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Robin sucks. I make him an archer so he doesn't have to be near anything. Better ding chip damage as he sucks doing anything else.

EDIT: As for a list, because there's really no need for one.


Holy Hell-


Everyone Else

Atlas and Est

Edited by Grandjackal
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Robin sucks. I make him an archer so he doesn't have to be near anything.

Even then he doesn't fail TOTALLY because Archers are ficking broken in FE2.

Even Shinon would rather be in bed with Lyre than fight Paison.

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Robin sucks. I make him an archer so he doesn't have to be near anything. Better ding chip damage as he sucks doing anything else.

EDIT: As for a list, because there's really no need for one.


Holy Hell-


Everyone Else

Atlas and Est

Oh. Well then....is Holy Hell good or bad?

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Holy Hell is at the top, so it must mean something AMAZING if I bothered giving it a different name. Seriously...Alm was a psycho. It just got hilarious when he gets the ability to use swords AND bows. I honestly think he would make Sigurd shit himself.

That's precisely WHY we make Robin an archer, so he doesn't fail. He's on the team for a good while, might as well put him to SOME sort of use.

Paison? You mean PYTHON? Hey paisanos! It's the Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

And even if Shinon liked laguz enough to bang 'em, he STILL wouldn't be caught dead in bed with Lyre. As much a catgirl fanboi I am, there's no denying he'd wake up with very bad itches from that cumdumpster.

He'd prefer Kyza anyways, he's more used to Gatrie's body frame, would be an easy conversion.

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That's exactly the point. Shinon despises Laguz and is biased enough not to find Lyre attractive. But it still beats the crap out of having to fight Pay/Paison/Python/whateverthefuckhisnameis. The blue haired archer guarding the rebel base which for some reason is infested with monsters. Some guard he makes. In any case he'd totally kick Shinon's ass.


Edited by Sweet Tooth
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That's exactly the point. Shinon despises Laguz and is biased enough not to find Lyre attractive. But it still beats the crap out of having to fight Pay/Paison/Python/whateverthefuckhisnameis. The blue haired archer guarding the rebel base which for some reason is infested with monsters. Some guard he makes. In any case he'd totally kick Shinon's ass.


Python would indeed whoop his ass across the world.

But it seems Paison-o Sweet Tooth agrees anyways. Ain't that right Paison-o?


I'm calling you that from now on.

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because the patch for gaiden sucks

:blink: Thats a rather interesting...reason...does that mean if there was no patch a list would be made.

I think the serious reason nobody has made a tier list for FE2 is it requires people to actually care about the game. Given the general lack of discussion of the game...

Also teir lists tend to bulit arround efficiency and to my knowledge nobody plays FE Gaiden with efficiency in mind (they play it to say they've played all FE games).

I suppose I should play Gaiden again sometime but from a personal perspecitve I think the problems lie as follows. The game is more focused on promotions and promotion based gains than other FE games. The average unit has a combined growth total of about 154%. Most modern FE games (FE7-10) have about double that. You can argue you get twice as many level ups but do you have the patience to get that many? Can you rely on level ups at all?

So now I've got a good question to throw into the ether. When should I be promoting my units? In my playthrough I did the whole level 20 thing but I remember it being a road that felt tougher than it should have been

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That and the characters have their own use and truly work well as a team. None really seem useless or overpowered (minus fail like Robin and Atlas and greatness of Katua and Paula...and Alm).

It would be like this.


The Archers

Everyone Else



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It would be like this.


The Archers

Everyone Else



H5 tier used to look similar to this based on Jeigan, Riff, and generics. A tier list was made anyway when we learned how to play H5.

A tier list for FE2 is completely possible. People just haven't decided how they want to do it yet.

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H5 tier used to look similar to this based on Jeigan, Riff, and generics. A tier list was made anyway when we learned how to play H5.

A tier list for FE2 is completely possible. People just haven't decided how they want to do it yet.

True that it is a coical generalization, but I really wouldn't see it too different from this. 5 range is hard to argue against. It gets more different between the other physical classes, the mages and the villager twins that are Grey and Cliff. But this honestly doesn't look too far off to me. Just...Everyone Else thing is too general.

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So why isn't the patch done better? And what is bad about the patch?

Well, the patch has some problem on the battle screen and stuff.

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Text isn't completely arranged correctly ('Cliff Fire Cast!'). 'Theif.' A few text-related issues.

Just the basics of an unfinished patch.

So now I've got a good question to throw into the ether. When should I be promoting my units?

I always promoted as quickly as possible, and the game never felt as if it detracted from the pacing of the game.

Then again, the Mages at that rate seemed as if they never promoted x_x

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That reminds me.

In Cecelia's group you want to only use 10 characters and to decide on what weapons and items that you would want to use, because you won't be able to switch her teammates after Chapter 4. I'll say it as far as that due to a spoiler.

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So why isn't the patch done better? And what is bad about the patch?

Put simply the game engine is a piece of shit. You can't make player character names more than 4 letters (well titles) long (which is why Robin became Bird...I think my patch went with Robn and would have been changed to Robin once I made an in tile*) without glitching up the unit list (stuff starts to vanish).

Basically it being a NES game the space you have is limited to what the Japanese had. Except English takes up more room. If you wanted to suggest people were to make compression routines, expand ROMs, ninja ASM skills and the like back in 1999 (or even today) you can piss off :P

*-There is some graphic space for special tiles like this (about 30 tiles worth). Idealy I'd want to make multi-purpose ones to help allow a bit more text. Yeah, it'll look shit but its the best that can be done.

Text isn't completely arranged correctly ('Cliff Fire Cast!'). 'Theif.' A few text-related issues.

Just the basics of an unfinished patch.

I fixed Theif (and Seb :( ). I left most of the rest messed up though. As for the "Cliff fire cast" IIRC spell synstax was a problem for the FE3 patch as well (I think they fixed it though) :(

Its nice to find people that actually cared. I might just give it another go* but until I do check this lot out. The Feb 13th 2006 is the newest patch IIRC and the Fe2j2e thing is a table file for checking text out with a compatable hex editor.

*-The main purpose was to have a patch the can be played from start to finish without the game dying (Ragnarok stopped that...and the stupid desert level but that one is probably the games fault...its too epic a glitch to be caused be text)

Then again, the Mages at that rate seemed as if they never promoted x_x

Especilly if they are Female :(

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