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Fangirls explode when provoked

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I got shot at by a fangirl once. Told her that anime is overrated and it's just cartoons. Didn't know she had a gun at the time.
I once told a fangirl that anime sucked...the next thing I knew her pet anaconda was anally raping me.
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I once told a Fangirl that Twilight sucked. Her and all her friends bawed at me and started bitching. Then I tore them the fuck apart.

True story.

Reading that while looking at your avatar is highly disturbing.

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I once told a Fangirl that Twilight sucked. Her and all her friends bawed at me and started bitching. Then I tore them the fuck apart.

True story.

Doesn't take much to utterly deface Twilight.

No self respecting vampire would 'sparkle' when they go out into the sunlight. Personally, I'd much rather disintegrate.

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I told an Inuyasha fangirl that Inuyasha was overrated and it had no plot.

The next second she knock off my best friend's head with one punch.

My friend once told a Soren fangirl Soren was a 'faggy bitch.' Next thing I know, she's firing a Rocket Launcher at me.
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Reading that while looking at your avatar is highly disturbing.


I have a feeling that that should actually be manicgrin, but hey.

Look at his member title too.

But you see, it WAS nice. I decided that they were clearly not in the correct state of mind and that it was the best course of action for correcting them as well as the most overall preferable outcome for them and the rest of the world.

In fact, I think it was in INCREDIBLY kind thing to do. :D

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