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Sorry Loki

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Well...? Well what? Are you going to come in and, with your oh-so wonderful brain, give us any proof that Lyle actually is a pedophile? Or are you just going to be like the other idiots and accuse him of it with no proof, and no way of knowing the girl you believe he has fallen for is a minor? I'm going with the latter here.
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Only a retard would say "My computer was hack! I never meant it!" Old ass trick.
I did then when I was like twelve. But...yeah. Well, once my computer actually WAS hacked, but that was my friend trying to piss me off, not like a real hacking or anything.
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I did then when I was like twelve. But...yeah. Well, once my computer actually WAS hacked, but that was my friend trying to piss me off, not like a real hacking or anything.

My computer was hacked at one time too. Someone kept uploading porn files on my computer with a chimp icon on them..

Thank god I deleted everything on my computer. This lesson taught me to never go to any kind of torrent site.

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My computer was hacked at one time too. Someone kept uploading porn files on my computer with a chimp icon on them..

Thank god I deleted everything on my computer. This lesson taught me to never go to any kind of torrent site.

Or get less shitty virus protection.

Or go to less shitty torrent sites.

Or use google and go to the sites with green checkmarks.

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Why would you [censor] yourself? The rest of the post is whatever, but why would you express that feeling without, uh, expressing it?

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Well...? Well what? Are you going to come in and, with your oh-so wonderful brain, give us any proof that Lyle actually is a pedophile?

Didn't I make enough of a laughingstock of you already? You know, the last time you tried to act like Mr. Tough Guy on the internet?

I'm surprised you took such a post seriously.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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Didn't I make enough of a laughingstock of you already? You know, the last time you tried to act like Mr. Tough Guy on the internet?

I'm surprised you took such a post seriously.

Um, I don't recall interacting with you before, except when you posted a dozen or so pictures because I said I was a husband and father, and happened to make a topic called 'bewbs.' On a dare, mind you. Yeah, so taking such a dare was stupid, oh well.

Of course I took your post seriously. It's hard not to take you seriously. After all, with you having detioriated into a shell of your former self, a troll, it's pretty easy to think a comment like that is serious.

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