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Dear Masu...


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You have a plant named Gary?

Dear AngelOfDeath,

Yes, I have a plant named Gary. And he is awesome.

Your acquaintance,


Dear Faiya and Masu,

Don't make me come over there and rape you



Dear Rei,

Your boobs are too small. Kindly go get enhancements.

With love,


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Dear Faiya and Masu,

It's Black History Month. Brotherhood, remember?


Dear Snow_Storm,

You damn right, dawg. We brothas gotta stick togetha!

Your homie,


Oh fuck no. Though Masu does have bigger boobs than me.


Dear Rei,


With love,


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Dear Serene Forest

I'm taking the lot of you as hostage. Any attempt of escape will result in your death and the death of three other people. I have cut-off all communication devices so nobody will help you. Enjoy your last moments of life.


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Gary is in Norway andsay hi.




Dear Oguma,

Tell him I say hi as well. Also remind him he has a florist appointment on Tuesday.



Dear Faiya -

I am in Norway with Oguma and taking "special" care of Gary!

- Love

- Unsincerely


Dear AngelOfDeath,

If he is harmed in any way, I will most likely be unhappy.

But who knows.

pure hatredLove,


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Dear Rei,

I dont care about your boobs, really. What make a woman sexy is not boobs, it's her overwheling personality. And in you, I saw an evil.

-from Russia with love


Edited by Sulley
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I hate you. I will rip out your intestines and feed them to my pet plant Gary. I hope you burn, you suck at Melty Blood worse than Kiba.

Your friend,


LOL, a plant named Gary.

Oh come on, Masu isn't bad at all in Melty Blood.

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Dear Topic,

Hai Gais, can I joinz nao? D :

With Disregards to your Personal Welfare,

The Furry.

P.S. - If you say no, I will cover the topic in special sauce D :

Dear Furry,

You seem to know the correct code to enter, so you may participate in this topic.

Inserting witty goodbye here,


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