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The Jonas Brothers might show up at my job tonight.

bunny: spider bitten

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3:41am and I can't sleep, I guess I have time to go down this road.

There is not a single good thing about them.

1. They are one of those Disney bands. The only thing that Disney has ever discovered that I will consider talent is Justin Timberlake, as much as his work disgusts me.

2. They have nothing unique about them, they are just some boy band with a legion of 12 year old fans, which is weird because two of them are my age or older. I am sadly related to a fan of theirs, but I am hoping my younger niece Abagail is wise enough to not fall into this. Luckily, so far she is pretty into the theme song from Spongebob and Fantomas.

3. They are actors also, bad actors. If you have not hit on my girlfriend you can not multitask like that, and as far as I am aware the Jonas Brothers have yet to do so. Once again fuck you Jared Leto.

4. They work with Hannah fucking Montanna.

5. They are evangelists. They think that wearing purity rings make them nonconformists or something.


They are talentless little fuckwits causing untold damage to my ears and brain every time I hear one of their poor quality pieces of audio refuse, which luckily isn't that much.

Sulley, really, you think the oldest looks good? You need glasses.

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Nothing is wrong with him, he can turn out mediocre music, he acts very well, I just tend to not like people who hit on my girlfriend, haha.

Do you really think they -all- can sing though? I really only think that one or two posses any ability to, but at the same time I don't think it requires skill or talent to be successful in the current music industry.

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I know they can't really sing, but Disney has them all sing.

Hannah Montana's co-stars, for example, sing for Disney:

One is Haley Joel Osment's little sister. We've heard his voice, there is no singing talent to be found there.

The other is the younger brother to the lead singer of Metro Station. Let's not even go there.

It's ridiculous.

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Nothing is wrong with him, he can turn out mediocre music, he acts very well, I just tend to not like people who hit on my girlfriend, haha.

Do you really think they -all- can sing though? I really only think that one or two posses any ability to, but at the same time I don't think it requires skill or talent to be successful in the current music industry.

The power of PR, yup ~

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Ah, I see what you mean. I have wondered that myself and ended at the decision that they enjoy marketing talentless children to talentless children, feeding futile dreams to grow the pig.

I don't like Disney very much if you hadn't noticed by this point. Though I do have to give them credit, they are one of the last child-oriented company that I really see acting responsibly. We can have pole dancing frat party Barbie but they'll be god damned if a Mouseketeer is going to get drunk on their watch.

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