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This site's FE2 patch

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Nope. The only real one is an unfinished, almost proof-of-progress patch from j2e back in the day. Vince has some translations of the game's script on the section for Gaiden though, here at Serenes Forest.

Starwolf fixed a few stray things, but I don't think much of the actual translations have been done, more just polishing of existing text (though I can be wrong, having never used it >.>).

I had started to "fix" the patch, but loosely working off the translation that existed, and getting pieces that weren't from others, and creating a sort of half-ass translation for everyone, but motivation died down. Lots of improvisation (so no real translation on my part) :/

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Well, could the translation on the main site at least get finished?

That would be so cool.

Celice, I'm pretty sure if you don't use Starwolf_UK's patches you didn't know that your Gaiden Remix Hack erases some translated parts like Misen and some villagers when you talk to them...

But anyway if I apply SW patches upon yours then I can have both ^^

Your updated graphics (nice mugs and tiles) and SW translation...

(like I did with Faxanadu patches )


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The reason that intro text was removed was so that I could easily rush through the beginning without having to use a savestate slot ^^;; It was mostly for testing some TSA changes and the like, which if memory served, required the map to be loaded to see the changes (at least, I would think, considering my strategy >_>).

Glad you liked it, but I'm sorry it's not nearly a finished product D: I was trying to give "color" to the game, as well as some sharpness to the graphics and modernization of some things, mugshots especially (which I must say was rather cool, getting the better looking graphics in without using too many more tiles than the original mugshots did).

Man, I'd like to work on something like that again...

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Man, I'd like to work on something like that again...

OK I get it now. Don't worry, by re-applying the original trans patch you can get it to work.

I never understood why you never completed this, although you did put alot of time in this work ...

Of all FESS "veterans" I always thought you were the most dedicated to Gaiden . (Lol I was not the only one who enjoyed it ^^)

If Vincent could share how he translated the first two chapters of FE Gaiden PC , I'll give it a shot (based on the original NES scripts and all) , but I think I'm gonna need SRPG Maker 95 :(

Well it's fun talking about gaiden and all with you , I search on google to find some clues on a remake or enhancement of Gaiden, and find some topics here and there with ... Celice everywhere ^^ I hope you could find some time to finish this ..

And , as I read on another board, the chinese hack of Fire Emblem GBC like, is indeed a chinese GBC pirate rom ... Found it with the romanji name on a French rom-emulation site ^^ quite cool hack indeed. :P

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I was looking for the GameBoy Color pirate cart a little while ago ~_~

The biggest reason why I never finished the hack was because I just interest. If you could only look into my ROMhacking folder, alongside pixel art, gaming, and ASCII Game maker folders, you'd see I have so many things I like to do that it's a wonder I get as far as I do at all D:

But if there's enough interest in something I'm doing, I usually stick it out for far longer~

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Personally I would love to help with any Gaiden translation, especially if it turns out Intelligent Systems has no plans to remake the game (I'm of the opinion they are considering it though, given that it's the only FE game not on the Japanese Virtual Console).

Sadly I don't have any hacking experience; but I can act as editor and proofreader. Actually, I kind of want to suggest some changes to the translation on this website, but that might be a bit forward of me... but there are some simple things that could be done to make it read better.

Starwolf's fix is great, but the translation as a whole is still fairly... poor. I doubt it's the easiest game to translate, but I still don't know why Archers are translated as "r", and why they went with "counters" which clearly doesn't seem to fit. It basically seems like a first draft and that's it. If I had the tools and knowhow, I'd really enjoy rewriting it.

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The GameFAQs script has the general gist of things and it's fairly good. However, it's not quite accurate enough to be added into a translation patch.

I wouldn't mind if people forwarded suggestions to the script on the site. I took a bit more time than usual to make sure it followed the Japanese script accurately (to a good degree), as well as trying to make it sound as natural as I could (however dialogue flow has never been more forte).

Not sure when I'll have time to work on the other chapters though.

As for the "PC version", SRPG Maker 95 would definitely be the easiest way to edit the script (since it was used to build the game in the first place). I suppose you could use a Hex Editor, but I really wouldn't recommend that unless you're really sure ^^;;;

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I lot a lot of the dependency on script translations would come from VincentASM, though, so as far as he'd be willing to give up his time...

But hey, if a script showed up, I don't see why not to bother ^^

I too would be dependant on Vincent's translations for the most part (and the FAQ he mentions). They certainly see more accurate than the translation within the game... So if I began work on it, I'd only be able to work as far as he's got.

I tried to mess with the text editing using a tutorial on Romhacking, but sadly I ran into a snag. It suggests using Nesticle, but Nesticle doesn't run Gaiden, does it? Not when I tried, anyway. There is an alternate method I might try later but it seems a little more effort. I'm sure you'd be better at it than me, Celice, but I just wanted to try messing with the text to see what there is to work with. The limited space for English letters means that the script would have to be edited carefully, and names for characters, items and places shortened or modified.

I am pretty motivated to get this done though, but I would be less motivated if IS announced a remake.

Vincent, I might suggest a few small changes to make the dialogue flow better, I'll send you a PM (another one, sorry...) later, or I could post it here for everyone to see. It's only minor stuff. I did have one question though. On the opening demo, the ROM translation says that Sofia was rich but corrupt, while yours uses the word "decline". Is corrupt inaccurate? Decline sounds vague, but if corruption is inaccurate I can see why you'd use it. What exactly is happening to Sofia? Decadence?

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Vincent, I might suggest a few small changes to make the dialogue flow better, I'll send you a PM (another one, sorry...) later, or I could post it here for everyone to see. It's only minor stuff. I did have one question though. On the opening demo, the ROM translation says that Sofia was rich but corrupt, while yours uses the word "decline". Is corrupt inaccurate? Decline sounds vague, but if corruption is inaccurate I can see why you'd use it. What exactly is happening to Sofia? Decadence?

I'm not too sure about decadence, although it appears to be remotely similar.

The Japanese script (hiragana -> kanji) has it as


The keyword would be 堕落, which I interpreted as "decline". The only thing I could think of to write was simply "decline" (that or "degenerate", but there was a better example in FE3). It appears "corrupt" would also work, but I wasn't really sure what the sentence was referring to, as its a bit vague.

I assumed it meant Sofia was so rich that they started becoming lazy and not moving onwards- hence decline. Whereas, corrupt seems to imply they're overtaxing the citizens or something (but that would lead them to become rich, wouldn't it?).

Same thing with Doma's disgust at the humans.

Edited by VincentASM
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As for the "PC version", SRPG Maker 95 would definitely be the easiest way to edit the script (since it was used to build the game in the first place). I suppose you could use a Hex Editor, but I really wouldn't recommend that unless you're really sure ^^;;;

Hey there ! :lol:

So, even if I were to have SRPGMAKER95 on my drive, I'd still have to hex-edit the data? Crap.

I'm not really trained with hex editing anymore lol

I thought of some modules to be loaded within SRPGm95 and just change the script ... Too bad if it isn't then.

If hex editing is mendatory then I'd go in the FE Gaiden Remix project Celice had started long ago, and try to restore the title logo and some stuff (dialogs at the begining, death quotes, battle levelup .. in one word: take on where Starwolf_UK left) .


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The general translation I've found for 堕落 means depravity, corruption and degradation.

彼は道徳的に堕落した。 He lapsed morally.

I guess it's as vague as it sounds. It means a sort of decline in morals. I think the problem with using the word "decline" on it's own is that it doesn't explain how it's declining, but corrupt isn't vague enough. I think it'll become clearer what it means if the translation progresses further, once Rigel's side of the story is explained in more detail. I don't actually know how the plot goes beyond the first two Chapters.

May I make one suggestion right now? I think it'd be best if we used the NoA or NoJ names for Arum and Cellica, namely Alm and Celica (or Selica). Partially because I think they sound better that way... but also because they take up less space and would be the ideal names for a translation. If anyone's confused by my calling them the NoA names; they come from the History of Fire Emblem section on the old GBA website. The NoJ names come from filenames here: http://www.intsys.co.jp/game/fireemblem/se.../fe2/index.html

All the other place names you are using are identical to those on the Fire Emblem Museum, so I think it'd make sense to keep the names as official as possible. That said, who knew Valencia was meant to be Barensia? Ah well.

Incidentally, translating the text on the Fire Emblem Museum map for Gaiden might help explain the corruption thing. Just to save anyone any future trouble, here's all the bits. If anyone wants to translate it, go ahead. Otherwise, just ignore this bit...

















Sofia (kingdom)












Rigel (kingdom)




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I wouldn't take the filenames too seriously. If you check the FE3 section, it has Sheeda as Seeda. Also, the FE11 Museum section has some incorrect character filenames as well ^^;;;

I'm not too bothered about altering the names- so long as they're consistent and don't stray too far from the romaji.

As for the world map, it doesn't really help is this regard, since it states more or less the same thing (for the Kingdom of Sofia) as the opening demo.

So, even if I were to have SRPGMAKER95 on my drive, I'd still have to hex-edit the data? Crap.

I'm not really trained with hex editing anymore lol

No, no. If you have SRPG Maker 95, you're sorted. That's all you need.

Which reminds me. One of the reasons I started a FE2 translation was to make the PC version translation better (since I really rushed it originally).

Edited by VincentASM
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May I make one suggestion right now? I think it'd be best if we used the NoA or NoJ names for Arum and Cellica, namely Alm and Celica (or Selica). Partially because I think they sound better that way... but also because they take up less space and would be the ideal names for a translation. If anyone's confused by my calling them the NoA names; they come from the History of Fire Emblem section on the old GBA website. The NoJ names come from filenames here: http://www.intsys.co.jp/game/fireemblem/se.../fe2/index.html

You seem quite good at asian languages (namely Chinese, Japanese) but I'll say it anyways for the few people interested in Gaiden :

The Japanese language , either phonetical or in its alphabets (not Kanjis, i'm talking about Hiragana and Katakana) doesn't have any distinction between B and V. Neither it has for L and R. It's the same fuzz I experienced at school about Videl/Bidel and Bejito and Vegeto (DBZ).

So Valencia, or Barencia are right to me.

As Arum or Alum, or Alm . As the U are usually dropped. Like in Doragonu Baru Zeto or something like this (Dragon Ball Z) ...

Just my two cent. :P


No, no. If you have SRPG Maker 95, you're sorted. That's all you need.

Which reminds me. One of the reasons I started a FE2 translation was to make the PC version translation better (since I really rushed it originally).

OK, then , I'll start hunting down SRPGm95 .

Then I'll take a look at it.

IIRC, you have/had some complete script of Gaiden running somewhere, here on Serenes or maybe an old FESS post ?

I say that, cause I'm completely useless at translating Chinese LMAO !


Ok , I have it, Sim(ulation) RPG Maker (95) , easy and light to get (only 20MB) !

Currently working on the Chinese PC remake of Gaiden ...

Edited by KevinSephiroth
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I don't have a complete script at all, I'm afraid.

The furthest I got was probably in the PC version (I think I finished Chapter 3, or was it just 2?), but I could probably do better than that now : P

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Well I checked the Gaiden section of the site, but as you said, the translation (much more accurate) you did is up to chapte 3 or something like this.

Nevermind, GameFaq 's Script/plot FAQ would do it anyway.

I played a bit with SRPG95, and some things are interesting;

It's a breeze to be able to change names, base stats, growths, events etc ...

The bad points are that you need MP to cast spells, some wav , although I have all asian languages on my drive installed, do no play/show crap things in the select boxes, some of the starting villagers have girlish mugs (WTH?) (easily changeable I think), holy/royal ring/swords... do not regen HP, and the worse point is that you can't (AFAIK) re play previous maps (?) ...

So I dunno if I should spent some time improving names/scripts etc, if in the end most of the gameplay is screwed with SRPG Maker 95 .... <_<

Maybe I should learn ASM/tables to hack into the Gaiden NES rom after all ... :( (unless Celice/Starwolf_UK/anybody else decides to finish the translation :lol: )

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