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I lost Navarre


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Those are technical restraints, however. Are you disregarding that Oguma and Navarre, even in the original artwork, looked different?
They do look different, but as far as in-game is concerned, they did a fine job making Navarre standing out more. He's hardly generic as far as Akanaea is concerned.

If you are going to try and say that they changed his TCG official art, then I want to say that his TCG artwork makes him resemble FE4 swordmasters, so even his TCG doesn't really make him "not generic."

Edited by Chainey
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Yes, because you know every generic Myrmidon is based on him?

Seriously, are you disregarding the fact that he had to share Oguma's in-battle sprite until now? Disregarding that at one point his portrait was essentially Oguma's with longer hair in FE1?

Err...actually, Navarre's portrait was shared by Misheil. Not a longer haired Oguma.







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A lot of the first two Fire Emblems are wasted, graphics-wise. Laziness and bad decision making creates these MSPaint graphics you see thoughout the game D:


This easily replaced Marth's mugshot.


All it takes is some proper color manipulation. Hell, I could even make my mug a little better and still have it look good >.> Now, without moving banks around, though, most of the mugs are shared with four~seven other characters. out of 256 tiles, a number of which are reserved for other graphics, there's not much room for customization. There is, however, for tweaks of individuality.

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A lot of the first two Fire Emblems are wasted, graphics-wise. Laziness and bad decision making creates these MSPaint graphics you see thoughout the game D:


This easily replaced Marth's mugshot.


All it takes is some proper color manipulation. Hell, I could even make my mug a little better and still have it look good >.> Now, without moving banks around, though, most of the mugs are shared with four~seven other characters. out of 256 tiles, a number of which are reserved for other graphics, there's not much room for customization. There is, however, for tweaks of individuality.

You mean warts and stuff?

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To say that they made him look more generic is dumb.

Well, generic in the sense of what happened AFTER his debut.

I mean Nabarl (or Navarre, whatever) is EQUAL TO RUTGER.

Long hair. check.

Red robe. check.

enemy unit. check.

must talk with a girl. check.

killing edge. check (this was later made to be generic).

female counterpart. check.

Rutger = Karel = Joshua

need I go on?

Narbarl IS generic. How? Because he's the starter of the Nabarl ARCHTYPE! >:o

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Nabarls just eh in my books, not anything special, the only reason i recruited him was for his killing edge for Ogma, and all classes have been given the stereotype look, its just apart of what makes Fire Emblem so welcoming i find. Nothing to crazy or new, kind of calming in an odd way. Also i found once i got frey up to level 20 and premoted him, he was much better as a swordmaster than Nabarl could ever be, good skill and speed, and good strength, always a bonus.

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Navarre has never really turned out great for me either. Especially in the remake, for one reason or another >.>

You mean warts and stuff?

To a degree. For example, one could take two single tiles (each 8x8 pixels) and create enough defining differences to give an entirely different hair style, or facial structure, or armor design, or whathaveyou. A somewhat good example would be to examine Cliff, Grey, and Robin from Gaiden (FE2) and see their differences, while still only being something like one~four tiles different from one another, altogether.

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And that's why Nabarl reclasses to Cav.

SMs in general suck. One of, if not the, worst class in the game. Gimped avoid, no critical, crappy stat growth, awful bases, locked to swords in a lance dominant game, no nonfail 1-2 range...need I go on?

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I'd rather not use a swordmaster period since they're a horrible class.

Abel REALLY wants that def Cav gives him.

If I could get any Pal to 30 def I'd use that unit instead of a General. I find that avoid is terrible in this game anyway but the critical thing is a bit lame, I prefer Heroes but a SM with a forged Levin sword (such as Lena) is actually quite good.

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If I could get any Pal to 30 def I'd use that unit instead of a General. I find that avoid is terrible in this game anyway but the critical thing is a bit lame, I prefer Heroes but a SM with a forged Levin sword (such as Lena) is actually quite good.
It's a good thing SM's can class swap into Heroes and Paladins can class swap to Generals.
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If I could get any Pal to 30 def I'd use that unit instead of a General.

It's not about hitting the def cap: It's about making their def not fail.

5% def base. The cavs want all the help they can get. Also, more more and access to lances>what myrmidon does

but a SM with a forged Levin sword (such as Lena) is actually quite good.

Crying shame Levin swords are in finite supply and that Lena's worse than useless without them, eh?

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