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You clearly did, with you realizing it or not.

I don't understand how you could have possibly got that out of what she said.

Christ, this was only a disguise to announce my new profile, what the hell happened?

This thread became better than you could ever imagine.

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Christ, this was only a disguise to announce my new profile, what the hell happened?

No clue.

I don't understand how you could have possibly got that out of what she said.

Just keep reading it 'til it dawns on you.

No... I really wasn't. Trust me, that was not my meaning.

I know that's not what you meant. Just when I read it the first time that's what came to mind, so I made a joke. Granted, it wasn't the best ever.

Edited by Bohemund
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I know, I was stating that if you paired two guys it doesn't mean they have a gay relationship. Therefore, having two siblings befriend each other doesn't mean incest. Why would it only apply to one but not the other? Thus my statement: you guys have crazy conclusions.

The same logic could be reversed.

Wait, Claude and Sylvia are related?
Sylvia and Claude are hinted to be brother and sister.
IIRC The game also heavily implies that they're direct siblings.

Sylvia was left at an orphanage around the same time Claude's younger sister was kidnapped. Claude even explicitly says that she resembled her, with her somewhat noble charm underneath her underweardayjobclothing. She would be around the same age as Sylvia if she were still alive.

Yeah, you can just go ahead and go into denial if you want.




Do it you fanfic fagots. Now.

CelicexAlvis is still greater in the drama department.

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On a Forum where porn is against the rules, yes. On a Hentai Forum, probably not.

Unless you wanna suicide and ruin the rep of the series.

Yes. I'm sure you've already found something of that nature so you should be content.

Ah but Rule 34 doesn't work all the time.

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