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Street Fighter 4


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Except it's not being released.

Man, I get news late. All I know is that the creators were interviewed, saying they'd be happy to bring back T. Hawk and Dee Jay somehow. They were being made in the game anyways, T. Hawk even had moves. Just couldn't get around to finishing them in time is all.

Unless again, this is old/BS...

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Yes, Ono did say that, but it doesn't magically make it "they're releasing".

A year at least.

Ohhhh, you meant SOON. Ok. I meant will eventually be released.

Anyways, who's comin' off as awesome so far? I heard Sagat is near broken, Dan was ok, and that Fei Long, Zangief and M. Bison (Dictator) were all amazing. Sagat wouldn't surprise me, but is the rest serious?

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You're better off asking Shoryuken.com. I know very little about the game, nor am I skilled.

Very well then, thank you much.

Tons of fun though? How's the revenge special things? From the sound of them, they sound like ultra-cheese. Am I wrong, or does it really seem to be the case?

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Yup, I'm going to be picking that up today....though I should be focusing on Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon considering I got it yesterday. :P

I've heared that before funily enough:

" So I'm sitting here staring at Fire Emblem on one part of my desk, Dragon Quest V in another, and my dinner in a third, all the while listening to some of the worst game install music ever. Thank Street Fighter 4."
Yes, Ono did say that, but it doesn't magically make it "they're releasing".

A year at least.

If Capcom thinks they can revive Street Fighter levels of "Hey you paid $80 fro street Fighter 2, now pay $80 for Street Fighter 2 Turbo, sucker" given the fact we live in a digital age I think they might be in for a surprise. Path and DLC is likely what will happen. Maybe some limited ediotn points card to buy said DLC...

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I think Sagat might be S tier in SF4 for the same reason he was in Super Turbo: King of Fireball spam.

Yeah, I saw some Sagat stuff on youtube...They're as rediculous as Old Sagat. He can just whip 'em out rapid fire. Watching any Sagat matches then suffer the same fate, they become boring. That and it seems it takes FOREVER to kill him.

Edited by Grandjackal
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Likely the same reasons Sagat is top, except not as good as Sagat.

*sees video with Sagat with his English voice*

Yes. Ryu simply took steroids, but Sagat apparently had a (Insert time between SF2 and SF4 here) regimen of downing football game gatorade buckets per meal of the stuff. He barely sounds human!

Sagat's a monster.

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I suspect that it may not be because Ryu himself got steroids, but possibly because a lot of the characters that used to be above him got worse. O.Sagat being the exception obviously.

My reasoning is because if you look at the matchup-chart, Ryu has 5's and 6's across the board, showing him as being an incredibly balanced character. His 6-win matchups are against the lower half of the tier list at that.

Most other characters have some bad matchup of some sort. Sagat has better matchups than Ryu.

Edited by Chainey
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I suspect that it may not be because Ryu himself got steroids, but possibly because a lot of the characters that used to be above him got worse. O.Sagat being the exception obviously.

True, true...Bison didn't take steroids, so much as he stole Mortal Kombat's Raiden's mystical mythical abilities.

It appears physics dropped the hammer on Vega. All the matches I see are him trying to jump around and do something, only to screw up. Dropping all his stuff all the time, being a doofus flying around, he's such a loser now...Poor guy.

If only his cage dropped around all his fights...

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Vega probably got the nerf bat and suffered for it. I don't know much about Vega though, just that apparently he got soft banned in Japan in Super Turbo.

EDIT: By the way, www.allisfighter.com just launched.

Edited by Chainey
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Vega probably got the nerf bat and suffered for it. I don't know much about Vega though, just that apparently he got soft banned in Japan in Super Turbo.

EDIT: By the way, www.allisfighter.com just launched.


Vega banned in Japan? For good reason, all he needed was Off-the-Wall and his slide move. Playing Vega is basically this, using the anti- air throw for anyone trying to stop him from spamming off-the-wall, and the occasional rolling attack generally for the hell of it. He's rather mindless.

The slide is for anyone trying to use projectiles by the way. Vega's got some long-ass legs. If I recall, it's the entire reason he majorly fucks up Guile. Hell, Zangief in HD needed an attack to go up just 2 pixels just to fight him! When a character is causing so many problems that you have to go on that anal a level just to make him be fair game is nuts. They guy in charge of balancing HD remix even said most of Vega's nerfs were to just better equip them to fighting him! He didn't get nerfed, they just made him counterable. Or at least that's what he claimed...Theory is different from fact after all.

SF4 Vega is basically the same thing in slow-mo with a shitty revenge special and gets his claw AND his mask knocked off (mask dropped reduces defense, and he drops both of these things like a clumsy high schooler). A weakness he had in SF2 was that he wasn't great at making combos. So now he's slow to the point of all his moves being telegraphed like a lighthouse at night, no combos, a shitty revenge move, AND can get gimped in offense and defense constantly thanks to dropping things like a klutz...Nerfing usually comes with some form of compensation, this however is more like defanging.

Scariest thing I've seen of him so far is the sound it makes when he gets his face punched in.

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They guy in charge of balancing HD remix even said most of Vega's nerfs were to just better equip them to fighting him! He didn't get nerfed, they just made him counterable. Or at least that's what he claimed...Theory is different from fact after all.
Read up on Sirlin's mindset on balancing the games. He doesn't want to nerf top tier characters, he only wants to bring mid/lower tier characters closer to being able to take on top tier characters.
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