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    Gaiden map design murdered my father!

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  1. But the five base move and the extra three they lose traversing forests is agonising. It stands out all the worse in a game that gives you three pegasus knights and a paladin all back to back. Once the two dracoknight chapters have been dealt with I find it hard to justify Gordin over most other units I'll have at that point. "Good for an archer" isn't good enough in when the rest of the competition is as fierce as it is in Book II. To his credit, I'd say Gordin is better in the remake, where Steel Bow chip is more valuable on the higher difficulties and its harder hitting enemies.
  2. Spoilers for GD and Marianne's paralogue. I might have miss interpreted something though.
  3. Well given the reaction to the gay options, homosexuals are only good if they can be fetishized. I'm actually intrigued by the prospect of a homosexual character who's not a creepy pervert or a fop.
  4. Forgiveness if this isn't necessary, but if you're still looking for art software you might be interested in this. Clip Studio Paint is 50% off unit the 19th. You can get Clip Studio Paint Pro for just $25.
  5. Look on the bright side. At least they made some progress tonight.
  6. It's because Archers are probably the worst class in GBA Emblem, if not the entire series. This is made even worse in FE7 because effective weapons only have double might as opposed to the triple they usually get, so Rebecca's not even that good at killing flyers. She cannot compete with anyone who use Javelins, Hand Axes, or magic. Add onto this the general backlash against Waifuism. Because she's a cute girl she gets popularly points from some for the whole "waifu" factor. Others push against that resulting in the apparent hate for the character. It's not dissimilar to how parts of the fandom turned again Lyn, execpt Rebecca is even worse of a unit than her.
  7. After a while of feeling uninspired, I finally made time for a new project. One of my favourite character designs; it's Golden Sun's Mia.
  8. Thank you very much. Something new for this month. It's Sabrina, but based on her Gen 1 sprite.
  9. The colours in the Lachesis piece really suit your style. I especially like the details on the sleeves.
  10. My first completed piece in a while.
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