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I just got to the Fear Temple's basement (completly blew of Celica for the time being). What goodies are down here, and why are there two paths in the basement?

Fear Shrine has 3 Lion head statues in it. The area with two the left one is speed and the right one is luck. The area with one statue is revival. All those statues have 3 uses.

There is also lots of chests. The Magic Shield (which reduces enemy magic attacks to 10% hit), the speed ring (recover 5 HP per turn, +5 movement and speed is 40) and the choice between the silver shield and the holy shield. The Silver shield is +8 defence while the Holy shield is regerate 5 HP per turn and if you're facing a monster +13 defence.

Nuibaba's Mansion (the location above) is the place to go to once you're done. You can recruit Titia there which will mean not having to fight Zeke and defeating Nuibaba gets you the Magic Ring (Mage ring?) (regerate 5HP to turn and boosts the range of magic by 5 spaces).

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The village NPCs seems to think that Death Dragons are powerful. At least two NPCs have told me this (one of them said I'd be deadmeat), so that must mean something. How tough are they really?

Death dragons? I don't recall any death dragons, just zombie dragons.

Either way, they're tough at first, but I've no idea how far you are exactly. If you're concerned with Zeke, you're pretty far and zombie dragons I'd hardly call a threat at this point. You've got plenty of ways to fight them by now.

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Death dragons? I don't recall any death dragons, just zombie dragons.

Either way, they're tough at first, but I've no idea how far you are exactly. If you're concerned with Zeke, you're pretty far and zombie dragons I'd hardly call a threat at this point. You've got plenty of ways to fight them by now.

Oh, they're talking about those stupid things? Those aren't a problem for me anymore. I've got Falcon Knights, Holy Weapons, and Celica has Angel (and the speed ring so she can actually move). Oh, and my units have great stats at this point.

On a different note, promoting Matilda fixed her strengh and duribility problems. And then some.

Is there an Angel Statue in the Lost Woods?

Is Chapter 5 indoors like in the Fear Shrine?

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Oh, they're talking about those stupid things? Those aren't a problem for me anymore. I've got Falcon Knights, Holy Weapons, and Celica has Angel (and the speed ring so she can actually move). Oh, and my units have great stats at this point.

On a different note, promoting Matilda fixed her strengh and duribility problems. And then some.

Is there an Angel Statue in the Lost Woods?

Is Chapter 5 indoors like in the Fear Shrine?

I think there is an angel statue in the lost woods. Gamefaqs has a map if you need it.

Lost Woods is a fun place to grind if you need to as a note.

Another tidbit about revival. If somoene dies in Alm's army, you can revive them into Celica's army when she gets revival statue use, and vice versa. I did this to get another falcoknight to Alm's group, Crea can't do it all by herself. Well...I guess that's kinda dumb, there's TONS more monsters Celica's route.

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Okay, time to revise my previous statement about dragon zombies.

Dragon zombies are not a problem, unless they spawn next to my weak party members.


I forget, does Deen, or Deam or whatever the fuck the spell is called work on dragon zombies? If that's the case...just use that. Silk has it I believe, she should have gotten it quite a bit earlier.

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In terms of stats and stuff, the gap between Alm and the enemies is pretty large. Judah just made Alm lose his turn in the battle with those two white dragons. What I did was shrug my shoulders and end my turn. Lol.

Pretty much the gist of it. Alm is strong forever and somehow gets monstorously stronger

Makes us all wonder why Celica's not a demi-god as well.

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For the most part, she can seem like it too. Especially when she can basically wipe out anything undead completely and utterly, as well as heal, as well as handle her own in many battles.

Yeah, for a while, but she starts to lag eventually.

Undead aren't a problem anyways.

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Okay, so the people in this game are definitly stupid. There's the guard at the liberation HQ. There's that villager that talks about the aqueduct sometimes failing. And apparently, it was a good idea to build a castle over a cavern that leads to an evil god.

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Okay, so the people in this game are definitly stupid. There's the guard at the liberation HQ. There's that villager that talks about the aqueduct sometimes failing. And apparently, it was a good idea to build a castle over a cavern that leads to an evil god.

Maybe they're going through something that's like an Idiocracy situation...

Lulz, Alm as played by Luke Wilson.

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No, I plan to find somebody else who could possibly pull off the fat, clumsy idiot as well as Candy could.


....Nope, Belushi's dead too.

Well, I got nothing for Cliff. but Ed Norton as Sevr plz

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No, I plan to find somebody else who could possibly pull off the fat, clumsy idiot as well as Candy could.


....Nope, Belushi's dead too.

Well, I got nothing for Cliff. but Ed Norton as Sevr plz

Well you know what they say, go to one of those mall blood pressure tests and if it's high enough, numbers don't show but rather John Candy's picture waving at ya will show.

Only one who pulls off Robin?...Polly Shore.

Sean Connorey as Mason

Rip Torn as Norma

Maculy Kulkin as Bowie

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