Second Attack: Crit Rate = {(Skill - Luck/2)+Support,Leadership,etc} x PCC

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If you activate Continue on the first attack on enemy phase, does the second attack of the set have Wrath crit or normal crit? Same thing with a Hero weapon.

I don't think so. I'm not entirely sure but I heard somewhere that Wrath only activates once in every clash so even if some multi-hit skill activates, only the wrath guy's first attack will have guaranteed critical (assuming it's the enemy phase). Hero Weapon is Auto Continue which is the same case.

What I am sure of is that PCC boost remains with all attacks upon Pursuit. So if someone activates Continue with Pursuit, both those hits would have multiplied Crit rates. My Marita once activated Meteor with Pursuit and kept scoring Critical hits continuously until the enemy died.

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I think Wrath falls under the same 1-99 RN range as hitting and normally critting do, which explains the rare occasions where Othin/Brighton/Sarah hit their first hit on enemy phase without critting.

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I think Wrath falls under the same 1-99 RN range as hitting and normally critting do, which explains the rare occasions where Othin/Brighton/Sarah hit their first hit on enemy phase without critting.

Really? That never happened to me though. I always thought it was 100. For me, it was always either Crit or Miss. Didn't the description say "Always Critical on counterattacks"?

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I just posted it. Sara has a PCC of 0 and Wrath. She doubled a Dark Mage AND got hit by Yotsmung on Player phase. She didn't do a critical on her target.

Player phase goes like this.

Sara's attack.



Why did I pull this from? FE3 displays these windows during battle. Like:

Marth's attack.

15 damage taken.

Grunia's counterattack.

Marth dodged.

Marth's second attack.

15 damage taken.

Grunia fell.

Edited by Marty
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Player phase goes like this.

Sara's attack.



Why did I pull this from? FE3 displays these windows during battle. Like:

Marth's attack.

15 damage taken.

Grunia's counterattack.

Marth dodged.

Marth's second attack.

15 damage taken.

Grunia fell.

This proves it. Wrath activates on Counterattack which only happens if the enemy attacks first.

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