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Well, they did a damn good job of overplaying that dead monkey cartoon

General Spoon

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The ability for you to "figure" anything first requires you to have the ability to think, a trait I do not credit you with.

This is off-topic and could easily be considered flaming. Don't do it again.

Whoever complained about that cartoon being racist is an idiot, plain and simple. I hardly see how it could be looked at as racist.

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Whoever complained about that cartoon being racist is an idiot, plain and simple. I hardly see how it could be looked at as racist.

Very, very easily. It acknowledges that cops are racist, which by this time is not even really disputed, but it's really pushing the line by portraying Obama as a monkey.

Now, I'm anti-Obama and anti-Democrat personally, but it's very hard to deny that portraying a black man as a monkey is racist, considering the various arguments that acknowledged racists have been using since the nineteenth century. You can sling accusations of idiocy around if you want, but they're going to come right back at you if you don't see that.

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1) I thought the point was that to the racist cops, he was a monkey?

Yes, the point that Obama is portrayed as a monkey at all is what is provoking the reaction.

2) When will racism be no worse than any other kind of unreasonable prejudice, if ever?

Who knows? Not in the forseeable future, so long as everything keeps along the same path. Racism is still a serious issue, but every serious media figure is on one side. They attack every target they can, even if the target is questionable.

The reaction might have been different if the cartoon had been funny at all. Comedy acts as a sort of shield against this kind of criticism.

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What the hell is wrong with you people? The monkey wasn't Obama. That's why this whole thing was so stupid. -_-


"This bill is so stupid even a monkey could write it" is clearly the implied joke. Funny, no, but not racist. On a side note, it's not like Obama was the one writing the the bill, so it really can't refer to him anyways.

Edited by Destiny Puck
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And technically it's congress's bill. Remember 6th grade civics, only the legislature can actually introduce a bill, and although Obama may have suggested an outline, after this has run through the houses its gone through quite a few changes.

Although I have read that the cartoonist who illustrated this has had a history of ambiguously racist cartoons, which is why this one is held up as suspect. It's easy enough to find rationality if you've been paying attention to the news, but it can't change the fact that your gut reaction, and the reaction of most people who haven't been paying complete attention to the news to get all the little stories about chimps attacking women, is going to be pretty negative.

It was just a stupid idea.

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Was I the only black man in this P.C. nation who didn't see that drawing as racist? Stupid black people always wanna play the victim/race card. Shit, if I was that cartoonist, I wouldn't fuckin' say "Sorry" to a bunch of butt-hurts who still in the past.

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I still can't find anything racist about this, and it's like saying if you killed someone who's this color then your being racist. Heck, if I killed a Starfish am I racist to the purple people..

Edited by Samurai Champloo
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I have a better idea than anybody else: this cartoon is terribly unfunny and hamhanded and nobody should have payed it any attention anyway.

The ability for you to "figure" anything first requires you to have the ability to think, a trait I do not credit you with.


mad random hate?

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Whoever complained about that cartoon being racist is an idiot, plain and simple. I hardly see how it could be looked at as racist.
Everything's racist, duh. With some people, nothing a white man does isn't racist. A racist black man doesn't exist, but white men are ALL racist. There needs to be a medium, basically. Because acting like all/most white men are racists is essentially racism.
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mad random hate?

If this was the first offence, then if would have been. But Navarre has proven to be a repeat offender.

I still can't find anything racist about this, and it's like saying if you killed someone who's this color then your being racist. Heck, if I killed a Starfish am I racist to the purple people..

The amount of historical ignorance displayed in this post is stupefying, and reflects similarly on the intellect (or lack thereof) of its poster. In both European and American history, racial theorists of the from the 18th through early 20th centuries would often label African Americans as half-way between human and primate, not quite evolved up to the standards of the rest of the world. This is of course completely untrue, but it is why today any attempt made to compare black people to monkeys is considered extremely offensive. After all, it was this line of thinking which slaveholders used to justify their practices, and what the Nazis used to justify extermination.

Although I believe there may be an over reaction to this comic, to pretend that somehow those who see it as racist are out of their minds is equally thoughtless (I'm looking at you Red Fox).

Everything's racist, duh. With some people, nothing a white man does isn't racist. A racist black man doesn't exist, but white men are ALL racist. There needs to be a medium, basically. Because acting like all/most white men are racists is essentially racism.


Look up "self fulfilling prophecy", you ironic nincompoop.

Edited by Black Knight
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Oh. Still seems like a a little harsh for not initially responding to what he was talking about, but I won't pretend it's my beef etc

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Let me explain the "racist" calls. It's actually quite simple.

1.) The stimulus bill, regardless of its authors, is seen as a work of Obama's. That's generally the case with a president and his politically aligned politicians. It's particularly relevant when you consider that political comments deal only in broad strokes.

2.) The depiction of blacks as monkeys is a common, historical insult. Old works of biology often depicted Africans in ways that gave them exaggerated, ape-like features. Various individuals posited that Africans were in fact a missing link of a sort.

3.) The author of this comic has demonstrated bigotry in his scribblings before - he is openly homophobic, for one. It's not a stretch for many to assume that a bigot on one count is bound to be a bigot on another.

That said, yes I'm aware of the chimp attack story that this comic was apparently based off of, but considering what I've already illustrated, I won't begrudge anyone who cries out "racist."

Pleasingly, I've seen that Black Knight has already posted most of this at greater length than I, but it needs to be echoed regardless.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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Was I the only black man in this P.C. nation who didn't see that drawing as racist? Stupid black people always wanna play the victim/race card. Shit, if I was that cartoonist, I wouldn't fuckin' say "Sorry" to a bunch of butt-hurts who still in the past.

Go back and reread the topic. Please. They're not just being randomly butthurt. It might not be racist in the end, but the fact is that it is made in such a way that it can't help but come across as vaguely racist. One must say at the very least that it was incredibly poorly done.

Also, I don't know if you really understand this whole "racism" thing.

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