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It'd be pretty sweet if we had an emo male pegasus rider flying on a black pegasi. That would rock!

And come on, we need more color variation in all ridable animals. Horses don't come in just brown, white and black, they can have spots, patterns, anything goes here. Spotted horses would work great for farmers like Meg and Brom.

However, I'd rather see some more human races represented in the series than all units having characters from both genders.

It gets very cliche seeing a bunch of anime white guys going at it. Why not play as a totally diverse army instead? That would be totally unique and entertaining.

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It gets very cliche seeing a bunch of anime white guys going at it. Why not play as a totally diverse army instead? That would be totally unique and entertaining.


Where the fuck are the Blacks/Asians?

(Devdan and Fiona DON'T FUCKING COUNT)

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Should I point out the lack of black people in Japan?


Some time ago, there wouldn't even be a single dark-skinned person in JRPGs. Now, getting picky because there are "only" two? Give me a break.

And yes, Devdan/Danved counts. Not that this racial thing should matter at all, anyway...

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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I'm pretty sure that only applies to Ilian pegasi. As far as I know it isn't stated anywhere else that pegasi only allow women to ride them.

It was in an Elibe game, and it was most likely fe7 because fe7 is in english.

I think it'd be best if for things like this, we can assume it applies for the entire series unless we're told otherwise.

Lets go with that; I believe that it means the entire series.

Theory of Pegasi

Pegasi started somewhere and spread. The same pegs are in different continenets, just with different adaptations. They are still likely to only allow female riders.

Edited by Asvel
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It was in an Elibe game, and it was most likely fe7 because fe7 is in english.

Lets go with that; I believe that it means the entire series.

Theory of Pegasi

Pegasi started somewhere and spread. The same pegs are in different continenets, just with different adaptations. They are still likely to only allow female riders.

No. All we know for sure is that Akaenia and Valencia are on the same planet, and that Judgral is probably on that planet as well. Or at least on a nearby planet.

No connections exist to the other continents. We don't even know if they exist in the same dimensional plane or whatever you want to call it.

Edited by Navarre
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