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The rumors of my non-existence are greatly exaggerated. Having heard heralds hearken about this place for months on end I felt the only discourse of action was to register for myself and partake of such interest and drollness as might be found herein. So, I extend greeting with condescension to the good people of Serenes Forest in hopes of a prosperous relationship!

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Guys. Stop posting off-topic. In this topic we attempt to dispute with people who act weird by acting weirder and ending with a punchline of some sort.

The rumors of my non-existence are greatly exaggerated.

Were there any rumors of your non-existence? Or were there simply no rumors of your existence?

I think you are creating deliberate fabrications here to construct a state of reality different from that which those of us living in the real world tend to observe.

Moreover, how can a rumor of existence or nonexistence be exaggerated or not? Either you do exist or you don't; there aren't degrees of existence and realness (as I see it anyway). LCD induced hallucinations are just as "real" as a rock is, it's just that what's real isn't what you think is real. Point is, if rumors claim that you don't exist, and you do, they aren't "exaggerating" your nonexistence - they are simply mistaking you as something that doesn't exist rather than something that does.

In any case, I accept your greeting, but I deny your condescension since I can tell that you have greatly exaggerated your condescension in this post.

In examining your personality so thoroughly I have determined your identity. You shall no longer be known as Crepe Knight. Rather...


EDIT-Since I never do anything even vaguely insulting without giving a compliment (this is a lie), your banner pic is cool and you should tell me where it's from.

Edited by SeverIan
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OHAI THERE. Glad you could make it. Eat shit and die. Other greetings, and whatnot. Ya know, I'm happy you're here.
Stop being so wordy, faggot.

ilu Welcome.

Oh dear, you know that I've been trying to get away from these two... they are really not very nice people at all, Death is such an asshole and ZXValaRevan is such a troll; even though I always have honest intentions, they pervert what I say to some sort of joke or sarcastic comment... I'm quite innocuous of such claims. Oh well...

Guys. Stop posting off-topic. In this topic we attempt to dispute with people who act weird by acting weirder and ending with a punchline of some sort.

I fail to comprehend you, know only this; I have been factual to a fault.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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Oh dear, you know that I've been trying to get away from these two... they are really not very nice people at all, Death is such an asshole and ZXValaRevan is such a troll; even though I always have honest intentions, they pervert what I say to some sort of joke or sarcastic comment... I'm quite innocuous of such claims. Oh well...

Fuck you faggot. You know nobody likes you and your goddamn pseudo intellectual bullshit. Why do you think you have to keep drifting from site to site. You're fucking pathetic. Go die. And I fucking mean it.

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Oh dear, you know that I've been trying to get away from these two... they are really not very nice people at all, Death is such an asshole and ZXValaRevan is such a troll; even though I always have honest intentions, they pervert what I say to some sort of joke or sarcastic comment... I'm quite innocuous of such claims. Oh well...

"Baaaaw guys hey guys HEY GUYS these guys suck, I'm better than them, YOU GOTS TA LET ME EXPLAIN"

Fuck you.

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I'm quite innocuous of such claims.

This doesn't really make any sense to me either (bad use of the word).

You could be innocuous in response to such claims, or innocuous towards such claims, or you could find such claims innocuous, but how exactly would you be innocuous "of" such claims?

Do you derive your harmlessness from their insults or something?

I really don't think that sentence makes any sense.


I fail to comprehend you, know only this; I have been factual to a fault.

It's like this. You either exist or you don't. You can't "exaggerate" someone's nonexistence. Things that don't exist are all equally nonexistent.

Saying someone is "really nonexistent" is like saying someone is "really unique". Something that is unique is already one of a kind: there isn't any way to be "more unique" or "less unique" (unique is not synonymous with rare, which is something that can be true to differing degrees for different things).

If you still aren't following me I can't help you.

Edited by SeverIan
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Fuck you faggot. You know nobody likes you and your goddamn pseudo intellectual bullshit. Why do you think you have to keep drifting from site to site. You're fucking pathetic. Go die. And I fucking mean it.

Look I don't have to take your rabid barbarities, your perverted stories, and your lack of appreciation for the higher interests I cultivate! You trot about so full of your achievements of trollery and mischief, as if the internet was some kind of playground to tromp around in and ruin it for everybody. All I ever ask for is an honest exchange of queries and replies, and you load up the conversation with ignorant and ignominious commentary that really makes me feel like I'll have a brain aneurysm. Your tripe is insufferable, and the ravenousness with which you write your horrid fictions and the obsession with nihonese entertainment sickens me to no end. I could spit on you if I passed you in the street, you're attitude is destructive and degenerative.

"Baaaaw guys hey guys HEY GUYS these guys suck, I'm better than them, YOU GOTS TA LET ME EXPLAIN"

Fuck you.

You tromp about as if you were full of hot air, you know what you've got and you're strutting it. I detest your elitist faggotry and idiocy, I could care less what you think and what you could say, but you just will keep on thrusting your opinion into my honest arguments like some terrible phallus in a Japanese hardcore hentai. It's grotesque and egregious to behavior on the internet.

I really don't think that sentence makes any sense.

Clearly I've said enough on the issue; I'm speaking vicariously, you know.

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Are you just tossing things that are completely out of context, trying to provoke yet another post from me talking about why they don't make sense?

If so, just spare me the pain and tell me now. Because I really will go on forever.

Also your insults are mind-numbingly repetitive. People shouting 'hey look it's a faggot' aren't trying so at least they aren't putting any effort in.

You trot about so full of your achievements of trollery and mischief, as if the internet was some kind of playground to tromp around in and ruin it for everybody
((By the way the internet IS some kind of playground))
You tromp about as if you were full of hot air, you know what you've got and you're strutting it

Same thing said two ways.

All I ever ask for is an honest exchange of queries and replies, and you load up the conversation with ignorant and ignominious commentary
I detest your elitist faggotry and idiocy, I could care less what you think and what you could say, but you just will keep on thrusting your opinion into my honest arguments

Same thing two ways.

you're attitude is destructive and degenerative.

(btw YOUR not YOU'RE)

It's grotesque and egregious to behavior on the internet.

Same thing two ways.

Just write one post without quoting anyone and things will go better.

Also, I wish you would cut back on the "fancy" word use because your grammar is atrocious (I make plenty of mistakes, but nowhere near as many as you).

I'm really not a grammar nazi in general but I feel like this is the most effective way to attack people with puffed up ideas of their verbal prowess.

Edited by SeverIan
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Look I don't have to take your rabid barbarities, your perverted stories, and your lack of appreciation for the higher interests I cultivate! You trot about so full of your achievements of trollery and mischief, as if the internet was some kind of playground to tromp around in and ruin it for everybody. All I ever ask for is an honest exchange of queries and replies, and you load up the conversation with ignorant and ignominious commentary that really makes me feel like I'll have a brain aneurysm. Your tripe is insufferable, and the ravenousness with which you write your horrid fictions and the obsession with nihonese entertainment sickens me to no end. I could spit on you if I passed you in the street, you're attitude is destructive and degenerative.

You tromp about as if you were full of hot air, you know what you've got and you're strutting it. I detest your elitist faggotry and idiocy, I could care less what you think and what you could say, but you just will keep on thrusting your opinion into my honest arguments like some terrible phallus in a Japanese hardcore hentai. It's grotesque and egregious to behavior on the internet.

Clearly I've said enough on the issue; I'm speaking vicariously, you know.

Oh look at you and your big-ass uber-literate responses. Just look at that fucking arrogant "I'm better than you because I can make myself hard to understand." Well guess what, EVERYONE can understand me. FUCK YOU. Yeah, that's right. With a spiked dildo. Good and hard. I hope you fucking bleed.

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This line makes more sense and has more content than all of crepe's combined.
hey look it's a faggot
Oh look at you and your big-ass uber-literate responses. Just look at that fucking arrogant "I'm better than you because I can make myself hard to understand." Well guess what, EVERYONE can understand me. FUCK YOU. Yeah, that's right. With a spiked dildo. Good and hard. I hope you fucking bleed.

Just because I have higher aspirations in literary endeavors, that my erudition permeates my writing, shining through as my inner beauty despite what you might say about my exterior, does not mean you must feel jealous, squatting in ignorant ramblings and unintelligible style. Oh and by the way, take that dildo and shove it up your vagina, its the only action you're going to get since your inch-long isn't getting any action queerass.

The more you insult me the better I feel about myself, you worthless sack of piano-playing metaphysics-debating Texan shit.

Well don't be a fucking masochist, you sleazebag, because I know my insults hurt. I can tell you are probably crying into a quart of ice cream, clutched over the computer, because you know I will always be better than you, in debate and music and location and everything else you can bother to mention.

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Just because I have higher aspirations in literary endeavors, that my erudition permeates my writing, shining through as my inner beauty despite what you might say about my exterior, does not mean you must feel jealous, squatting in ignorant ramblings and unintelligible style. Oh and by the way, take that dildo and shove it up your vagina, its the only action you're going to get since your inch-long isn't getting any action queerass.

Well don't be a fucking masochist, you sleazebag, because I know my insults hurt. I can tell you are probably crying into a quart of ice cream, clutched over the computer, because you know I will always be better than you, in debate and music and location and everything else you can bother to mention.

Dude. That was just un-fucking called for. I mean, that HURTS dude. He's probably WEEPING right now. Be gentle dude. I mean, that's just TOO far. Dude.

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Just because I have higher aspirations in literary endeavors, that my erudition permeates my writing, shining through as my inner beauty despite what you might say about my exterior, does not mean you must feel jealous, squatting in ignorant ramblings and unintelligible style.

I have not mocked your exterior at all, only your "literary endeavors" (audience bursts out laughing).

Well don't be a fucking masochist, you sleazebag, because I know my insults hurt.

Are you a complete douchebag? If you're saying hurtful things, why not let the person be a masochist and enjoy it?

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I am locking this thread because it very quickly deteriorated into a rather uncivil argument. The encouragement of flames and subsequent argumentative and insulting posts, especially in such an aggressive manner as this, is intolerable.

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