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What career do you think you want?

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Mainly an engineer (I love designing/building things) but other jobs I have considered are demolition worker (don't know what they are called) and somebody awhile back said i would be a good teacher...

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I consider love and loved ones a more important aspect of life. It won't matter how much money you made when you die, but the time you spent with the ones you love will. If you get to the end of your life and all you can remember is wanting to make money, then consider it a life well wasted.

Thus I don't want to be RICH, but I do want to be well enough where I can take care of my family and myself.


If I have someone I love by the time University finishes, I will apply for the Police Force that will be closest to wherever they intend to go. Even if it is outside the UK, I'll go and work in any Force as long as the other half is happy.

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Here's some good advice : Try to get as much networking done in your field as possible. The more network and connections you got, the better your chances of landing your dream jobs.

also if you are going into video games LEARN JAPANESE AND CHINESE, I hope to be able to go into the video game field as a producer- designer and hopefully own my own third party company, OR go into NOJ and (hopefully) convince them to let me do a LOZ game B)

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also if you are going into video games LEARN JAPANESE AND CHINESE, I hope to be able to go into the video game field as a producer- designer and hopefully own my own third party company, OR go into NOJ and (hopefully) convince them to let me do a LOZ game B)

Here's are the best languages to learn for Game Design:








Oh and good luck trying to convince a Japanese company to make a game for you as a rookie American designer.

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I thought I wanted to do game design, but starting a few months back, I've recently been more interested in maybe teaching a class someday, probably some Academic secondary education class, subject doesn't matter but if I could pick one I like, then I'd prefer to teach Literature or Mathematics

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Here's are the best languages to learn for Game Design:








Oh and good luck trying to convince a Japanese company to make a game for you as a rookie American designer.

I know, it wouldn't be my first project (duh) but I'd like to do it.

also C++>C#>english>japanese>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>C (since learning C++ incorporates everything)>>>>spanish.

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I love video games and always wanted to make them.

As for prosecution, I like delivering justice (as corny as it sounds).

um, from some personal experiences, the prosecutor is not always the good guy.

i know people who have gone to trial as the defendant when they never committed the crime.

Protip: Playing video games =/= making them. People who tend to think just because they play video games usually don't understand that playing game doesn't justify making them.

Anyways, I want to be a game designer because I want to tell my own stories and ideas through an different form of media. I want people interactivity go through my stories and ideas.

I also would like to compose music for video games.

yeah, i agree. there are tons of people who play games, it doesn't mean they understand what it takes to make a new one.

as far as a career goes, i really don't know. i'm in college as an english major with a computer science minor.

i write fairly often, though nothing published (never actually tried).

i hate the idea of working some trash job, which most english majors get. that or teach, and i hate the world of academia.

and writing books doesn't quite get as much money as steven king (though most his stuff isn't just pulp), and most his money, and other rich contemporary writers get money out of movie rights.

i see the world of books slowly dying.

video games are becoming more and more prominent for story telling.

and like books, not every book that gets published is literature, and not every game that comes out is a worthy game.

(same thing applies to movies).

i wouldn't mind breaking into the game industry, but i also recognize the difficulty in such a thing.

everyone wants to direct games...well, chances are there is a lot of years of grunt work to be done before you're handed a director job, like every other corporate job.

though i am glad that Square Enix has said it will start working with Studio's outside of japan in an effort to make more world wide appealing games.

so Canas, how close are you to making this game company?

and i am intersted in you Zelda game idea.

i've already alluded to one of three that i've developed in that Link being a girl thread.

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um, from some personal experiences, the prosecutor is not always the good guy.

i know people who have gone to trial as the defendant when they never committed the crime.

yeah, i agree. there are tons of people who play games, it doesn't mean they understand what it takes to make a new one.

as far as a career goes, i really don't know. i'm in college as an english major with a computer science minor.

i write fairly often, though nothing published (never actually tried).

i hate the idea of working some trash job, which most english majors get. that or teach, and i hate the world of academia.

and writing books doesn't quite get as much money as steven king (though most his stuff isn't just pulp), and most his money, and other rich contemporary writers get money out of movie rights.

i see the world of books slowly dying.

video games are becoming more and more prominent for story telling.

and like books, not every book that gets published is literature, and not every game that comes out is a worthy game.

(same thing applies to movies).

i wouldn't mind breaking into the game industry, but i also recognize the difficulty in such a thing.

everyone wants to direct games...well, chances are there is a lot of years of grunt work to be done before you're handed a director job, like every other corporate job.

though i am glad that Square Enix has said it will start working with Studio's outside of japan in an effort to make more world wide appealing games.

so Canas, how close are you to making this game company?

and i am intersted in you Zelda game idea.

i've already alluded to one of three that i've developed in that Link being a girl thread.

I have talken with students with Interactive Media/Digital Media degrees and hell, even some who work in the industry and they say the industry is really cut-throat. One slip up such as loss of sales means loss of your job. If you want to be like a director or lead in a area of gaming, you will be force to do years of grunt work before you can even get into that position.

Also, Sqaure Enix working with non-Japanese studios can open doors for American/Japanese game studios. I mean, it has been done in tbe past, but you don't hear about that often.

To those who are composing for video games and movies: Since composing is usually done post-production, you will have a long wait until you can get the BETA build for the game so you can start working with music. It is best that you have a second job to keep your head up in money. Learn this from Tommy Tallarico himself.

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